diff --git a/AutoTx/Resources/configuration-example.xml b/AutoTx/Resources/configuration-example.xml
index 75d579c93db97de416a98a15d86fa998ece3e3f6..728571aab357fc9469153a4b88778d5d892dcc39 100644
--- a/AutoTx/Resources/configuration-example.xml
+++ b/AutoTx/Resources/configuration-example.xml
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <ServiceConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
-	<!-- HostAlias: friendly name to be used for this machine in mails -->
-	<HostAlias>Confocal Microscope 2</HostAlias>
-	<!-- DestinationAlias: friendly name for the target to be used in mails -->
-	<DestinationAlias>Core Facility Storage</DestinationAlias>
-	<!-- EmailPrefix: prefix label for email subjects -->
-	<EmailPrefix>[Core Facility] </EmailPrefix>
+    <!-- HostAlias: friendly name to be used for this machine in mails -->
+    <HostAlias>Confocal Microscope 2</HostAlias>
+    <!-- DestinationAlias: friendly name for the target to be used in mails -->
+    <DestinationAlias>Core Facility Storage</DestinationAlias>
+    <!-- EmailPrefix: prefix label for email subjects -->
+    <EmailPrefix>[Core Facility] </EmailPrefix>
-	<!-- enable or disable debug log messages -->
-	<Debug>true</Debug>
+    <!-- enable or disable debug log messages -->
+    <Debug>true</Debug>
-	<!-- SourceDrive: base drive including backslash, e.g. "D:\" -->
-	<SourceDrive>XXX</SourceDrive>
-	<!-- IncomingDirectory: directory on SourceDrive to watch for new files -->
-	<IncomingDirectory>AUTOTRANSFER</IncomingDirectory>
-	<!-- [OPTIONAL] MarkerFile: a file to place in each user's incoming
+    <!-- SourceDrive: base drive including backslash, e.g. "D:\" -->
+    <SourceDrive>XXX</SourceDrive>
+    <!-- IncomingDirectory: directory on SourceDrive to watch for new files -->
+    <IncomingDirectory>AUTOTRANSFER</IncomingDirectory>
+    <!-- [OPTIONAL] MarkerFile: a file to place in each user's incoming
          directory, the file itself will be ignored for the transfers -->
-	<MarkerFile>_DO_NOT_ACQUIRE_HERE_.txt</MarkerFile>
-	<!-- ManagedDirectory: directory on SourceDrive where files and folders are
+    <MarkerFile>_DO_NOT_ACQUIRE_HERE_.txt</MarkerFile>
+    <!-- ManagedDirectory: directory on SourceDrive where files and folders are
          moved while queueing for their transfer (sub-directory "PROCESSING")
          and to store them for deferred delection after a grace period after
          the transfer (sub-directory "DONE"). -->
-	<ManagedDirectory>ProgramData\AUTOTRANSFER</ManagedDirectory>
-	<!-- GracePeriod: number of days after data in the "DONE" location expires,
+    <ManagedDirectory>ProgramData\AUTOTRANSFER</ManagedDirectory>
+    <!-- GracePeriod: number of days after data in the "DONE" location expires,
          which will trigger a summary email to the admin address. -->
-	<GracePeriod>5</GracePeriod>
-	<!-- DestinationDirectory: where files should be transferred to -->
-	<DestinationDirectory>\\fileserver.mydomain.xy\share\</DestinationDirectory>
-	<!-- TmpTransferDir: temporary directory relative to DestinationDirectory
-	     to be used for running transfers -->
-	<TmpTransferDir>AUTOTRANSFER-TMP</TmpTransferDir>
+    <GracePeriod>5</GracePeriod>
+    <!-- DestinationDirectory: where files should be transferred to -->
+    <DestinationDirectory>\\fileserver.mydomain.xy\share\</DestinationDirectory>
+    <!-- TmpTransferDir: temporary directory relative to DestinationDirectory
+         to be used for running transfers -->
+    <TmpTransferDir>AUTOTRANSFER-TMP</TmpTransferDir>
