# Script to be run by the task scheduler for automatic updates of the AutoTx # service binaries and / or configuration file. # Testing has been done on PowerShell 5.1 only, so we set this as a requirement: #requires -version 5.1 [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $UpdaterSettings ) ### function definitions ##################################################### function ServiceIsRunning([string]$ServiceName) { try { $Service = Get-Service $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop if ($Service.Status -ne "Running") { Log-Debug "Service $($ServiceName) is not running." Return $False } } catch { Log-Error "Error checking service state: $($_.Exception.Message)" Exit } Return $True } function ServiceIsBusy { $StatusXml = "$($InstallationPath)\status.xml" try { [xml]$XML = Get-Content $StatusXml -ErrorAction Stop # careful, we need a string comparison here: if ($XML.ServiceStatus.TransferInProgress -eq "true") { Return $True } else { Log-Debug "Service is idle, shutdown possible." Return $False } } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message $msg = "Trying to read the service status from [$($StatusXml)] failed! " $msg += "The reported error message was:`n$($ex)" Send-MailReport -Subject "Error parsing status of $($ServiceName)!" ` -Body $msg Exit } } function Exit-IfDirMissing([string]$DirName, [string]$Desc) { if (Test-Path -PathType Container $DirName) { Write-Verbose "Verified $($Desc) path: [$($DirName)]" Return } $msg = "ERROR: can't find / access $($Desc) path: [$($DirName)]" Send-MailReport -Subject "path or permission error" -Body $msg Exit } function Get-LastLogLines([string]$Path, [int]$Count) { try { $msg = Get-Content -Path $Path -Tail $Count -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message $errxx = "XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX" $msg = "`n$errxx`n`n$ex `n`n$errxx" } # Out-String is required as otherwise all newlines from the log disappear: Return $msg | Out-String } function Stop-MyService([string]$Message) { if ((Get-Service $ServiceName).Status -eq "Stopped") { Log-Info "$($Message) (Service already in state 'Stopped')" Return } if (ServiceIsBusy) { $msg = "*DENYING* to stop the service $($ServiceName) as it is " $msg += "currently busy.`nShutdown reason was '$($Message)'." Log-Info $msg Exit } try { Log-Info "$($Message) Attempting service $($ServiceName) shutdown..." Stop-Service "$($ServiceName)" -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Stopped service $($ServiceName)." } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message Send-MailReport -Subject "Shutdown of service $($ServiceName) failed!" ` -Body "Trying to stop the service results in this error:`n$($ex)" Exit } } function Start-MyService { if ((Get-Service $ServiceName).Status -eq "Running") { Return } try { Start-Service "$($ServiceName)" -ErrorAction Stop Write-Verbose "Started service $($ServiceName)." } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message $msg = "Trying to start the service results in this error:`n$($ex)`n`n" $msg += " -------------------- last 50 log lines --------------------`n" $msg += Get-LastLogLines "$($LogPath)\service.log" 50 $msg += " -------------------- ----------------- --------------------`n" Send-MailReport -Subject "Startup of service $($ServiceName) failed!" ` -Body $msg Exit } } function Get-WriteTime([string]$FileName) { try { $TimeStamp = (Get-Item "$FileName").LastWriteTime } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message Log-Error "Error determining file age of [$($FileName)]!`n$($ex)" Exit } Return $TimeStamp } function File-IsUpToDate([string]$ExistingFile, [string]$UpdateCandidate) { # Compare write-timestamps, return $False if $UpdateCandidate is newer. Write-Verbose "Comparing [$($UpdateCandidate)] vs. [$($ExistingFile)]..." $CandidateTime = Get-WriteTime -FileName $UpdateCandidate $ExistingTime = Get-WriteTime -FileName $ExistingFile if ($CandidateTime -le $ExistingTime) { Log-Debug "File [$($ExistingFile)] is up-to-date." Return $True } Return $False } function Create-Backup { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_})] [String]$FileName ) $FileWithoutSuffix = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FileName) $FileSuffix = [io.path]::GetExtension($FileName) $BaseDir = Split-Path -Parent $FileName # assemble a timestamp string like "2017-12-04T16.41.35" $BakTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format s | foreach {$_ -replace ":", "."