diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 6bd20fabeba8a3b4b0075e7df972a48c58db9b8b..5e3b0471cd7df606e4685abcf800148120395e68 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -218,56 +218,6 @@ your run.
     bash run.sh
-### Configuring workflow runs via LabKey tables
-Our lab stores metadata for sequencing samples in a locally deployed
-[LabKey][labkey] instance. This repository provides two scripts that give
-programmatic access to the LabKey data table and convert it to the
-corresponding workflow inputs (`samples.tsv` and `config.yaml`), respectively.
-As such, these scripts largely automate step 3. of the above instructions.
-However, as these scripts were written specifically for the needs of our lab, 
-they are likely not directly usable or, at least, will require considerable 
-modification for other setups (e.g., different LabKey table structure).
-Nevertheless, they can serve as an example for interfacing between LabKey and
-your workflow.
-> **NOTE:** All of the below steps assume that your current working directory
-> is the repository's root directory.
-1. The scripts have additional dependencies that can be installed with:
-    ```bash
-    pip install -r scripts/requirements.txt
-    ```
-2. In order to gain programmatic access to LabKey via its API, a credential
-file is required. Create it with the following command after replacing the
-placeholder values with your real credentials (talk to your LabKey manager if
-you do not have these):
-    ```bash
-    cat << EOF | ( umask 0377; cat >> ${HOME}/.netrc; )
-    machine <remote-instance-of-labkey-server>
-    login <user-email>
-    password <user-password>
-    EOF
-    ```
-3. Generate the workflow configuration with the following command, after
-replacing the placeholders with the appropriate values (check out the
-help screen with option '--help' for further options and information):
-    ```bash
-    python scripts/prepare_inputs.py \
-        --labkey-domain="my.labkey.service.io"
-        --labkey-domain="/my/project/path"
-        --input-to-output-mapping="scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv" \
-        --resources-dir="/path/to/my/genome/resources" \
-        --output-table="config/my_run/samples.tsv" \
-        --config_file="config/my_run/config.yaml" \
-        <table_name>
-    ```
 #### Additional information
 The metadata field names in the LabKey instance and those in the parameters
@@ -328,7 +278,6 @@ Contaminant sequences | contaminant_seqs
 [conda]: <https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/index.html>
 [profiles]: <https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/executing/cli.html#profiles>
-[labkey]: <https://www.labkey.com/>
 [miniconda-installation]: <https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html>
 [rule-graph]: images/rule_graph.svg
 [snakemake]: <https://snakemake.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>
diff --git a/install/environment.dev.yml b/install/environment.dev.yml
index 3fa2e724fd16391bdb210d3afb4aeaec647b450a..4ec8e7d040f39a4252e80b2a2501e9d336e57060 100644
--- a/install/environment.dev.yml
+++ b/install/environment.dev.yml
@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@ dependencies:
   - pip:
     - pandas==1.0.1
     - biopython==1.76
-    - labkey==1.2.0
diff --git a/scripts/labkey_api.py b/scripts/labkey_api.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 759acb4a90bd3ed933eca74dcd32fede71a6ef83..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/labkey_api.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-# This script targets the client api version 0.4.0 and later
-#  Check the page: https://github.com/LabKey/labkey-api-python/blob/master/samples/query_examples.py
-#  for example about filtering in queries.
