diff --git a/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/README.md b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1f7dec837ae5f3046451ee630ffd40b147cad075
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# Modelling of phytoplasma effectors
+[Link to project in ModelArchive](https://modelarchive.org/doi/10.5452/ma-saps) (incl. background on project itself)
+- Using AlphaFold v2.2 for monomer predictions with fairly default settings
+- Conversion based only on PDB files without extra data
+- CSV file with links to accession codes in UniProt
+Special features here:
+- Generic code added to find best sequence match in UniProt history and report mismatches
+- Sequences with remaining mismatches (here due to experimental assays) labelled in entity name
+- One obsolete entry (SAP11_MBS linked to A0A1B3JKP4 in UniProt or UPI00083DE1DE in UniParc)
+- pLDDT extracted from b-factors (simplest setup since no other QA scores anyway)
+- translate2modelcif.py : script to do conversion
+- input_data: PDB files and CSV used for conversion
diff --git a/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/accessions.csv b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/accessions.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a9e351b9eab0a83341219089f8a63a1f07550142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/accessions.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/structures.zip b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/structures.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91cc3f3f7bf7119669f78792ac9332ec2b467b66
Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/input_data/structures.zip differ
diff --git a/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/translate2modelcif.py b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/translate2modelcif.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e26ae244f202dc4d3ed8bfd173e4b19163fe916f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/projects/phytoplasma-effectors/translate2modelcif.py
@@ -0,0 +1,977 @@
+#! /usr/local/bin/ost
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Translate models for Miguel from PDB + extra data into ModelCIF."""
+# EXAMPLES for running:
+ost translate2modelcif.py ./structures ./accessions.csv ./modelcif \
+    --compress > script_out.txt
+import argparse
+import datetime
+import gzip
+import os
+import shutil
+import sys
+import zipfile
+import pickle
+import filecmp
+import re
+from timeit import default_timer as timer
+import numpy as np
+import requests
+import ujson as json
+import gemmi
+import pandas as pd
+import ihm
+import ihm.citations
+import modelcif
+import modelcif.associated
+import modelcif.dumper
+import modelcif.model
+import modelcif.protocol
+import modelcif.reference
+from ost import io, seq
+def _parse_args():
+    """Parse command line arguments."""
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+        formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
+        description=__doc__,
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "model_dir",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<MODEL DIR>",
+        help="Directory with PDB files to be translated.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "metadata_file",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<METADATA FILE>",
+        help="Path to CSV file with metadata.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "out_dir",
+        type=str,
+        metavar="<OUTPUT DIR>",
+        help="Path to directory to store results.",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "--compress",
+        default=False,
+        action="store_true",
+        help="Compress ModelCIF file with gzip.",
+    )
+    opts = parser.parse_args()
+    # check that model dir exists
+    if opts.model_dir.endswith("/"):
+        opts.model_dir = opts.model_dir[:-1]
+    if not os.path.exists(opts.model_dir):
+        _abort_msg(f"Model directory '{opts.model_dir}' does not exist.")
+    if not os.path.isdir(opts.model_dir):
+        _abort_msg(f"Path '{opts.model_dir}' does not point to a directory.")
+    # check metadata_file
+    if not os.path.exists(opts.metadata_file):
+        _abort_msg(f"Metadata file '{opts.metadata_file}' does not exist.")
+    if not os.path.isfile(opts.metadata_file):
+        _abort_msg(f"Path '{opts.metadata_file}' does not point to a file.")
+    # check out_dir
+    if opts.out_dir.endswith("/"):
+        opts.out_dir = opts.out_dir[:-1]
+    if not os.path.exists(opts.out_dir):
+        os.makedirs(opts.out_dir)
+    if not os.path.isdir(opts.out_dir):
+        _abort_msg(f"Path '{opts.out_dir}' does not point to a directory.")
+    return opts
+# pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+class _GlobalPLDDT(modelcif.qa_metric.Global, modelcif.qa_metric.PLDDT):
+    """Predicted accuracy according to the CA-only lDDT in [0,100]"""
+    name = "pLDDT"
+    software = None
+class _LocalPLDDT(modelcif.qa_metric.Local, modelcif.qa_metric.PLDDT):
+    """Predicted accuracy according to the CA-only lDDT in [0,100]"""
+    name = "pLDDT"
+    software = None
+# pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
+def _get_res_num(r, use_auth=False):
+    """Get res. num. from auth. IDs if reading from mmCIF files."""
+    if use_auth:
+        return int(r.GetStringProp("pdb_auth_resnum"))
+    else:
+        return r.number.num
+def _get_ch_name(ch, use_auth=False):
+    """Get chain name from auth. IDs if reading from mmCIF files."""
