ARG VERSION_OST="2.3.0" FROM${VERSION_OST} ## We need to declare ARGs again which were declared before the build stage ## (FROM directive), otherwise they won't be available in this stage. ARG VERSION_OST ## Set up environment ENV SRC_DIR="/tmp" \ VERSION_OST=${VERSION_OST} \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 LABEL org.openstructure.base-image="${VERSION_OST}" LABEL maintainer="Stefan Bienert <>" LABEL vendor1="Schwede Group (" LABEL vendor2="SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (" LABEL vendor3="Biozentrum - University of Basel (" ## Install python-modelcif and python-ihm COPY docker/requirements.txt ${SRC_DIR} WORKDIR ${SRC_DIR} RUN set -e pipefail; \ apt-get update -y; \ apt-get install -y git pip; \ pip install -r requirements.txt; \ ## use the python-ihm latest git clone ihm.git; \ cd ihm.git; \ python3 build; \ python3 install; \ cd ${SRC_DIR}; \ rm -rf ${SRC_DIR}/ihm.git; \ ## use python-modelcif latest git clone modelcif.git; \ cd modelcif.git; \ python3 build; \ python3 install; \ cd ${SRC_DIR}; \ rm -rf ${SRC_DIR}/modelcif.git; \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*; \ apt-get purge -y --auto-remove git pip gcc ## Add a dedicated user ## MMCIF_USER_ID can be used to avoid file permission issues. ARG MMCIF_USER_ID=501 RUN adduser --system -u ${MMCIF_USER_ID} mmcif COPY --chmod=755 docker/ / ## Copy tool(s) ARG CONVERTERSCRIPT=CoFFE-sponge-proteins/ ARG CONVERTERCMD=convert2modelcif ENV CONVERTERCMD=$CONVERTERCMD COPY --chmod=755 $CONVERTERSCRIPT /usr/local/bin/$CONVERTERCMD ## Add development setup ARG ADD_DEV RUN set -e pipefail; \ if test xYES = x`echo ${ADD_DEV} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`; then \ apt-get update -y; \ apt-get install -y emacs less; \ pip install pylint black; \ apt-get purge -y --auto-remove pip; \ fi USER mmcif ENTRYPOINT ["/"] # LocalWords: ARG OST ARGs ENV SRC tmp PYTHONUNBUFFERED Schwede schwedelab py # LocalWords: PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE Bioinformatics sib swiss Biozentrum ihm # LocalWords: modelcif txt WORKDIR pipefail chmod adduser mmcif ENTRYPOINT cd # LocalWords: pylint rf entrypoint gcc CONVERTERSCRIPT CoFFE DEV xYES emacs # LocalWords: fi