-#  A starting point to investigate further is here:
-#  https://www.labkey.org/download/clientapi_docs/javascript-api/symbols/LABKEY.Query.Filter.html
-import labkey
-import pandas as pd
-import sys
-# for convenience, load QueryFilter explicitly (avoids long lines in filter definitions)
-from labkey.query import QueryFilter
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-  # These are values of variables for which the script works
-  # project_name = "TEST_ABOERSCH"
-  # query_name = "RNA_Seq_data_template"
-  project_name = sys.argv[1]
-  query_name = sys.argv[2]
-  server_context = labkey.utils.create_server_context('labkey.scicore.unibas.ch', '/Zavolan Group/'+project_name, 'labkey', use_ssl=True)
-  schema_name = "lists"
-  results = labkey.query.select_rows(server_context,schema_name,query_name)
-  table_of_data = pd.DataFrame(results["rows"])
-  print(table_of_data)
diff --git a/scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv b/scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index ab2f741f01dabb2b5ac89837e1a7ea05e34c7cb5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-labkey	snakemake
-Entry_Date	entry_date
-Path_Fastq_Files	fastq_path
-Condition_Name	condition
-Sample_Name	sample_name
-Single_Paired	seqmode
-Mate1_File	fq1
-Mate2_File	fq2
-Mate1_Direction	mate1_direction
-Mate2_Direction	mate2_direction
-Mate1_5p_Adapter	fq1_5p
-Mate1_3p_Adapter	fq1_3p
-Mate2_5p_Adapter	fq2_5p
-Mate2_3p_Adapter	fq2_3p
-Fragment_Length_Mean	mean
-Fragment_Length_SD	sd
-Quality_Control_Flag	quality_control_flag
-Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate1	mate1_checksum
-Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate2	mate2_checksum
-File_Name_Metadata_File	metadata
-Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate1	mate1_quality
-Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate2	mate2_quality
-Organism	organism
-TaxonID	taxon_id
-Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype	strain_name
-Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype_ID	strain_id
-Biomaterial_Provider	biomaterial_provider
-Source_Tissue_Name	source_name
-Tissue_Code	tissue_code
-Additional_Tissue_Description	tissue_description
-Genotype_Short_Name	genotype_name
-Genotype_Description	genotype_description
-Disease_Short_Name	disease_name
-Disease_Description	disease_description
-Treatment_Short_Name	treatment
-Treatment_Description	treatment_description
-Gender	gender
-Age	age
-Developmental_Stage	development_stage
-Passage_Number	passage_number
-Sample_Preparation_Date	sample_prep_date
-Prepared_By	prepared_by
-Documentation	documentation
-Protocol_File	protocol_file
-Sequencing_Date	seq_date
-Sequencing_Instrument	seq_instrument
-Library_preparation_kit	library_kit
-Cycles	cycles
-Molecule	molecule
-Contaminant_Sequences	contaminant_seqs
-BioAnalyzer_File	bioanalyser_file
diff --git a/scripts/prepare_inputs.py b/scripts/prepare_inputs.py
deleted file mode 100755
index bc164aa1a296cde32816a65cf614417ed9c8fa02..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/prepare_inputs.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,665 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-"""Create input table and config for ZARP."""
-import argparse
-from functools import partial
-import gzip
-import logging
-import math
-import os
-import sys
-from typing import Tuple
-from Bio import SeqIO
-import labkey
-import pandas as pd
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def parse_cli_args() -> argparse.Namespace:
-    """
-    Parses command line arguments.
-    :returns: parsed CLI arguments
-    """
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        description=__doc__,
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "table",
-        type=str,
-        default=None,
-        help="either local file path of input table *or* name of table on "
-             "LabKey instance (see 'LabKey API' options below)",
-        metavar="TABLE",
-    )
-    api = parser.add_argument_group("LabKey API")
-    api.add_argument(
-        "--labkey-domain",
-        type=str,
-        default=None,
-        help="domain of LabKey instance to query; required for obtaining "
-             "input table via LabKey API",
-        metavar="STR",
-    )
-    api.add_argument(
-        "--labkey-path",
-        type=str,
-        default=None,
-        help="path to LabKey container that includes specified input table; "
-             "required for obtaining input table via LabKey API",
-        metavar="STR",
-    )
-    io = parser.add_argument_group("input/output")
-    io.add_argument(
-        "--input-to-output-mapping",
-        type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-        default=os.path.join(
-            os.path.dirname(__file__),
-            'prepare_inputs.dict.tsv',
-        ),
-        help="lookup table with mappings from input (LabKey or LabKey-like) "
-             "to output (Snakemake) table; default: '%(default)s'",
-        metavar="FILE",
-    )
-    io.add_argument(
-        "--resources-dir",
-        type=str,