+    if use_auth:
+        return ch.GetStringProp("pdb_auth_chain_name")
+    else:
+        return ch.name
+class _OST2ModelCIF(modelcif.model.AbInitioModel):
+    """Map OST entity elements to ihm.model"""
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+        """Initialise a model"""
+        self.ost_entity = kwargs.pop("ost_entity")
+        self.asym = kwargs.pop("asym")
+        # use auth IDs for res. nums and chain names
+        self.use_auth = False
+        # fetch plddts per residue
+        self.plddts = []
+        for res in self.ost_entity.residues:
+            b_factors = [a.b_factor for a in res.atoms]
+            assert len(set(b_factors)) == 1 # must all be equal!
+            self.plddts.append(b_factors[0])
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+    def get_atoms(self):
+        # ToDo [internal]: Take B-factor out since its not a B-factor?
+        # NOTE: this assumes that _get_res_num maps residue to pos. in seqres
+        #       within asym
+        for atm in self.ost_entity.atoms:
+            yield modelcif.model.Atom(
+                asym_unit=self.asym[_get_ch_name(atm.chain, self.use_auth)],
+                seq_id=_get_res_num(atm.residue, self.use_auth),
+                atom_id=atm.name,
+                type_symbol=atm.element,
+                x=atm.pos[0],
+                y=atm.pos[1],
+                z=atm.pos[2],
+                het=atm.is_hetatom,
+                biso=atm.b_factor,
+                occupancy=atm.occupancy,
+            )
+    def add_scores(self):
+        """Add QA metrics from AF2 scores."""
+        # global scores
+        self.qa_metrics.append(
+            _GlobalPLDDT(np.mean(self.plddts))
+        )
+        # local scores
+        i = 0
+        for chn_i in self.ost_entity.chains:
+            ch_name = _get_ch_name(chn_i, self.use_auth)
+            for res_i in chn_i.residues:
+                # local pLDDT
+                res_num = _get_res_num(res_i, self.use_auth)
+                self.qa_metrics.append(
+                    _LocalPLDDT(
+                        self.asym[ch_name].residue(res_num),
+                        self.plddts[i],
+                    )
+                )
+                i += 1
+def _abort_msg(msg, exit_code=1):
+    """Write error message and exit with exit_code."""
+    print(f"{msg}\nAborting.", file=sys.stderr)
+    sys.exit(exit_code)
+def _warn_msg(msg):
+    """Write a warning message to stdout."""
+    print(f"WARNING: {msg}")
+def _check_file(file_path):
+    """Make sure a file exists and is actually a file."""
+    if not os.path.exists(file_path):
+        _abort_msg(f"File not found: '{file_path}'.")
+    if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
+        _abort_msg(f"File path does not point to file: '{file_path}'.")
+def _get_audit_authors():
+    """Return the list of authors that produced this model."""
+    return (
+        "Correa Marrero, Miguel",
+        "Capdevielle, Sylvain",
+        "Huang, Weijie",
+        "Al-Subhi, Ali M.",
+        "Busscher, Marco",
+        "Busscher-Lange, Jacqueline",
+        "van der Wal, Froukje",
+        "de Ridder, Dick",
+        "van Dijk, Aalt D.J.",
+        "Hogenhout, Saskia A.",
+        "Immink, Richard",
+    )
+def _get_metadata(metadata_file):
+    """Read csv file with metedata and prepare for next steps."""
+    metadata = pd.read_csv(metadata_file)
+    # make sure names (== PDB file names) are unique
+    assert len(set(metadata.Name)) == metadata.shape[0]
+    # columns: [Accession, Name]
+    return metadata
+def _get_config():
+    """Define AF setup."""
+    description = "Model generated using AlphaFold (v2.2.0) producing 5 " \
+                  "monomer models with 3 recycles each, without model " \
+                  "relaxation, using templates (up to Aug. 4 2022), ranked " \
+                  "by pLDDT, starting from an MSA with reduced_dbs setting."
+    af_config = {
+        "model_preset": "monomer",
+        "db_preset": "reduced_dbs",
+        "max_template_date": "2022-08-04",
+        "run_relax": False,
+    }
+    return {
+        "af_config": af_config,
+        "af_version": "2.2.0",
+        "description": description,
+        "use_templates": True,
+        "use_small_bfd": True,
+        "use_multimer": False,
+    }
+def _get_protocol_steps_and_software(config_data):
+    """Create the list of protocol steps with software and parameters used."""
