using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Xml.Serialization; namespace ATXCommon.Serializables { /// <summary> /// configuration class based on xml /// </summary> [Serializable] public class ServiceConfig { [XmlIgnore] public string ValidationWarnings; public ServiceConfig() { ValidationWarnings = ""; // set values for the optional XML elements: SmtpHost = ""; SmtpPort = 25; SmtpUserCredential = ""; SmtpPasswortCredential = ""; EmailPrefix = ""; AdminEmailAdress = ""; AdminDebugEmailAdress = ""; GraceNotificationDelta = 720; InterPacketGap = 0; EnforceInheritedACLs = true; } #region required configuration parameters /// <summary> /// A human friendly name for the host, to be used in emails etc. /// </summary> public string HostAlias { get; set; } /// <summary> /// A human friendly name for the target, to be used in emails etc. /// </summary> public string DestinationAlias { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The base drive for the spooling directories (incoming and managed). /// </summary> public string SourceDrive { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The name of a directory on SourceDrive that is monitored for new files. /// </summary> public string IncomingDirectory { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The name of a marker file to be placed in all **sub**directories /// inside the IncomingDirectory. /// </summary> public string MarkerFile { get; set; } /// <summary> /// A directory on SourceDrive to hold the three subdirectories "DONE", /// "PROCESSING" and "UNMATCHED" used during and after transfers. /// </summary> public string ManagedDirectory { get; set; } /// <summary> /// Target path to transfer files to. Usually a UNC location. /// </summary> public string DestinationDirectory { get; set; } /// <summary> /// The name of a subdirectory in the DestinationDirectory to be used /// to keep the temporary data of running transfers. /// </summary> public string TmpTransferDir { get; set; } public string EmailFrom { get; set; } public int ServiceTimer { get; set; } public int MaxCpuUsage { get; set; } public int MinAvailableMemory { get; set; } public int AdminNotificationDelta { get; set; } public int StorageNotificationDelta { get; set; } /// <summary> /// GracePeriod: number of days after data in the "DONE" location expires, /// which will trigger a summary email to the admin address. /// </summary> public int GracePeriod { get; set; } public bool SendAdminNotification { get; set; } public bool SendTransferNotification { get; set; } public bool Debug { get; set; } [XmlArray] [XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "DriveToCheck")] public List<DriveToCheck> SpaceMonitoring { get; set; } [XmlArray] [XmlArrayItem(ElementName = "ProcessName")] public List<string> BlacklistedProcesses { get; set; } #endregion #region optional configuration parameters public string SmtpHost { get; set; } public string SmtpUserCredential { get; set; } public string SmtpPasswortCredential { get; set; } public int SmtpPort { get; set; } public string EmailPrefix { get; set; } public string AdminEmailAdress { get; set; } public string AdminDebugEmailAdress { get; set; } public int GraceNotificationDelta { get; set; } public int InterPacketGap { get; set; } /// <summary> /// EnforceInheritedACLs: whether to enforce ACL inheritance when moving files and /// directories, see for more details. /// </summary> public bool EnforceInheritedACLs { get; set; } #endregion public static void Serialize(string file, ServiceConfig c) { // the config is never meant to be written by us, therefore: throw new SettingsPropertyIsReadOnlyException("The config file must not be written by the service!"); } public static ServiceConfig Deserialize(string file) { var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ServiceConfig)); var reader = File.OpenText(file); var config = (ServiceConfig) xs.Deserialize(reader); reader.Close(); ValidateConfiguration(config); return config; } private static void ValidateConfiguration(ServiceConfig c) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SourceDrive) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.IncomingDirectory) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.ManagedDirectory)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("mandatory parameter missing!"); if (c.SourceDrive.Substring(1) != @":\") throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("SourceDrive must be a drive " + @"letter followed by a colon and a backslash, e.g. 'D:\'!"); // make sure SourceDrive is a local (fixed) disk: var driveInfo = new DriveInfo(c.SourceDrive); if (driveInfo.DriveType != DriveType.Fixed) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("SourceDrive (" + c.SourceDrive + ") must be a local (fixed) drive, OS reports '" + driveInfo.DriveType + "')!"); // spooling directories: IncomingDirectory + ManagedDirectory if (c.IncomingDirectory.StartsWith(@"\")) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("IncomingDirectory must not start with a backslash!"); if (c.ManagedDirectory.StartsWith(@"\")) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("ManagedDirectory must not start with a backslash!"); if (!Directory.Exists(c.DestinationDirectory)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("can't find destination: " + c.DestinationDirectory); var tmpTransferPath = Path.Combine(c.DestinationDirectory, c.TmpTransferDir); if (!Directory.Exists(tmpTransferPath)) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("temporary transfer dir doesn't exist: " + tmpTransferPath); if (c.ServiceTimer < 1000) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("ServiceTimer must not be smaller than 1000 ms!"); // NON-CRITICAL stuff just adds messages to ValidationWarnings: // DestinationDirectory if (!c.DestinationDirectory.StartsWith(@"\\")) c.ValidationWarnings += " - <DestinationDirectory> is not a UNC path!\n"; } public string Summary() { var msg = "HostAlias: " + HostAlias + "\n" + "SourceDrive: " + SourceDrive + "\n" + "IncomingDirectory: " + IncomingDirectory + "\n" + "MarkerFile: " + MarkerFile + "\n" + "ManagedDirectory: " + ManagedDirectory + "\n" + "GracePeriod: " + GracePeriod + "\n" + "DestinationDirectory: " + DestinationDirectory + "\n" + "TmpTransferDir: " + TmpTransferDir + "\n" + "EnforceInheritedACLs: " + EnforceInheritedACLs + "\n" + "ServiceTimer: " + ServiceTimer + "\n" + "InterPacketGap: " + InterPacketGap + "\n" + "MaxCpuUsage: " + MaxCpuUsage + "\n" + "MinAvailableMemory: " + MinAvailableMemory + "\n"; foreach (var processName in BlacklistedProcesses) { msg += "BlacklistedProcess: " + processName + "\n"; } foreach (var driveToCheck in SpaceMonitoring) { msg += "Drive to check free space: " + driveToCheck.DriveName + " (threshold: " + driveToCheck.SpaceThreshold + ")" + "\n"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SmtpHost)) { msg += "SmtpHost: ====== Not configured, disabling email! ======" + "\n"; } else { msg += "SmtpHost: " + SmtpHost + "\n" + "EmailFrom: " + EmailFrom + "\n" + "AdminEmailAdress: " + AdminEmailAdress + "\n" + "AdminDebugEmailAdress: " + AdminDebugEmailAdress + "\n" + "StorageNotificationDelta: " + StorageNotificationDelta + "\n" + "AdminNotificationDelta: " + AdminNotificationDelta + "\n" + "GraceNotificationDelta: " + GraceNotificationDelta + "\n"; } return msg; } } }