-        default=os.getcwd(),
-        help="path containing the genome resources for all organisms "
-             "(default: %(default)s)",
-        metavar="DIR",
-    )
-    io.add_argument(
-        "--output-table",
-        type=argparse.FileType('w'),
-        default="samples.tsv",
-        help="output sample table for use in ZARP (default: %(default)s)",
-        metavar="FILE",
-    )
-    io.add_argument(
-        "--config-file",
-        type=argparse.FileType('w'),
-        default="config.yaml",
-        help="output Snakemake configuration file for use in ZARP (default: "
-             "%(default)s)",
-        metavar="FILE",
-    )
-    io.add_argument(
-        "--output-dir",
-        type=str,
-        default=os.getcwd(),
-        help="directory to which ZARP results and logs are to be written "
-             "(default: %(default)s)",
-        metavar="DIR",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--no-process-paths",
-        action="store_true",
-        default=False,
-        help="do not attempt to create absolute paths in output files",
-    )
-    behavior = parser.add_argument_group("workflow behavior")
-    behavior.add_argument(
-        "--trim-polya",
-        type=int,
-        choices=[True, False],
-        default=True,
-        help="cutadapt: trim poly(A) tails option (default: %(default)s)",
-    )
-    behavior.add_argument(
-        "--multimappers",
-        type=int,
-        default=100,
-        help="STAR: number of multimappers to report (default: %(default)s)",
-        metavar='INT',
-    )
-    behavior.add_argument(
-        "--soft-clip",
-        type=str,
-        default="EndToEnd",
-        help="STAR: soft-clipping option (default: %(default)s)",
-        choices=['EndToEnd', 'Local'],
-    )
-    behavior.add_argument(
-        "--pass-mode",
-        type=str,
-        default="None",
-        help="STAR: 2-pass mode option (default: %(default)s)",
-        choices=["None", "Basic"],
-    )
-    behavior.add_argument(
-        "--libtype",
-        type=str,
-        default="",
-        help="Salmon library type (default: %(default)s). Leave empty to infer one of 'SF', 'SR', 'ISF', 'ISR'."
-            "Warning: If value is provided by user, it will be applied to ALL samples. If the table contains samples from different sequencing modes this might cause errors in zarp.",
-        metavar="STR",
-        choices=["", "SF", "SR", "ISF", "ISR", "OSF", "OSR", "MSF", "MSR"]
-    )
-    report = parser.add_argument_group("report")
-    report.add_argument(
-        "--description",
-        type=str,
-        default="N/A",
-        help="short description to be added to the report (default: "
-             "%(default)s)",
-        metavar="STR",
-    )
-    report.add_argument(
-        "--logo",
-        type=argparse.FileType('r'),
-        default=None,
-        help="path to image file to be added to the report (default: "
-             "%(default)s)",
-        metavar="FILE",
-    )
-    report.add_argument(
-        "--url",
-        type=str,
-        default="N/A",
-        help="contact URL to be added to the report (default: %(default)s)",
-        metavar="STR",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-v", "--verbose",
-        action="store_true",
-        default=False,
-        help="print log messages to STDERR",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--debug",
-        action="store_true",
-        default=False,
-        help="print log and debug messages to STDERR",
-    )
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    if args.logo:
-        args.logo.close()
-        args.logo = args.logo.name
-    else:
-        args.logo = ""
-    if (args.labkey_domain and not args.labkey_path) or \
-       (args.labkey_path and not args.labkey_domain):
-        parser.print_help()
-        sys.exit(
-            "\n[ERROR] Either none or both of '--labkey-domain' and "
-            "'--labkey-path' are required."
-        )
-    return args
-def setup_logging(
-    logger: logging.Logger,
-    verbose: bool = False,
-    debug: bool = False,
-) -> None:
-    """
-    Configure logger.
-    :param logger: the `logging.Logger` object to configure
-    :param verbose: whether `logging.INFO` messages shall be logged
-    :param debug: whether `logging.DEBUG` messages shall be logged
-    :returns: None
-    :raises ?: TODO
-    """
-    if debug:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
-    elif verbose:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
-    else:
-        logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING)
-    handler = logging.StreamHandler()
-    handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(
-        "[%(asctime)-15s: %(levelname)-8s @ %(funcName)s] %(message)s"
-    ))
-    logger.addHandler(handler)
-def fetch_labkey_table(
-    domain: str,
-    container_path: str,
-    query_name: str,
-    context_path: str = "labkey",
-    schema_name: str = "lists",
-) -> pd.DataFrame:
-    """
-    Export LabKey table as Pandas data frame.