+    protocol = []
+    # modelling step
+    step = {
+        "method_type": "modeling",
+        "name": None,
+        "details": config_data["description"],
+    }
+    # get input data
+    # Must refer to data already in the JSON, so we try keywords
+    step["input"] = "target_sequences"
+    # get output data
+    # Must refer to existing data, so we try keywords
+    step["output"] = "model"
+    # get software
+    if config_data["use_multimer"]:
+        step["software"] = [{
+            "name": "AlphaFold-Multimer",
+            "classification": "model building",
+            "description": "Structure prediction",
+            "citation": ihm.Citation(
+                pmid=None,
+                title="Protein complex prediction with "
+                + "AlphaFold-Multimer.",
+                journal="bioRxiv",
+                volume=None,
+                page_range=None,
+                year=2021,
+                authors=[
+                    "Evans, R.",
+                    "O'Neill, M.",
+                    "Pritzel, A.",
+                    "Antropova, N.",
+                    "Senior, A.",
+                    "Green, T.",
+                    "Zidek, A.",
+                    "Bates, R.",
+                    "Blackwell, S.",
+                    "Yim, J.",
+                    "Ronneberger, O.",
+                    "Bodenstein, S.",
+                    "Zielinski, M.",
+                    "Bridgland, A.",
+                    "Potapenko, A.",
+                    "Cowie, A.",
+                    "Tunyasuvunakool, K.",
+                    "Jain, R.",
+                    "Clancy, E.",
+                    "Kohli, P.",
+                    "Jumper, J.",
+                    "Hassabis, D.",
+                ],
+                doi="10.1101/2021.10.04.463034",
+            ),
+            "location": "https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold",
+            "type": "package",
+            "version": config_data["af_version"],
+        }]
+    else:
+        step["software"] = [{
+            "name": "AlphaFold",
+            "classification": "model building",
+            "description": "Structure prediction",
+            "citation": ihm.citations.alphafold2,
+            "location": "https://github.com/deepmind/alphafold",
+            "type": "package",
+            "version": config_data["af_version"],
+        }]
+    step["software_parameters"] = config_data["af_config"]
+    protocol.append(step)
+    return protocol
+def _get_title(prot_name):
+    """Get a title for this modelling experiment."""
+    return f"AlphaFold2 model of Candidatus Phytoplasma ({prot_name})"
+def _get_model_details(prot_name):
+    """Get the model description."""
+    return f"The AlphaFold2 model of Candidatus Phytoplasma ({prot_name}) is " \
+           f"part of a larger structural dataset. The complete dataset " \
+           f"comprises AlphaFold2 models of 21 different phytoplasma " \
+           f"effectors studied in a protein-protein interaction assay."
+def _get_model_group_name():
+    """Get a name for a model group."""
+    return None
+def _get_sequence(chn, use_auth=False):
+    """Get the sequence out of an OST chain incl. '-' for gaps in resnums."""
+    # initialise (add gaps if first is not at num. 1)
+    lst_rn = _get_res_num(chn.residues[0], use_auth)
+    idx = 1
+    sqe = "-" * (lst_rn - 1) \
+        + chn.residues[0].one_letter_code
+    for res in chn.residues[idx:]:
+        lst_rn += 1
+        while lst_rn != _get_res_num(res, use_auth):
+            sqe += "-"
+            lst_rn += 1
+        sqe += res.one_letter_code
+    return sqe
+def _check_sequence(up_ac, sequence):
+    """Verify sequence to only contain standard olc."""
+    ns_aa_pos = []  # positions of non-standard amino acids
+    for i, res in enumerate(sequence):
+        if res not in "ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY":
+            if res == "U":
+                _warn_msg(
+                    f"Selenocysteine found at position {i+1} of entry "
+                    + f"'{up_ac}', this residue may be missing in the "
+                    + "model."
+                )
+                ns_aa_pos.append(i)
+                continue
+            raise RuntimeError(
+                "Non-standard aa found in UniProtKB sequence "
+                + f"for entry '{up_ac}': {res}, position {i+1}"
+            )
+    return ns_aa_pos
+def _get_n_parse_up_entry(up_ac, up_url):
+    """Get data for an UniProtKB entry and parse it."""
+    # This is a simple parser for UniProtKB txt format, instead of breaking it
+    # up into multiple functions, we just allow many many branches & statements,
+    # here.
