from ij import IJ, WindowManager as wm from ij.gui import WaitForUserDialog import os #@ ImagePlus raw #@ RoiManager rm #@ ResultsTable rt #@ File (label="Select directory for output", style="directory") output_dir #@ Integer (label="Measure in this channel", style="slider", min=1, max=5, value=1) measurement_channel def fix_ij_dirs(path): """use forward slashes in directory paths Parameters ---------- path : string a directory path obtained from dialogue or script parameter Returns ------- string a more robust path with forward slashes as """ fixed_path = str(path).replace("\\", "/") fixed_path = fixed_path + "/" return fixed_path def fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(imp): image_title = os.path.basename( imp.getTitle() ) image_title = image_title.replace(".czi", "") image_title = image_title.replace(" ", "_") image_title = image_title.replace("_-_", "") image_title = image_title.replace("__", "_") image_title = image_title.replace("#", "Series") return image_title def renumber_rois(rm): """rename all ROIs in the RoiManager according to their number Parameters ---------- rm : RoiManager a reference of the IJ-RoiManager """ number_of_rois = rm.getCount() for roi in range( number_of_rois ): rm.rename( roi, str(roi + 1) ) def measure_in_all_rois( imp, channel, rm ): """measures in all ROIS on a given channel of imp all parameters that are set in IJ "Set Measurements" Parameters ---------- imp : ImagePlus the imp to measure on channel : integer the channel to measure in. starts at 1. rm : RoiManager a reference of the IJ-RoiManager """ imp.setC(channel) rm.runCommand(imp,"Deselect") rm.runCommand(imp,"Measure") def extract_color_of_all_rois(rm): """get the RGB color of ROIs in the RoiManager and match it to the colors name string Parameters ---------- rm : RoiManager the IJ-RoiManager Returns ------- array an array containing the corresponding color name string for each roi in the ROiManager """ rgb_color_lookup = { -65536: "red", -65281: "magenta", -16711936: "green", -256: "yellow", -1: "white", -16776961: "blue", -16777216: "black", -14336: "orange", -16711681: "cyan" } all_rois = rm.getRoisAsArray() roi_colors = [] for roi in all_rois: if roi.getStrokeColor() == None: roi_colors.append(rgb_color_lookup[roi.getColor().getRGB()]) else: roi_colors.append(rgb_color_lookup[roi.getStrokeColor().getRGB()]) return roi_colors def save_all_rois(rm, target): """save all ROIs in the RoiManager as zip to target path Parameters ---------- rm : RoiManager a reference of the IJ-RoiManager target : string the path in to store the ROIs. e.g. /my-images/ """ rm.runCommand("Save", target) def add_results_to_resultstable( rt, column, values ): """add values to the ResultsTable starting from row 0 of a given column Parameters ---------- rt : ResultsTable a reference of the IJ-ResultsTable column : string the column in which to add the values values : array tarray with values to be added """ for i in range( len( values ) ): rt.setValue(column, i, values[i])"Results") def enhance_contrast( imp ): """use "Auto" Contrast & Brightness settings in each channel of imp Parameters ---------- imp : ImagePlus the imp on which to change C&B """ for channel in range( imp.getDimensions()[2] ): imp.setC(channel + 1) # IJ channels start at 1, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35") def show_all_rois_on_image(rm, imp): """shows all ROIs in the ROiManager on imp Parameters ---------- rm : RoiManager a reference of the IJ-RoiManager imp : ImagePlus the imp on which to show the ROIs """ rm.runCommand(imp,"Show All") output_dir = fix_ij_dirs(output_dir) rt.reset() raw_image_title = fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(raw) renumber_rois(rm) save_all_rois( rm, output_dir + "" ) roi_colors = extract_color_of_all_rois(rm) WaitForUserDialog("Choose measurements", "Set measurements in Analyze > Set Measurements, then click OK").show() measure_in_all_rois(raw, measurement_channel, rm) add_results_to_resultstable(rt, "ROI color", roi_colors ) + "manual_rerun_results.csv") # dress up the original image, save a overlay-png, present original to the user show_all_rois_on_image( rm, raw ) raw.setDisplayMode(IJ.COMPOSITE) enhance_contrast( raw )"From ROI Manager", "") # ROIs -> overlays so they show up in the saved png qc_duplicate = raw.duplicate() IJ.saveAs(qc_duplicate, "PNG", output_dir + raw_image_title + "_manual_rerun") qc_duplicate.close() wm.toFront( raw.getWindow() )"Remove Overlay", "") raw.setDisplayMode(IJ.GRAYSCALE) show_all_rois_on_image( rm, raw )