ARG VERSION_PYTHON="3.9" ARG VERSION_BASE_IMAGE="python:${VERSION_PYTHON}-alpine3.17" FROM ${VERSION_BASE_IMAGE} # We need to declare ARGs again which were declared before the build stage # (FROM directive), otherwise they won't be available in this stage. ARG VERSION_PYTHON ARG VERSION_BASE_IMAGE ARG VERSION_CPP_DICT_PACK="v2.500" ARG VERSION_PY_MMCIF="0.79" ## Set up environment ENV MMCIF_DICTS_DIR="/usr/local/share/mmcif-dict-suite" \ SRC_DIR="/tmp" \ VERSION_CPP_DICT_PACK=${VERSION_CPP_DICT_PACK} \ VERSION_BASE_IMAGE=${VERSION_BASE_IMAGE} \ VERSION_PYTHON=${VERSION_PYTHON} \ VERSION_PY_MMCIF=${VERSION_PY_MMCIF} \ PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 \ PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 LABEL org.modelarchive.base-image="${VERSION_BASE_IMAGE}" LABEL org.modelarchive.cpp-dict-pack.version="${VERSION_CPP_DICT_PACK}" LABEL maintainer="Stefan Bienert <>" LABEL vendor1="Schwede Group (" LABEL vendor2="SIB - Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics (" LABEL vendor3="Biozentrum - University of Basel (" ## Install the RCSB CPP Dict Suite (only the binaries we need) WORKDIR ${SRC_DIR} COPY requirements.txt ${SRC_DIR} RUN set -e pipefail; \ export DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/cpp-dict-pack.git"; \ apk update; \ apk upgrade; \ apk add abuild binutils bison build-base cmake flex git gcc \ extra-cmake-modules tcsh; \ # ## Install the RCSB mmCIF Dict Suite git clone -b ${VERSION_CPP_DICT_PACK} \ --single-branch --recurse-submodules \ \ ${DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR}; \ mkdir ${DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR}/build; \ cd ${DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR}; \ cd ${DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR}/build; \ cmake .. -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON; \ make; \ for cif_tool in CifCheck DictToSdb; do \ mv bin/${cif_tool} /usr/local/bin; \ done; \ cd ${SRC_DIR}; \ rm -r ${DICT_PACK_SRC_DIR}; \ # ## Install the RCSB py-mmcif Python module /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip; \ /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install mmcif==${VERSION_PY_MMCIF} \ python-rapidjson; \ /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements.txt; \ # ## Clean up/ remove unnecessary stuff apk del abuild binutils bison build-base cmake flex git gcc \ extra-cmake-modules tcsh; \ apk add libstdc++ ## Copy tools/ entrypoint script COPY --chmod=755 \ /usr/local/bin/get-mmcif-dict-versions COPY --chmod=755 / COPY --chmod=755 /usr/local/bin/validate-mmcif-file ## Create dictionaries for validating mmCIF files. ## The version to be created is controlled by build argument USE_DICT_VERSION. ## Use a versions vailable at ## or the special word ## "latest", that will use ## ## Dictionaries do not change that frequently therefore we skip the hassle of ## keeping them in an external volume. ARG USE_DICT_VERSION="1.4.6" ENV USE_DICT_VERSION=${USE_DICT_VERSION} LABEL org.modelarchive.dict_release="${USE_DICT_VERSION}" WORKDIR ${SRC_DIR} RUN set -e pipefail; \ apk add curl; \ export _DICT_DIR="${SRC_DIR}/mmcif_dicts"; \ export _DICT_URL=""; \ export _GIT_URL=""; \ # Use the path of an actual commit to keep the dict immutable (RCSB refuses # to use Git tags for versions). export _MA_DICT_URL="${USE_DICT_VERSION}.dic"; \ mkdir ${_DICT_DIR}; \ mkdir ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}; \ cd ${_DICT_DIR}; \ # ## Fetch the dictionary definition language curl ${_DICT_URL}/mmcif_ddl.dic.gz -s -o mmcif_ddl.dic.gz; \ gunzip *.gz; \ # ## Fetch the merged ModelCIF dictionary if test x${USE_DICT_VERSION} = xlatest; then \ export _MA_DICT_URL="${_GIT_URL}/dist/mmcif_ma.dic"; \ fi; \ curl ${_MA_DICT_URL} -s -L -o mmcif_ma.dic; \ # ## Build the ModelCIF SDB DictToSdb -ddlFile mmcif_ddl.dic \ -dictFile mmcif_ma.dic \ -dictSdbFile ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/mmcif_ma.sdb; \ # ## Fetch the stable PDBx/mmCIF dictionary curl ${_DICT_URL}/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic -s -o mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic; \ # ## Build the PDBx/mmCIF SDB DictToSdb -ddlFile mmcif_ddl.dic \ -dictFile mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic \ -dictSdbFile ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/mmcif_pdbx_v50.sdb; \ # ## Get versions of ModelCIF & PDBx/mmCIF dictionaries get-mmcif-dict-versions --child-location ${_MA_DICT_URL} mmcif_ma.dic; \ mv mmcif_ma_version.json ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/; \ get-mmcif-dict-versions --child-location ${_DICT_URL}/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic \ --output mmcif_pdbx_v50_version.json \ mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic; \ mv mmcif_pdbx_v50_version.json ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/; \ # ## Make SDBs readable and keep possible error logs from building them mv *.log ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/ 2>/dev/null || :; \ chmod o+r ${MMCIF_DICTS_DIR}/*; \ # ## Clean up cd ${SRC_DIR}; \ rm -r ${_DICT_DIR}; \ apk del curl # switch to development version via build-arg ARG ADD_DEV RUN set -e pipefail; \ if test xYES = x`echo ${ADD_DEV} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'`; then \ apk add bash emacs gcc build-base; \ /usr/local/bin/python -m pip install pylint black; \ apk del gcc build-base; \ fi ## Add a dedicated user for mmCIF file validation ## MMCIF_USER_ID can be used to avoid file permission issues in development. ARG MMCIF_USER_ID=501 RUN adduser -S -u ${MMCIF_USER_ID} mmcif-vldtr USER mmcif-vldtr ENTRYPOINT ["/"] # have tool ready # - entrypoint: validate... just runs validation, celery runs celery, CMD else # write Python to run & check mmCIF # - Note dictionary versions in the mmCIF file! # for Celery: # - depends_on without implementing the 'waits' in this # # LocalWords: ENV DICTS SRC tmp schwedelab RCSB WORKDIR pipefail apk dev ARG # LocalWords: ARGs