+    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements
+    data = {}
+    data["up_organism"] = ""
+    data["up_sequence"] = ""
+    data["up_ac"] = up_ac
+    rspns = requests.get(up_url, timeout=180)
+    for line in rspns.iter_lines(decode_unicode=True):
+        if line.startswith("ID   "):
+            sline = line.split()
+            if len(sline) != 5:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"Unusual UniProtKB ID line found:\n" \
+                                   f"'{line}'")
+            data["up_id"] = sline[1]
+        elif line.startswith("OX   NCBI_TaxID="):
+            # Following strictly the UniProtKB format: 'OX   NCBI_TaxID=<ID>;'
+            data["up_ncbi_taxid"] = line[len("OX   NCBI_TaxID=") : -1]
+            data["up_ncbi_taxid"] = data["up_ncbi_taxid"].split("{")[0].strip()
+        elif line.startswith("OS   "):
+            if line[-1] == ".":
+                data["up_organism"] += line[len("OS   ") : -1]
+            else:
+                data["up_organism"] += line[len("OS   ") : -1] + " "
+        elif line.startswith("SQ   "):
+            sline = line.split()
+            if len(sline) != 8:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"Unusual UniProtKB SQ line found:\n" \
+                                   f"'{line}'")
+            data["up_seqlen"] = int(sline[2])
+            data["up_crc64"] = sline[6]
+        elif line.startswith("     "):
+            sline = line.split()
+            if len(sline) > 6:
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    "Unusual UniProtKB sequence data line "
+                    + f"found:\n'{line}'"
+                )
+            data["up_sequence"] += "".join(sline)
+        elif line.startswith("RP   "):
+            if "ISOFORM" in line.upper():
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    f"First ISOFORM found for '{up_ac}', needs handling."
+                )
+        elif line.startswith("DT   "):
+            # 2012-10-03
+            dt_flds = line[len("DT   ") :].split(", ")
+            if dt_flds[1].upper().startswith("SEQUENCE VERSION "):
+                data["up_last_mod"] = datetime.datetime.strptime(
+                    dt_flds[0], "%d-%b-%Y"
+                )
+            elif dt_flds[1].upper().startswith("ENTRY VERSION "):
+                data["up_entry_version"] = dt_flds[1][len("ENTRY VERSION ") :]
+                if data["up_entry_version"][-1] == ".":
+                    data["up_entry_version"] = data["up_entry_version"][:-1]
+                data["up_entry_version"] = int(data["up_entry_version"])
+        elif line.startswith("GN   Name="):
+            data["up_gn"] = line[len("GN   Name=") :].split(";")[0]
+            data["up_gn"] = data["up_gn"].split("{")[0].strip()
+    # we have not seen isoforms in the data set, yet, so we just set them to '.'
+    data["up_isoform"] = None
+    # NOTE: no gene names in this set (use provided names instead)
+    # if "up_gn" not in data:
+    #     _warn_msg(
+    #         f"No gene name found for UniProtKB entry '{up_ac}', using "
+    #         + "UniProtKB AC instead."
+    #     )
+    #     data["up_gn"] = up_ac
+    if "up_last_mod" not in data:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No sequence version found for UniProtKB entry " \
+                           f"'{up_ac}'.")
+    if "up_crc64" not in data:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No CRC64 value found for UniProtKB entry " \
+                           f"'{up_ac}'.")
+    if len(data["up_sequence"]) == 0:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No sequence found for UniProtKB entry '{up_ac}'.")
+    # check that sequence length and CRC64 is correct
+    if data["up_seqlen"] != len(data["up_sequence"]):
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            "Sequence length of SQ line and sequence data differ for "
+            + f"UniProtKB entry '{up_ac}': {data['up_seqlen']} != "
+            + f"{len(data['up_sequence'])}"
+        )
+    data["up_ns_aa"] = _check_sequence(data["up_ac"], data["up_sequence"])
+    if "up_id" not in data:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No ID found for UniProtKB entry '{up_ac}'.")
+    if "up_ncbi_taxid" not in data:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No NCBI taxonomy ID found for UniProtKB entry " \
+                           f"'{up_ac}'.")
+    if len(data["up_organism"]) == 0:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"No organism species found for UniProtKB entry " \
+                           f"'{up_ac}'.")
+    return data
+def _fetch_upkb_entry(up_ac):
+    """Get an UniProtKB entry."""
+    return _get_n_parse_up_entry(
+        up_ac, f"https://rest.uniprot.org/uniprotkb/{up_ac}.txt"
+    )
+def _fetch_unisave_entry(up_ac, version):
+    """Get an UniSave entry, in contrast to an UniProtKB entry, that allows us
+    to specify a version."""