-    :param domain: domain of LabKey instance
-    :param container_path: path to LabKey container that includes the table of
-        interest
-    :param query_name: name of LabKey table to export
-    :context_path: required by API; usage unclear TODO
-    :schema_name: required by API; usage unclear TODO
-    :returns: Pandas data frame
-    :raises ?: TODO
-    """
-    server_context = labkey.utils.create_server_context(
-        domain=domain,
-        container_path=container_path,
-        context_path=context_path,
-        use_ssl=True,
-    )
-    results = labkey.query.select_rows(
-        server_context=server_context,
-        schema_name=schema_name,
-        query_name=query_name,
-    )
-    input_table = pd.DataFrame(results["rows"])
-    return input_table
-def get_read_length(file: str) -> int:
-    """
-    Returns read length of first entry of gzipped FASTQ file.
-    :param file: path to gzipped FASTQ file
-    :returns: read length
-    :raises FileNotFoundError: file does not exist
-    :raises IsADirectoryError: file is a directory
-    :raises OSError: file is not gzipped
-    :raises PermissionError: file cannot be read
-    :raises ValueError: not a valid FASTQ file
-    """
-    with gzip.open(file, "rt") as handle:
-        return len(next(SeqIO.parse(handle, "fastq")))
-def kmer_from_read_length(
-    length: int,
-    k_max: int = 31,
-    k_min: int = 11,
-) -> int:
-    """
-    Given a read length, returns appropriate kmer parameter size for Salmon
-    (https://salmon.readthedocs.io/) or similar k-mer-based quantification
-    tools.
-    References for implementation:
-    https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#preparing-transcriptome-indices-mapping-based-mode
-    https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sailfish-users/fphjX7OIGzY/bMBwlCaZAgAJ
-    :param length: length of read in nucleotides
-    :param k_max: maximum allowed k-mer size
-    :param k_min: minimum allowed k-mer size
-    :returns: k_max for l > 2 * k_max, or else the maximum of k and k_min,
-        where k is biggest odd integer that fulfills k < l / 2
-    """
-    k = k_max
-    if length < 2 * k_max + 1:
-        # ensure kmer is smaller than half of read length
-        k = math.floor((length - 1) / 2)
-        # ensure kmer is odd
-        if not k % 2:
-            k -= 1
-    if k < k_min:
-        k = k_min
-    return k
-def get_libtype(directionality: str, seqmode: str) -> str:
-    """
-    Returns libtype (https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/library_type.html) given strings indicating the
-    "directionality", and sequencing mode of a sequencing library, respectively.
-    :param directionality: direction in which library was sequenced (one of
-        "SENSE" and "ANTISENSE")
-	:param seqmode: sequencing mode(one of
-        "pe" and "se")
-    :returns: salmon code (one of 'SF', 'SR', 'ISF', 'ISR') for specified directionality; 
-    """
-    if seqmode == "pe":
-	    option = "I"
-    else:
-	    option = ""
-    if directionality == "SENSE":
-        option += "SF"
-    elif directionality == "ANTISENSE":
-        option += "SR"
-    else:
-        logger.error(
-                f"[ERROR] Can't infer library type."
-                f"Make sure directionality and sequencing mode are specified correctly."
-        )
-        sys.exit("Execution aborted.")
-    return option
-def get_polya_adapter_seqs(directionality: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-    """
-    Returns repeat oligomers for detecting and trimming of poly(A) signals from
-    a sequencing library, given a string indicating the library's
-    "directionality".
-    :param directionality: direction in which library was sequenced (one of
-        "SENSE" and "ANTISENSE")
-    :returns: tuple of two 15-mers to be used to detect and trim poly(A)
-        signals from the 3' and 5' ends of the reads of sequencing library,
-        respectively
-    """
-    if directionality == 'SENSE':
-        three = 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'
-        five = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
-    elif directionality == 'ANTISENSE':
-        three = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
-        five = 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTT'
-    else:
-        three = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
-        five = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
-    return (three, five)
-def expand_path(
-    *args: str,
-    anchor: str = os.getcwd(),
-    expand: bool = True,
-    no_abs: bool = False,
-) -> str:
-    """
-    Constructs absolute path.
