#!/bin/bash ## exit immediately on commands with a non-zero exit status. set -euo pipefail ## When started without any arguments, "-h", "--help", "-help" or "help", print ## usage. if [ $# -eq 0 ] || [ x$1 == x"-h" ] || [ x$1 == x"--help" ] || [ x$1 == x"-help" ] || [ x$1 == x"help" ]; then echo " ModelCIF file converter" echo "----------------------------------------" echo "Provided by SWISS-MODEL / Schwede group" echo "(swissmodel.expasy.org / schwedelab.org)" echo "" /usr/local/bin/convert2modelcif --help exit 1 fi if [ x$1 == x"convert2modelcif" ] || [ x$1 == x"2cif" ]; then shift # take over the process, make translate2modelcif run on PID 1 exec /usr/local/bin/convert2modelcif $@ exit $? fi exec "$@" # LocalWords: euo pipefail eq Schwede schwedelab mmcif fi