-	<!-- ServiceTimer: interval (in ms) for checking files and parameters -->
-	<ServiceTimer>1000</ServiceTimer>
+    <!-- ServiceTimer: interval (in ms) for checking files and parameters -->
+    <ServiceTimer>1000</ServiceTimer>
-	<!-- MaxCpuUsage: pause transfer if CPU usage is above this value (in %) -->
-	<MaxCpuUsage>25</MaxCpuUsage>
-	<!-- MinAvailableMemory: pause transfer if free RAM is below (in MB) -->
-	<MinAvailableMemory>512</MinAvailableMemory>
-	<!-- InterPacketGap: RoboCopy parameter to limit the bandwidth -->
-	<InterPacketGap>0</InterPacketGap>
-	<SpaceMonitoring>
-		<DriveToCheck>
-			<DriveName>C:</DriveName>
-			<SpaceThreshold>20000</SpaceThreshold>
-		</DriveToCheck>
-		<DriveToCheck>
-			<DriveName>D:</DriveName>
-			<SpaceThreshold>120000</SpaceThreshold>
-		</DriveToCheck>
-	</SpaceMonitoring>
-	<!-- StorageNotificationDelta: how often to send storage notification mails
-	     in case one of the drives is below the threshold (in minutes) -->
-	<StorageNotificationDelta>5</StorageNotificationDelta>
+    <!-- MaxCpuUsage: pause transfer if CPU usage is above this value (in %) -->
+    <MaxCpuUsage>25</MaxCpuUsage>
+    <!-- MinAvailableMemory: pause transfer if free RAM is below (in MB) -->
+    <MinAvailableMemory>512</MinAvailableMemory>
+    <!-- InterPacketGap: RoboCopy parameter to limit the bandwidth -->
+    <InterPacketGap>0</InterPacketGap>
+    <SpaceMonitoring>
+        <DriveToCheck>
+            <DriveName>C:</DriveName>
+            <SpaceThreshold>20000</SpaceThreshold>
+        </DriveToCheck>
+        <DriveToCheck>
+            <DriveName>D:</DriveName>
+            <SpaceThreshold>120000</SpaceThreshold>
+        </DriveToCheck>
+    </SpaceMonitoring>
+    <!-- StorageNotificationDelta: how often to send storage notification mails
+         in case one of the drives is below the threshold (in minutes) -->
+    <StorageNotificationDelta>5</StorageNotificationDelta>
-	<BlacklistedProcesses>
-		<ProcessName>calc</ProcessName>
-		<ProcessName>notepad</ProcessName>
-		<ProcessName>wordpad</ProcessName>
-	</BlacklistedProcesses>
+    <BlacklistedProcesses>
+        <ProcessName>calc</ProcessName>
+        <ProcessName>notepad</ProcessName>
+        <ProcessName>wordpad</ProcessName>
+    </BlacklistedProcesses>
-	<SmtpHost>smtp.mydomain.xy</SmtpHost>
-	<!--><SmtpHost /><-->
-	<SmtpPort>25</SmtpPort>
-	<SmtpUserCredential />
-	<SmtpPasswortCredential />
+    <SmtpHost>smtp.mydomain.xy</SmtpHost>
+    <!--><SmtpHost /><-->
+    <SmtpPort>25</SmtpPort>
+    <SmtpUserCredential />
+    <SmtpPasswortCredential />
-	<!-- SendAdminNotification: send email to user on finished transfers -->
-	<SendTransferNotification>true</SendTransferNotification>
-	<EmailFrom>admin@mydomain.xy</EmailFrom>
+    <!-- SendAdminNotification: send email to user on finished transfers -->
+    <SendTransferNotification>true</SendTransferNotification>
+    <EmailFrom>admin@mydomain.xy</EmailFrom>
-	<!-- SendAdminNotification: notify admins via email of certain events -->
-	<SendAdminNotification>true</SendAdminNotification>
+    <!-- SendAdminNotification: notify admins via email of certain events -->
+    <SendAdminNotification>true</SendAdminNotification>
     <!-- AdminNotificationDelta: how long to wait (in minutes) after sending an
          admin notification before sending the next one -->
-	<AdminEmailAdress>admin@mydomain.xy</AdminEmailAdress>
+    <AdminEmailAdress>admin@mydomain.xy</AdminEmailAdress>
\ No newline at end of file