-    Not tested with symbolic links.
-    :param args: path fragments which will be joined to the anchor from left
-        to right
-    :param anchor: path relative to which the path fragments in *args shall
-        be interpreted; can be absolute or relative; in the latter case, it is
-        interpreted relative to the current working directory; if path
-        fragments evaluate to absolute path (either before or after expansion),
-        the path will be returned without considering the anchor
-    :param expand: whether environment variables and user directories (e.g,
-        `~`) shall be expanded
-    :param join_only: path fragments in args are joined, but no further
-        processing is done
-    :returns: absolute path
-    """
-    suffix = os.path.join(*args)
-    if no_abs:
-        return suffix
-    if os.path.isabs(suffix):
-        return os.path.normpath(suffix)
-    if expand:
-        suffix = os.path.expanduser(
-            os.path.expandvars(
-                suffix
-            )
-        )
-    if os.path.isabs(suffix):
-        return os.path.normpath(suffix)
-    anchor = os.path.expanduser(
-        os.path.expandvars(
-            anchor
-        )
-    )
-    path = os.path.join(anchor, suffix)
-    return os.path.normpath(path)
-def main(args):
-    """
-    Create input table and config for ZARP.
-    """
-    setup_logging(
-        logger=logger,
-        verbose=args.verbose,
-        debug=args.debug,
-    )
-    # get input table from LabKey or CLI
-    if args.labkey_domain:
-        logger.info(
-            f"Fetching input table from LabKey instance "
-            "'{args.labkey_domain}'..."
-        )
-        input_table = fetch_labkey_table(
-            domain=args.labkey_domain,
-            container_path=args.labkey_path,
-            query_name=args.table,
-        )
-        labkey_table = expand_path(
-            '.'.join([args.output_table.name, "labkey"])
-        )
-        input_table.to_csv(
-            labkey_table,
-            sep='\t',
-            index=False,
-        )
-        from_api = True
-    else:
-        logger.info(f"Reading input table from file '{args.table}'...")
-        input_table = pd.read_csv(
-            args.table,
-            header=0,
-            sep='\t',
-            index_col=None,
-            comment='#',
-            engine='python',
-        )
-        from_api = False
-    # get LabKey to Snakemake sample table field mappings
-    input_dict = pd.read_csv(
-        args.input_to_output_mapping,
-        header=0,
-        sep='\t',
-        index_col=None,
-        comment='#',
-        engine='python',
-    )
-    args.input_to_output_mapping.close()
-    input_dict.set_index('snakemake', inplace=True, drop=True)
-    # create Snakemake table
-    logger.info("Creating Snakemake input table...")
-    snakemake_table = pd.DataFrame()
-    for index, row in input_table.iterrows():
-        # extract data from LabKey-like table
-        lk_sample_name = row[input_dict.loc['sample_name', 'labkey']]
-        lk_condition = row[input_dict.loc['condition', 'labkey']]
-        lk_seqmode = row[input_dict.loc['seqmode', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fastq_path = row[input_dict.loc['fastq_path', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq1 = row[input_dict.loc['fq1', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq2 = row[input_dict.loc['fq2', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq1_3p = row[input_dict.loc['fq1_3p', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq1_5p = row[input_dict.loc['fq1_5p', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq2_3p = row[input_dict.loc['fq2_3p', 'labkey']]
-        lk_fq2_5p = row[input_dict.loc['fq2_5p', 'labkey']]
-        lk_organism = row[input_dict.loc['organism', 'labkey']]
-        lk_sd = row[input_dict.loc['sd', 'labkey']]
-        lk_mean = row[input_dict.loc['mean', 'labkey']]
-        lk_mate1_direction = row[input_dict.loc['mate1_direction', 'labkey']]
-        lk_mate2_direction = row[input_dict.loc['mate2_direction', 'labkey']]
-        # extract, infer or convert to Snakemake input format
-        if from_api and not os.path.isabs(lk_fastq_path):
-            anchor = os.getcwd()
-            logger.warning(
-                f"[WARNING] Don't know how to interpret relative paths "
-                "inside LabKey table. Trying with current working directory "
-                f"'{anchor}' as an anchor, but it may be better to use"
-                "absolute paths wherever possible..."
