From 9c5ce24afa57a618e179724514e4844e91804324 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Niko Ehrenfeuchter <>
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:01:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] First version of an automatic update script for service and

Refers to #13
 AutoTx/Resources/Update-AutoTxService.ps1 | 166 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 166 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 AutoTx/Resources/Update-AutoTxService.ps1

diff --git a/AutoTx/Resources/Update-AutoTxService.ps1 b/AutoTx/Resources/Update-AutoTxService.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2b69e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/AutoTx/Resources/Update-AutoTxService.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# helper script to be run by the task scheduler for automatic updates of the
+# AutoTx service binaries and configuration file
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+$InstallationPath = "C:\Tools\AutoTx"
+$ServiceName = "AutoTx"
+$UpdateSourcePath = "C:\ATX\TARGET\d-vamp-dw\_AUTOTX_"
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function Check-ServiceState([string]$ServiceName) {
+    $Continue = $True
+    try {
+        $Service = Get-Service $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
+        if ($Service.Status -ne "Running") {
+            Write-Host "Service $($ServiceName) is not running."
+            $Continue = $False
+        }
+    }
+    catch {
+        Write-Host $_.Exception.Message
+        $Continue = $False
+    }
+    if ($Continue) {
+        Return
+    }
+    Write-Host "ERROR: Service $($ServiceName) must be installed and running."
+    Exit
+function Exit-IfDirMissing([string]$DirName, [string]$Desc) {
+    if (Test-Path -PathType Container $DirName) {
+        Return
+    }
+    Write-Host "ERROR: can't find / access $($Desc) path: $($DirName)"
+    Exit
+function Stop-MyService {
+    Write-Host -NoNewLine "Stopping service $($ServiceName): "
+    try {
+        Stop-Service $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
+        Write-Host "[OK]" -Fore Green
+    }
+    catch {
+        Write-Host "[FAILED]" -Fore Red
+        Exit
+    }
+function Start-MyService {
+    if ((Get-Service $ServiceName).Status -eq "Running") {
+        Return
+    }
+    Write-Host -NoNewLine "Starting service $($ServiceName): "
+    try {
+        Start-Service $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
+        Write-Host "[OK]" -Fore Green
+    }
+    catch {
+        $ex = $_.Exception
+        Write-Host "[FAILED]" -Fore Red
+        Write-Host $ex.Message
+    }
+function Update-FileIfNewer([string]$SourcePath, [string]$Destination) {
+    # SourcePath is expected to be a FILE (full path)
+    # Destination is expected to be a DIRECTORY (full path)
+    $SrcDir = Split-Path $SourcePath -Parent
+    $SrcFile = Split-Path $SourcePath -Leaf
+    $SrcFileNoSuffix = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($SrcFile)
+    $SrcFileSuffix = [io.path]::GetExtension($SrcFile)
+    $DstPath = "$($Destination)\$($SrcFile)"
+    if (-Not (Test-Path "$DstPath")) {
+        Write-Host "File not existing in destination, NOT UPDATING: $DstPath"
+        Return
+    }
+    $SrcWriteTime = (Get-Item "$SourcePath").LastWriteTime
+    $TgtWriteTime = (Get-Item "$DstPath").LastWriteTime
+    if (-Not ($SrcWriteTime -gt $TgtWriteTime)) {
+        Return
+    }
+    Write-Host "Found newer file at $($SourcePath), updating..."
+    Stop-MyService
+    $BakTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format s | foreach {$_ -replace ":", "."}
+    $BakName = "$($SrcFileNoSuffix)_pre-$BakTimeStamp$SrcFileSuffix"
+    Write-Host "Creating backup: $($BakName)"
+    Rename-Item "$DstPath" "$Destination\$BakName"
+    try {
+        Copy-Item -Path $SourcePath -Destination $Destination -ErrorAction Stop
+    }
+    catch {
+        $ex = $_.Exception
+        Write-Host "Copying $($SourcePath) FAILED!" -Fore Red
+        Write-Host $ex.Message
+        Exit
+    }
+function Update-ConfigFile {
+    $NewConfig = "$($UpdateConfigPath)\configuration.xml"
+    if (Test-Path -PathType Leaf $NewConfig) {
+        Update-FileIfNewer $NewConfig $InstallationPath
+    }
+function Copy-ServiceFiles {
+    Write-Host -NoNewLine "Updating service binaries: "
+    try {
+        Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop `
+            -Path "$UpdateBinariesPath" `
+            -Destination "$InstallationPath"
+        # Copy-FileIfNew "configuration.xml" $ServiceDir
+        # Copy-FileIfNew "status.xml" $ServiceDir
+        # Copy-FileIfNew "service.log" $ServiceDir
+        # Clear-Content "$($ServiceDir)\service.log"
+        Write-Host "[OK]" -Fore Green
+    }
+    catch {
+        $ex = $_.Exception
+        Write-Host "[FAILED]" -Fore Red
+        Write-Host $ex.Message
+        Exit
+    }
+function Update-ServiceBinaries {
+    $MarkerFile = "$($UpdateMarkerPath)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
+    if (Test-Path "$MarkerFile" -Type Leaf) {
+        Return
+    }
+    Write-Host "No marker file found, trying to update service binaries..."
+    Stop-MyService
+    Copy-ServiceFiles
+    New-Item -Type File "$MarkerFile" | Out-Null
+# first check if the service is installed and running at all
+Check-ServiceState $ServiceName
+$UpdateConfigPath = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Configs\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
+$UpdateMarkerPath = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\UpdateMarkers"
+$UpdateBinariesPath = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\LatestBinaries"
+Exit-IfDirMissing $InstallationPath "installation"
+Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateSourcePath "update source"
+Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateConfigPath "configuration update"
+Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateMarkerPath "update marker"
+Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateBinariesPath "service binaries update"