+    return _get_n_parse_up_entry(
+        up_ac,
+        f"https://rest.uniprot.org/unisave/{up_ac}?format=txt&"
+        + f"versions={version}",
+    )
+def _cmp_sequences(mdl, upkb, ns_aa_pos, deletion_mismatches=True):
+    """Compare sequence while paying attention on non-standard amino acids.
+    Returns list of mismatches (up_pos, olc_up, olc_mdl) and covered UP range.
+    UniProt positions and ranges are 1-indexed.
+    Negative "up_pos" relates to (1-indexed) pos. in model for added residues.
+    If deletion_mismatches is True, res. in UP seq. but not in mdl within UP
+    range are counted as mismatches (N/C-terminal ones are never counted).
+    """
+    # We add a U to the sequence when necessary. AF2 does not model it. The PDB
+    # has selenocysteine as canonical aa, see PDB entry 7Z0T.
+    for pos in ns_aa_pos:
+        if mdl[pos] != "-":
+            _abort_msg(
+                f"Position {pos+1} of non-canonical amino acid should be "
+                "a gap!"
+            )
+        mdl = mdl[0:pos] + "U" + mdl[pos + 1 :]
+    if mdl == upkb:
+        mismatches = []
+        up_range = (1, len(mdl))
+    else:
+        # align and report mismatches
+        up_seq = seq.CreateSequence("UP", upkb)
+        ch_seq = seq.CreateSequence("CH", mdl)
+        aln = seq.alg.SemiGlobalAlign(up_seq, ch_seq, seq.alg.BLOSUM62)[0]
+        # get range and mismatches
+        aligned_indices = [i for i, c in enumerate(aln) \
+                           if c[0] != '-' and c[1] != '-']
+        up_range = (
+            aln.GetResidueIndex(0, aligned_indices[0]) + 1,
+            aln.GetResidueIndex(0, aligned_indices[-1]) + 1,
+        )
+        mismatches = []
+        for idx, (olc_up, olc_mdl) in enumerate(aln):
+            if olc_up != olc_mdl:
+                # mismatches are either extra res. in mdl/UP or mismatch
+                if olc_up == '-':
+                    up_pos = -(aln.GetResidueIndex(1, idx) + 1)
+                else:
+                    up_pos = aln.GetResidueIndex(0, idx) + 1
+                    # ignore if out of UP range
+                    if up_pos < up_range[0] or up_pos > up_range[1]:
+                        continue
+                    # optionally ignore extra res. in UP also otherwise
+                    if not deletion_mismatches and olc_mdl == '-':
+                        continue
+                mismatches.append((up_pos, olc_up, olc_mdl))
+    return mismatches, up_range
+def _get_upkb_for_sequence(sqe, up_ac, up_version=None):
+    """Get UniProtKB entry data for given sequence.
+    If up_version given, we start from historical data in unisave.
+    Returns best possible hit (i.e. fewest mismatches between sqe and UP seq.)
+    as dict. with parsed UP data (see _get_n_parse_up_entry) with range covered
+    and mismatches (see _cmp_sequences) added as "up_range" and "mismatches".
+    """
+    if up_version is None:
+        up_data = _fetch_upkb_entry(up_ac)
+    else:
+        up_data = _fetch_unisave_entry(up_ac, up_version)
+    min_up_data = None
+    while True:
+        mismatches, up_range = _cmp_sequences(sqe, up_data["up_sequence"],
+                                              up_data["up_ns_aa"])
+        if min_up_data is None or \
+           len(mismatches) < len(min_up_data["mismatches"]):
+            min_up_data = up_data
+            min_up_data["mismatches"] = mismatches
+            min_up_data["up_range"] = up_range
+        if len(mismatches) == 0:
+            # found hit; done
+            break
+        # fetch next one (skip if exceptions happen)
+        next_v = up_data["up_entry_version"] - 1
+        while next_v > 0:
+            try:
+                # note: can fail to parse very old UP versions...
+                up_data = _fetch_unisave_entry(up_ac, next_v)
+                # can move on if no exception happened
+                break
+            except RuntimeError as ex:
+                #_warn_msg(f"Error in parsing v{next_v} of {up_ac}:\n{ex}")
+                # try next one
+                next_v -= 1
+        if next_v == 0:
+            # warn user about failure to find match and abort
+            min_mismatches = min_up_data["mismatches"]
+            msg = f"Sequences not equal from file: {sqe}, from UniProtKB: " \
+                  f"{min_up_data['up_sequence']} ({up_ac}), checked entire " \
+                  f"entry history and best match had following mismatches " \
+                  f"in v{min_up_data['up_entry_version']} (range " \
+                  f"{min_up_data['up_range']}): {min_up_data['mismatches']}."