-            )
-        else:
-            anchor = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(args.table))
-        sample = "_".join([lk_sample_name, lk_condition])
-        if lk_seqmode == 'PAIRED':
-            seqmode = 'pe'
-            fq2 = expand_path(
-                lk_fastq_path,
-                lk_fq2,
-                anchor=anchor,
-            )
-        elif lk_seqmode == 'SINGLE':
-            seqmode = 'se'
-            fq2 = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
-        else:
-            logger.error(
-                f"[ERROR] Illegal sequencing mode '{lk_seqmode}' in row "
-                f"{index+1}."
-            )
-            sys.exit("Execution aborted.")
-        fq1 = expand_path(
-            lk_fastq_path,
-            lk_fq1,
-            anchor=anchor,
-        )
-        read_length = get_read_length(fq1)
-        index_size = read_length - 1
-        kmer = kmer_from_read_length(read_length)
-        fq1_3p = lk_fq1_3p
-        fq1_5p = lk_fq1_5p
-        fq2_3p = lk_fq2_3p
-        fq2_5p = lk_fq2_5p
-        organism = lk_organism.replace(' ', '_').lower()
-        gtf = expand_path(
-            args.resources_dir,
-            organism,
-            'annotation.gtf',
-        )
-        genome = expand_path(
-            args.resources_dir,
-            organism,
-            'genome.fa',
-        )
-        sd = lk_sd
-        mean = lk_mean
-        fq1_polya_3p, fq1_polya_5p = get_polya_adapter_seqs(lk_mate1_direction)
-        fq2_polya_3p, fq2_polya_5p = get_polya_adapter_seqs(lk_mate2_direction)
-        # construct row in Snakemake input table
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'sample'] = sample
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'seqmode'] = seqmode
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq1'] = fq1
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq2'] = fq2
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'index_size'] = index_size
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'kmer'] = kmer
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq1_3p'] = fq1_3p
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq1_5p'] = fq1_5p
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq2_3p'] = fq2_3p
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq2_5p'] = fq2_5p
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'organism'] = organism
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'gtf'] = gtf
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'genome'] = genome
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'sd'] = sd
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'mean'] = mean
-        # add CLI argument-dependent parameters
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'multimappers'] = args.multimappers
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'soft_clip'] = args.soft_clip
-        snakemake_table.loc[index, 'pass_mode'] = args.pass_mode
-        if not args.libtype:
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'libtype'] = get_libtype(lk_mate1_direction, seqmode)
-        elif args.libtype in ['SF', 'SR', 'ISF', 'ISR', 'OSF', 'OSR', 'MSF', 'MSR']:
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'libtype'] = args.libtype
-            logger.warning(
-                f"Library type {args.libtype} set for sample {sample}."
-            )
-        if args.trim_polya is True:
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq1_polya_3p'] = fq1_polya_3p
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq1_polya_5p'] = fq1_polya_5p
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq2_polya_3p'] = fq2_polya_3p
-            snakemake_table.loc[index, 'fq2_polya_5p'] = fq2_polya_5p
-    # adjust sample table format
-    snakemake_table.fillna('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', inplace=True)
-    snakemake_table = snakemake_table.astype(
-        {
-            "sd": int,
-            "mean": int,
-            "multimappers": int,
-            "kmer": int,
-            "index_size": int,
-        }
-    )
-    # write Snakemake sample table
-    logger.info("Writing Snakemake input table...")
-    snakemake_table.to_csv(
-        args.output_table,
-        sep='\t',
-        header=True,
-        index=False)
-    args.output_table.close()
-    # compile entries for Snakemake config file
-    logger.info("Creating Snakemake config file...")
