<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ServiceConfig xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <!-- IncomingDirectory: directory on SourceDrive to watch for new files --> <IncomingDirectory>ProgramData\AUTOTRANSFER\INCOMING</IncomingDirectory> <!-- ManagedDirectory: directory on SourceDrive where files and folders are moved while queueing for their transfer (sub-directory "PROCESSING") and to store them for deferred deletion after a grace period after the transfer (sub-directory "DONE"). --> <ManagedDirectory>ProgramData\AUTOTRANSFER</ManagedDirectory> <!-- DestinationAlias: friendly name for the target to be used in mails --> <DestinationAlias>Core Facility Storage</DestinationAlias> <!-- DestinationDirectory: where files should be transferred to --> <DestinationDirectory>\\fileserver.mydomain.xy\share\</DestinationDirectory> <!-- TmpTransferDir: temporary directory relative to DestinationDirectory to be used for running transfers --> <TmpTransferDir>AUTOTRANSFER-TMP</TmpTransferDir> <!-- MaxCpuUsage: pause transfer if CPU usage is above this value (in %)--> <MaxCpuUsage>25</MaxCpuUsage> <!-- MinAvailableMemory: pause transfer if free RAM is below (in MB) --> <MinAvailableMemory>512</MinAvailableMemory> <!-- OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS --> <!-- Debug: enable or disable debug log messages --> <Debug>true</Debug> <!-- DebugRoboSharp: enable debug messages from the RoboSharp library. --> <DebugRoboSharp>true</DebugRoboSharp> <!-- RoboCopyLog: a file to be used for RoboCopy log messages.--> <RoboCopyLog>C:\Temp\autotx-robocopy.log</RoboCopyLog> <!-- ServiceTimer: interval (in ms) for checking files and parameters --> <ServiceTimer>1000</ServiceTimer> <!-- MarkerFile: a file to place in each user's incoming directory, the file itself will be ignored for the transfers --> <MarkerFile>_DO_NOT_ACQUIRE_HERE_.txt</MarkerFile> <!-- GracePeriod: number of days after data in the "DONE" location expires, which will trigger a summary email to the admin address. --> <GracePeriod>30</GracePeriod> <!-- EnforceInheritedACLs: whether to enforce ACL inheritance when moving files and directories, see this page for details (DEFAULT: true) https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/320246 --> <EnforceInheritedACLs>false</EnforceInheritedACLs> <!-- BlacklistedProcesses: a list of "ProcessName" entries denoting programs that will cause a transfer to be suspended immediately if the name is found in the list of running processes --> <BlacklistedProcesses> <ProcessName>calc</ProcessName> <ProcessName>notepad</ProcessName> <ProcessName>wordpad</ProcessName> </BlacklistedProcesses> <!-- OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION SETTINGS --> <!-- OPTIONAL NOTIFICATION / EMAIL SETTINGS --> <!-- SmtpHost: SMTP server hostname --> <SmtpHost /> <!-- SmtpPort: SMTP server port, defaults to 25 if omitted --> <SmtpPort>25</SmtpPort> <!-- SmtpUserCredential: SMTP user name if authentication required --> <SmtpUserCredential /> <!-- SmtpPasswortCredential: SMTP password if authentication required --> <SmtpPasswortCredential /> <!--EmailFrom: address to be used as "From:" in notification mails --> <EmailFrom>admin@mydomain.xy</EmailFrom> <!-- EmailPrefix: prefix label for email subjects --> <EmailPrefix>[Core Facility] </EmailPrefix> <!-- AdminEmailAdress: an email address for admin notifications (including "Fatal" log messages) --> <AdminEmailAdress>admin@mydomain.xy</AdminEmailAdress> <!-- AdminDebugEmailAdress: an email address where to send certain debug messages to, e.g. on completed transfers --> <AdminDebugEmailAdress>admin@mydomain.xy</AdminDebugEmailAdress> <!-- SendTransferNotification: send email to user on finished transfers --> <SendTransferNotification>true</SendTransferNotification> <!-- SendAdminNotification: notify admins via email of certain events --> <SendAdminNotification>true</SendAdminNotification> <!-- AdminNotificationDelta: how long to wait (in minutes) after sending an admin notification before sending the next one --> <AdminNotificationDelta>60</AdminNotificationDelta> <!-- GraceNotificationDelta: minimum time (in minutes) between two emails about expired folders in the grace location (default: 720 (12h)) --> <GraceNotificationDelta>720</GraceNotificationDelta> <!-- StorageNotificationDelta: how often to send storage notification mails in case one of the drives is below the threshold (in minutes) --> <StorageNotificationDelta>720</StorageNotificationDelta> <!-- OPTIONAL NOTIFICATION / EMAIL SETTINGS --> </ServiceConfig>