} $BakName = "$($FileWithoutSuffix)_pre-$($BakTimeStamp)$($FileSuffix)" Log-Info "Creating backup of [$($FileName)] as [$($BaseDir)\$($BakName)]." try { Rename-Item "$FileName" "$BaseDir\$BakName" -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message Log-Error "Backing up [$($FileName)] as [$($BakName)] FAILED!`n$($ex)" Exit } } function Update-File { # Check the given $SrcFile if a file with the same name is existing in # $DstPath. If $SrcFile is newer, stop the service, create a backup of the # file in $DstPath and finally copy the file from $SrcFile to $DstPath. # # Return $True if the file was updated, $False otherwise. # # WARNING: the function TERMINATES the script on any error! # Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({[IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($_)})] [String]$SrcFile, [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [ValidateScript({(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer})] [String]$DstPath ) $DstFile = "$($DstPath)\$(Split-Path -Leaf $SrcFile)" if (-Not (Test-Path "$DstFile")) { Log-Info "File not existing in destination, NOT UPDATING: [$($DstFile)]" Return $False } if (File-IsUpToDate -ExistingFile $DstFile -UpdateCandidate $SrcFile) { Return $False } Stop-MyService "Found newer file at $($SrcFile), updating..." try { Create-Backup -FileName $DstFile } catch { Log-Error "Backing up $($DstFile) FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)" Exit } try { Copy-Item -Path $SrcFile -Destination $DstPath -ErrorAction Stop Log-Info "Updated config file '$($DstFile)'." } catch { Log-Error "Copying $($SrcFile) FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)" Exit } Return $True } function Update-Configuration { $RetOr = $False # common config files first: ForEach ($NewConfig in Get-ChildItem $UpdPathConfigCommon) { $ret = Update-File $NewConfig.FullName $ConfigPath $RetOr = $RetOr -Or $ret } # then host specific config files: ForEach ($NewConfig in Get-ChildItem $UpdPathConfig) { $ret = Update-File $NewConfig.FullName $ConfigPath $RetOr = $RetOr -Or $ret } if (-Not ($RetOr)) { Log-Debug "No (new) configuration file(s) found." } Return $RetOr } function Copy-ServiceFiles { try { Write-Verbose "Looking for source package using pattern: $($Pattern)" $PkgDir = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdPathBinaries -Directory -Name | Where-Object {$_ -match $Pattern} | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Last 1 if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PkgDir)) { Write-Host "ERROR: couldn't find package matching '$($Pattern)'!" Exit } Write-Verbose "Found update source package: [$($PkgDir)]" Stop-MyService "Trying to update service using package [$($PkgDir)]." Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop ` -Path "$($UpdPathBinaries)\$($PkgDir)\$($ServiceName)\*" ` -Destination "$InstallationPath" } catch { Log-Error "Updating service binaries FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)" Exit } Log-Info "Updated service binaries with [$($PkgDir)]." } function Update-ServiceBinaries { $MarkerFile = "$($UpdPathMarkerFiles)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)" if (Test-Path "$MarkerFile" -Type Leaf) { Log-Debug "Found marker [$($MarkerFile)], not updating service." Return $False } Copy-ServiceFiles try { New-Item -Type File "$MarkerFile" -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null Log-Debug "Created marker file [$($MarkerFile)]." } catch { Log-Error "Creating [$($MarkerFile)] FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)" Exit } Return $True } function Upload-LogFiles { $Dest = "$($UploadPathLogs)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)" New-Item -Force -Type Directory $Dest try { Copy-Item -Force -ErrorAction Stop ` -Path "$($LogPath)\service.log" ` -Destination $Dest Log-Debug "Uploaded logfile to [$($Dest)]." } catch { Log-Warning "Uploading logfile FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)" } } function Send-MailReport([string]$Subject, [string]$Body) { $Subject = "[$($Me)] $($env:COMPUTERNAME) - $($Subject)" $msg = "------------------------------`n" $msg += "From: $($EmailFrom)`n" $msg += "To: $($EmailTo)`n" $msg += "Subject: $($Subject)`n`n" $msg += "Body: $($Body)" $msg += "`n------------------------------`n" try { Send-MailMessage ` -SmtpServer $EmailSMTP ` -From $EmailFrom ` -To $EmailTo ` -Body $Body ` -Subject $Subject ` -ErrorAction Stop Log-Info -Message "Sent Mail Message:`n$($msg)" } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message $msg = "Sending email failed!