-    results_dir = expand_path(
-        args.output_dir,
-        "results",
-    )
-    log_dir = expand_path(
-        args.output_dir,
-        "logs",
-    )
-    kallisto_indexes = expand_path(
-        results_dir,
-        "kallisto_indexes",
-    )
-    salmon_indexes = expand_path(
-        results_dir,
-        "salmon_indexes",
-    )
-    star_indexes = expand_path(
-        results_dir,
-        "star_indexes",
-    )
-    alfa_indexes = expand_path(
-        results_dir,
-        "alfa_indexes",
-    )
-    # write Snakemake config file
-    logger.info("Writing Snakemake config file...")
-    config_file_content = f'''---
-  samples: "{expand_path(args.output_table.name)}"
-  output_dir: "{results_dir}"
-  log_dir: "{log_dir}"
-  kallisto_indexes: "{kallisto_indexes}"
-  salmon_indexes: "{salmon_indexes}"
-  star_indexes: "{star_indexes}"
-  alfa_indexes: "{alfa_indexes}"
-  report_description: "{args.description}"
-  report_logo: "{args.logo}"
-  report_url: "{args.url}"
-    args.config_file.write(config_file_content)
-    args.config_file.close()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    args = parse_cli_args()
-    # Set default according to CLI arg
-    expand_path = partial(expand_path, no_abs=args.no_process_paths)  # type: ignore
-    main(args)
-    logger.info("Program completed successfully.")
-    sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/scripts/requirements.txt b/scripts/requirements.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba30bb94d58fb884542c3bdaeba006058ba7fe3e..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/scripts/requirements.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/expected_output.md5 b/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/expected_output.md5
deleted file mode 100644
index a94e93ea0832b09e7980c5039d822ceb553ac20a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/expected_output.md5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-aa583b9bad45eeb520d9d624cca0af78  samples.tsv
-c4cda83b069eb7ccb16547e1a9cdb34a  config.yaml
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/test.sh b/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index dea4515a96cedb3b9e93b77510049391ef00f5e6..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_labkey/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# Scripts requires environment variables 'LABKEY_HOST', 'LABKEY_USER' and
-# 'LABKEY_PASS' to be set with the appropriate values
-# Tear down test environment
-cleanup () {
-    rc=$?
-    rm -rf ${HOME}/.netrc
-    rm -rf .snakemake/
-    rm -rf config.yaml
-    rm -rf samples.tsv.labkey
-    rm -rf samples.tsv
-    cd $user_dir
-    echo "Exit status: $rc"
-trap cleanup EXIT
-# Set up test environment
-set -eo pipefail  # ensures that script exits at first command that exits with non-zero status
-set -u  # ensures that script exits when unset variables are used
-set -x  # facilitates debugging by printing out executed commands
-script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
-cd $script_dir
-cat << EOF | ( umask 0377; cat >> ${HOME}/.netrc; )
-machine ${LABKEY_HOST}
-login ${LABKEY_USER}
-password ${LABKEY_PASS}
-# Run tests
-python "../../scripts/prepare_inputs.py" \
-    --labkey-domain="${LABKEY_HOST}" \
-    --labkey-path="/Zavolan Group/TEST_LABKEY" \
-    --input-to-output-mapping="../../scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv" \
-    --resources-dir="../input_files" \
-    --output-table="samples.tsv" \
-    --config-file="config.yaml" \
-    --multimappers='10' \
-    --logo="../../images/logo.128px.png" \
-    --debug \
-    "RNA_Seq_data_template_raw"
-# Check if dry run completes
-snakemake \
-    --snakefile="../../Snakefile" \
-    --configfile="config.yaml" \
-    --dryrun \
-    --verbose
-#md5sum --check "expected_output.md5"
-# MD5 sums obtained with command:
-# md5sum config.yaml samples.tsv > expected_output.md5
-md5sum config.yaml samples.tsv
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/expected_output.md5 b/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/expected_output.md5
deleted file mode 100644