+            _warn_msg(msg)
+            # raise RuntimeError(msg)
+            break
+    return min_up_data
+def _get_entities(pdb_file, up_ac, prot_name):
+    """Gather data for the mmCIF (target) entities."""
+    _check_file(pdb_file)
+    ost_ent = io.LoadPDB(pdb_file)
+    if ost_ent.chain_count != 1:
+        raise RuntimeError(
+            f"Unexpected oligomer in {pdb_file}"
+        )
+    chn = ost_ent.chains[0]
+    sqe_no_gaps = "".join([res.one_letter_code for res in chn.residues])
+    sqe_gaps = _get_sequence(chn)
+    if sqe_no_gaps != sqe_gaps:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Sequence in {pdb_file} has gaps for chain " \
+                           f"{chn.name}")
+    # map to entities
+    # special case: A0A1B3JKP4 is obsolete (there may be better ways to catch that)
+    if up_ac == "A0A1B3JKP4":
+        up_version = 10
+    else:
+        up_version = None
+    upkb = _get_upkb_for_sequence(sqe_no_gaps, up_ac, up_version)
+    description = f"Candidatus Phytoplasma ({prot_name})"
+    if len(upkb["mismatches"]) != 0:
+        description += " (sequence mismatches due to sequencing from experimental assay)"
+    cif_ent = {
+        "seqres": sqe_no_gaps,
+        "pdb_sequence": sqe_no_gaps,
+        "pdb_chain_id": [_get_ch_name(chn, False)],
+        "prot_name": prot_name,
+        "description": description
+    }
+    cif_ent.update(upkb)
+    return [cif_ent], ost_ent
+def _get_modelcif_entities(target_ents, asym_units, system):
+    """Create ModelCIF entities and asymmetric units."""
+    for cif_ent in target_ents:
+        mdlcif_ent = modelcif.Entity(
+            # NOTE: sequence here defines residues in model!
+            cif_ent["seqres"],
+            description=cif_ent["description"],
+            source=ihm.source.Natural(
+                ncbi_taxonomy_id=cif_ent["up_ncbi_taxid"],
+                scientific_name=cif_ent["up_organism"],
+            ),
+            references=[
+                modelcif.reference.UniProt(
+                    cif_ent["up_id"],
+                    cif_ent["up_ac"],
+                    align_begin=cif_ent["up_range"][0],
+                    align_end=cif_ent["up_range"][1],
+                    isoform=cif_ent["up_isoform"],
+                    ncbi_taxonomy_id=cif_ent["up_ncbi_taxid"],
+                    organism_scientific=cif_ent["up_organism"],
+                    sequence_version_date=cif_ent["up_last_mod"],
+                    sequence_crc64=cif_ent["up_crc64"],
+                )
+            ],
+        )
+        # NOTE: this assigns (potentially new) alphabetic chain names
+        for pdb_chain_id in cif_ent["pdb_chain_id"]:
+            asym_units[pdb_chain_id] = modelcif.AsymUnit(
+                mdlcif_ent, strand_id=pdb_chain_id,
+            )
+        system.target_entities.append(mdlcif_ent)
+def _assemble_modelcif_software(soft_dict):
+    """Create a modelcif.Software instance from dictionary."""
+    return modelcif.Software(
+        soft_dict["name"],
+        soft_dict["classification"],
+        soft_dict["description"],
+        soft_dict["location"],
+        soft_dict["type"],
+        soft_dict["version"],
+        citation=soft_dict["citation"],
+    )
+def _get_sequence_dbs(config_data):
+    """Get AF seq. DBs."""