`n`n$($msg)" $msg += "Exception message: $($ex)" Log-Warning -Message $msg } } function Log-Message([string]$Type, [string]$Message, [int]$Id){ # NOTE: by convention, this script is setting the $Id parameter to match the # numbers for the output types described in 'Help about_Redirection' try { Write-EventLog ` -LogName Application ` -Source $Me ` -Category 0 ` -EventId $Id ` -EntryType $Type ` -Message "[$($Me)]: $($Message)" ` -ErrorAction Stop $msg = "[EventLog $($Type)/$($Id)]: $($Message)" } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message $msg = "Error logging message (Id=$($Id), Type=$($Type))!`n" $msg += "--- Log Message ---`n$($Message)`n--- Log Message ---`n" $msg += "--- Exception ---`n$($ex)`n--- Exception ---" } Write-Verbose $msg } function Log-Warning([string]$Message) { Log-Message -Type Warning -Message $Message -Id 3 } function Log-Error([string]$Message){ Log-Message -Type Error -Message $Message -Id 2 } function Log-Info([string]$Message) { Log-Message -Type Information -Message $Message -Id 1 } function Log-Debug([string]$Message) { if ($UpdaterDebugLogging) { Log-Message -Type Information -Message $Message -Id 5 } } ################################################################################ try { . $UpdaterSettings } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message Write-Host "Error reading settings file: '$($UpdaterSettings)' [$($ex)]" Exit } # NOTE: $MyInvocation is not available when run as ScheduledJob, so we have to # set a shortcut for our name explicitly ourselves here: $Me = "$($ServiceName)-Updater" if (-Not ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Me))) { try { New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $Me } catch { $ex = $_.Exception.Message Write-Verbose "Error creating event log source: $($ex)" } } Log-Debug "$($Me) started..." # first check if the service is installed and running at all $ServiceRunningBefore = ServiceIsRunning $ServiceName $UpdPathConfig = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Configs\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)" $UpdPathConfigCommon = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Configs\_COMMON_" $UpdPathMarkerFiles = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\UpdateMarkers" $UpdPathBinaries = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\Binaries" $UploadPathLogs = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Logs" Exit-IfDirMissing $InstallationPath "installation" Exit-IfDirMissing $LogPath "log files" Exit-IfDirMissing $ConfigPath "configuration files" Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateSourcePath "update source" Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathConfig "configuration update" Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathConfigCommon "common configuration update" Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathMarkerFiles "update marker" Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathBinaries "service binaries update" Exit-IfDirMissing $UploadPathLogs "log file target" # NOTE: Upload-LogFiles is called before AND after the main tasks to make sure # the logfiles are uploaded no matter if one of the other tasks fails and # terminates the entire script: Upload-LogFiles $ConfigUpdated = Update-Configuration $ServiceUpdated = Update-ServiceBinaries $msg = "" if ($ConfigUpdated) { $msg += "The configuration files were updated.`n" } if ($ServiceUpdated) { $msg += "The service binaries were updated.`n" } if ($msg -ne "") { if ($ServiceRunningBefore) { Log-Debug "Update action occurred, finishing up..." Start-MyService } else { Log-Debug "Not starting the service as it was not running before." } Send-MailReport -Subject "Config and / or service has been updated!" ` -Body $msg } else { Log-Debug "No update action found to be necessary." } Upload-LogFiles Log-Debug "$($Me) finished."