index aca34c0e6a67951980803d7b7d912ea94ef2d0c1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/expected_output.md5
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-40bd0f0fcecdd0d9bc932f63c2811478  config.yaml
-d8fb1773e3b83b6fab0a0d44c9fa71e6  samples.tsv
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/input_table.tsv b/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/input_table.tsv
deleted file mode 100644
index 10b0244153e375114d91f354919fe50ab434c414..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/input_table.tsv
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Mate2_5p_Adapter	Condition_Name	Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate1	Disease_Short_Name	Single_Paired	Gender	Entry_Date	Disease_Description	Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype	Genotype_Description	Mate1_File	Source_Tissue_Name	Developmental_Stage	Mate1_Direction	Quality_Control_Flag	Genotype_Short_Name	Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype_ID	Fragment_Length_Mean	Organism	Contaminant_Sequences	TaxonID	Documentation	Prepared_By	_labkeyurl_Entry_Date	Molecule	Mate2_Direction	Library_preparation_kit	Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate1	Cycles	Fragment_Length_SD	Sample_Name	Passage_Number	Mate1_5p_Adapter	Mate2_3p_Adapter	Path_Fastq_Files	Mate1_3p_Adapter	Treatment_Short_Name	Age	Sequencing_Date	Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate2	Biomaterial_Provider	Treatment_Description	Sample_Preparation_Date	BioAnalyzer_File	Sequencing_Instrument	Additional_Tissue_Description	Protocol_File	Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate2	Tissue_Code	File_Name_Metadata_File	Mate2_File
-	synthetic_10_reads_paired	xxx	xxx	PAIRED	xxx	Fri Dec 20 00:00:00 CET 2019	xxx	xxx	xxx	synthetic.mate_1.fastq.gz	xxx	xxx	SENSE	xxx	xxx	xxx	250.0	Homo sapiens	xxx	9606	xxx	xxx	/labkey/Zavolan%20Group/Test_labkey/list-details.view?listId=9&pk=../input_files/project1	xxx	ANTISENSE	xxx	xxx	xxx	100.0	synthetic_10_reads_paired	xxx		AGATCGGAAGAGCGT	../input_files/project1	AGATCGGAAGAGCACA	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	synthetic.mate_2.fastq.gz
-	synthetic_10_reads_mate_1	xxx	xxx	SINGLE	xxx	Fri Dec 20 00:00:00 CET 2019	xxx	xxx	xxx	synthetic.mate_1.fastq.gz	xxx	xxx	SENSE	xxx	xxx	xxx	250.0	Homo sapiens	xxx	9606	xxx	xxx	/labkey/Zavolan%20Group/Test_labkey/list-details.view?listId=9&pk=../input_files/project2	xxx		xxx	xxx	xxx	100.0	synthetic_10_reads_mate_1	xxx			../input_files/project2	AGATCGGAAGAGCACA	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	
diff --git a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/test.sh b/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/test.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c570241ebb83ad13da152e43a8f8666dc8b83d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tests/test_scripts_prepare_inputs_table/test.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-# Tear down test environment
-cleanup () {
-    rc=$?
-    rm -rf .snakemake/
-    rm -rf config.yaml
-    rm -rf samples.tsv
-    rm -rf logs
-    cd $user_dir
-    echo "Exit status: $rc"
-trap cleanup EXIT
-# Set up test environment
-set -eo pipefail  # ensures that script exits at first command that exits with non-zero status
-set -u  # ensures that script exits when unset variables are used
-set -x  # facilitates debugging by printing out executed commands
-script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)"
-cd $script_dir/
-# Run tests
-python "../../scripts/prepare_inputs.py" \
-    --input-to-output-mapping="../../scripts/prepare_inputs.dict.tsv" \
-    --resources-dir="../input_files" \
-    --output-table="samples.tsv" \
-    --config-file="config.yaml" \
-    --multimappers='10' \
-    --logo="../../images/logo.128px.png" \
-    --output-dir="" \
-    --no-process-paths \
-    "input_table.tsv"
-# Check if dry run completes
-snakemake \
-    --snakefile="../../workflow/Snakefile" \
-    --configfile="config.yaml" \
-    --dryrun \
-    --verbose
-md5sum --check "expected_output.md5"
-# MD5 sums obtained with command:
-# md5sum config.yaml samples.tsv > expected_output.md5