+    # hard coded UniProt release (see https://www.uniprot.org/release-notes)
+    up_version = "2021_04"
+    up_rel_date = datetime.datetime(2021, 11, 17)
+    # fill list of DBs
+    seq_dbs = []
+    if config_data["use_small_bfd"]:
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "Reduced BFD",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "reduced_dbs/bfd-first_non_consensus_sequences.fasta.gz"
+        ))
+    else:
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "BFD",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "casp14_versions/"
+            + "bfd_metaclust_clu_complete_id30_c90_final_seq.sorted_opt.tar.gz",
+            version="6a634dc6eb105c2e9b4cba7bbae93412",
+        ))
+    if config_data["af_version"] < "2.3.0":
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "MGnify",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "casp14_versions/mgy_clusters_2018_12.fa.gz",
+            version="2018_12",
+            release_date=datetime.datetime(2018, 12, 6),
+        ))
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "Uniclust30",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "casp14_versions/uniclust30_2018_08_hhsuite.tar.gz",
+            version="2018_08",
+            release_date=None,
+        ))
+    else:
+        # NOTE: release date according to https://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/metagenomics/peptide_database/2022_05/
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "MGnify",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "v2.3/mgy_clusters_2022_05.fa.gz",
+            version="2022_05",
+            release_date=datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 6),
+        ))
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "UniRef30",
+            "https://storage.googleapis.com/alphafold-databases/"
+            + "v2.3/UniRef30_2021_03.tar.gz",
+            version="2021_03",
+            release_date=None,
+        ))
+    if config_data["use_multimer"]:
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "TrEMBL",
+            "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/"
+            + "knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_trembl.fasta.gz",
+            version=up_version,
+            release_date=up_rel_date,
+        ))
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "Swiss-Prot",
+            "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/uniprot/current_release/"
+            + "knowledgebase/complete/uniprot_sprot.fasta.gz",
+            version=up_version,
+            release_date=up_rel_date,
+        ))
+    seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+        "UniRef90",
+        "ftp://ftp.uniprot.org/pub/databases/uniprot/uniref/uniref90/"
+        + "uniref90.fasta.gz",
+        version=up_version,
+        release_date=up_rel_date,
+    ))
+    if config_data["use_templates"]:
+        seq_dbs.append(modelcif.ReferenceDatabase(
+            "PDB70",
+            "http://wwwuser.gwdg.de/~compbiol/data/hhsuite/databases/"
+            + "hhsuite_dbs/old-releases/pdb70_from_mmcif_200401.tar.gz",
+            release_date=datetime.datetime(2020, 4, 1)
+        ))
+    return seq_dbs
+def _get_modelcif_protocol_software(js_step):
+    """Assemble software entries for a ModelCIF protocol step."""
+    if js_step["software"]:
+        if len(js_step["software"]) == 1:
+            sftwre = _assemble_modelcif_software(js_step["software"][0])
+        else:
+            sftwre = []
+            for sft in js_step["software"]:
+                sftwre.append(_assemble_modelcif_software(sft))
+            sftwre = modelcif.SoftwareGroup(elements=sftwre)
+        if js_step["software_parameters"]:
+            params = []
+            for key, val in js_step["software_parameters"].items():
+                params.append(modelcif.SoftwareParameter(key, val))
+            if isinstance(sftwre, modelcif.SoftwareGroup):
+                sftwre.parameters = params
+            else:
+                sftwre = modelcif.SoftwareGroup(
+                    elements=(sftwre,), parameters=params
+                )
+        return sftwre
+    return None
+def _get_modelcif_protocol_input(js_step, target_entities, ref_dbs, model):
+    """Assemble input data for a ModelCIF protocol step."""
+    if js_step["input"] == "target_sequences":
+        input_data = modelcif.data.DataGroup(target_entities)
+        input_data.extend(ref_dbs)
+    elif js_step["input"] == "model":
+        input_data = model
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown protocol input: '{js_step['input']}'")
+    return input_data
+def _get_modelcif_protocol_output(js_step, model):
+    """Assemble output data for a ModelCIF protocol step."""
+    if js_step["output"] == "model":
+        output_data = model
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown protocol output: '{js_step['output']}'")
+    return output_data
+def _get_modelcif_protocol(protocol_steps, target_entities, model, ref_dbs):
+    """Create the protocol for the ModelCIF file."""
+    protocol = modelcif.protocol.Protocol()
+    for js_step in protocol_steps:
+        sftwre = _get_modelcif_protocol_software(js_step)
+        input_data = _get_modelcif_protocol_input(
+            js_step, target_entities, ref_dbs, model
+        )
+        output_data = _get_modelcif_protocol_output(js_step, model)
+        protocol.steps.append(
+            modelcif.protocol.Step(
+                input_data=input_data,
+                output_data=output_data,
+                name=js_step["name"],
+                details=js_step["details"],
+                software=sftwre,
+            )
+        )
+        protocol.steps[-1].method_type = js_step["method_type"]
+    return protocol
+def _compress_cif_file(cif_file):
+    """Compress cif file and delete original."""
+    with open(cif_file, 'rb') as f_in:
+        with gzip.open(cif_file + '.gz', 'wb') as f_out:
+            shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out)
+    os.remove(cif_file)
+def _store_as_modelcif(data_json, ost_ent, out_dir, mdl_name, compress):
+    """Mix all the data into a ModelCIF file."""
