diff --git a/Updater/Install-UpdaterTask.ps1 b/Updater/Install-UpdaterTask.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..074ea150600ec7b63cd7e17304ae0a1475d16f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Updater/Install-UpdaterTask.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+$InstallDir = "C:\Tools\AutoTx-Updater"
+$JobScript = "Update-Service.ps1"
+$Config = "UpdaterConfig.inc.ps1"
+if (Test-Path $InstallDir) {
+    Write-Host "ERROR: updater directory already existing, stopping installer!"
+    Write-Host "[$($InstallDir)]"
+    Exit
+if (-Not (Test-Path $Config)) {
+    Write-Host "ERROR: no config file for the updater found!"
+    Write-Host "[$($Config)]"
+    Exit
+New-Item -Force -Type Directory $InstallDir
+Copy-Item $JobScript $InstallDir
+Copy-Item $Config $InstallDir
+# create a repetition interval
+$TimeSpan = New-TimeSpan -Minutes 10
+# configure a JobTrigger for the task using the repetition interval from above,
+# repeating forever
+$JobTrigger = New-JobTrigger `
+    -Once `
+    -At (Get-Date).Date `
+    -RepetitionInterval $TimeSpan `
+    -RepeatIndefinitely
+# configure the JobOptions for the task (battery options should not be required
+# on a fixed system, but doesn't hurt either)
+$JobOptions = New-ScheduledJobOption `
+    -RunElevated `
+    -StartIfOnBattery `
+    -ContinueIfGoingOnBattery
+# set credentials for running the task (requires permission to start/stop the
+# service and overwriting the configuration and binaries)
+$Cred = Get-Credential
+# register the job for execution
+Register-ScheduledJob `
+    -Name "AutoTx-Updater" `
+    -FilePath "$($InstallDir)\$($JobScript)" `
+    -ArgumentList "$($InstallDir)\$($Config)" `
+    -ScheduledJobOption $JobOptions `
+    -Trigger $JobTrigger `
+    -Credential $Cred `
+    -Verbose
\ No newline at end of file