+    print("    generating ModelCIF objects...", end="")
+    pstart = timer()
+    # create system to gather all the data
+    system = modelcif.System(
+        title=data_json["title"],
+        id=data_json["mdl_id"].upper(),
+        model_details=data_json["model_details"],
+    )
+    # create an asymmetric unit and an entity per target sequence
+    asym_units = {}
+    _get_modelcif_entities(
+        data_json["target_entities"], asym_units, system
+    )
+    # audit_authors
+    system.authors.extend(data_json["audit_authors"])
+    # set up the model to produce coordinates
+    model = _OST2ModelCIF(
+        assembly=modelcif.Assembly(asym_units.values()),
+        asym=asym_units,
+        ost_entity=ost_ent,
+        name="Top ranked model",
+    )
+    print(f" ({timer()-pstart:.2f}s)")
+    print("    processing QA scores...", end="", flush=True)
+    pstart = timer()
+    model.add_scores()
+    print(f" ({timer()-pstart:.2f}s)")
+    model_group = modelcif.model.ModelGroup(
+        [model], name=data_json["model_group_name"]
+    )
+    system.model_groups.append(model_group)
+    ref_dbs = _get_sequence_dbs(data_json["config_data"])
+    protocol = _get_modelcif_protocol(
+        data_json["protocol"], system.target_entities, model, ref_dbs
+    )
+    system.protocols.append(protocol)
+    # write modelcif System to file (NOTE: no PAE here!)
+    print("    write to disk...", end="", flush=True)
+    pstart = timer()
+    out_path = os.path.join(out_dir, f"{mdl_name}.cif")
+    with open(out_path, "w", encoding="ascii") as mmcif_fh:
+        modelcif.dumper.write(mmcif_fh, [system])
+    if compress:
+        _compress_cif_file(out_path)
+    print(f" ({timer()-pstart:.2f}s)")
+def _translate2modelcif(up_ac, prot_name, opts):
+    """Convert a model with its accompanying data to ModelCIF."""
+    mdl_id = prot_name
+    # skip if done already (disabled here due to info to be returned)
+    if opts.compress:
+        cifext = "cif.gz"
+    else:
+        cifext = "cif"
+    mdl_path = os.path.join(opts.out_dir, f"{mdl_id}.{cifext}")
+    # if os.path.exists(mdl_path):
+    #     print(f"  {mdl_id} already done...")
+    #     return
+    # go for it...
+    print(f"  translating {mdl_id}...")
+    pdb_start = timer()
+    # gather data into JSON-like structure
+    print("    preparing data...", end="")
+    pstart = timer()
+    # now we can fill all data
+    config_data = _get_config()
+    mdlcf_json = {}
+    mdlcf_json["audit_authors"] = _get_audit_authors()
+    mdlcf_json["protocol"] = _get_protocol_steps_and_software(config_data)
+    mdlcf_json["config_data"] = config_data
+    mdlcf_json["mdl_id"] = mdl_id
+    # process coordinates
+    pdb_file = os.path.join(opts.model_dir, f"{prot_name}.pdb")
+    target_entities, ost_ent = _get_entities(pdb_file, up_ac, prot_name)
+    mdlcf_json["target_entities"] = target_entities
+    # fill annotations
+    mdlcf_json["title"] = _get_title(prot_name)
+    mdlcf_json["model_details"] = _get_model_details(prot_name)
+    mdlcf_json["model_group_name"] = _get_model_group_name()
+    print(f" ({timer()-pstart:.2f}s)")
+    # save ModelCIF
+    _store_as_modelcif(mdlcf_json, ost_ent, opts.out_dir, mdl_id, opts.compress)
+    # check if result can be read and has expected seq.
+    ent = io.LoadMMCIF(mdl_path)
+    exp_seqs = [trg_ent["pdb_sequence"] \
+                for trg_ent in mdlcf_json["target_entities"]]
+    assert ent.chain_count == len(exp_seqs), f"Bad chain count {mdl_id}"
+    ent_seq = "".join(res.one_letter_code for res in ent.residues)
+    assert ent_seq == "".join(exp_seqs), f"Bad seq. {mdl_id}"
+    print(f"  ... done with {mdl_id} ({timer()-pdb_start:.2f}s).")
+def _main():
+    """Run as script."""
+    opts = _parse_args()
+    # parse/fetch global data
+    metadata = _get_metadata(opts.metadata_file)
+    # get on with models
+    print(f"Working on {opts.metadata_file}...")
+    # iterate over models
+    for _, mrow in metadata.iterrows():
+        up_ac = mrow.Accession.strip()
+        prot_name = mrow.Name.strip()
+        _translate2modelcif(up_ac, prot_name, opts)
+    print(f"... done with {opts.metadata_file}.")
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    _main()