diff --git a/snakemake/Snakefile b/snakemake/Snakefile
index 0343922f47131004c41a1f723c922b8e01ba949b..e0b8f6f44b84ac3f5cc20a0d6e255c8b53fdc695 100644
--- a/snakemake/Snakefile
+++ b/snakemake/Snakefile
@@ -2,15 +2,6 @@ import pandas as pd
 configfile: "config.yaml"
-samples = pd.read_table(config['samples_table'], header=0, index_col=0, comment='#', engine='python')
-samples['out_name'] = samples['Sample_name'] + samples['Library_Type']
 localrules: finish
@@ -19,187 +10,11 @@ localrules: finish
 rule finish:
-		final_sample = expand(os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "fastqc"), sample=samples['out_name'].values),
-		#fastqc = expand(os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "fastqc"), sample=config["sample"]),
-		#htseq_qa = expand(os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "htseq_qa", "htseq_quality.pdf"), sample=config["sample"]),
-		#gn_estimates = expand(os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "salmon_quant", "quant.genes.sf"), sample=config["sample"]),
-		#bam = expand(os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.bam"), sample=config["sample"])
+		final_sample = expand()
 # Execution dependend on sequencing mode
 include: 'paired_end.snakefile'
 include: 'single_end.snakefile'
-### Fastqc
-rule fastqc:
-	input:
-		reads = os.path.join(config["input_dir"], "{sample}.fastq.gz")
-	output:
-		outdir = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "fastqc")
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/fastqc:0.11.8"
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"], "fastqc_{sample}.log")
-	shell:
-		"(mkdir -p {output.outdir}; \
-		fastqc \
-		--outdir {output.outdir} \
-		{input.reads}) &> {log}"
-### HTSeq quality assessment of the fastq file
-rule htseq_qa:
-	input:
-		reads = os.path.join(config["input_dir"], "{sample}.fastq.gz")
-	output:
-		qual_pdf = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "htseq_qa", "htseq_quality.pdf")
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/python_htseq:3.6.5_0.10.0"
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"], "htseq_qa_{sample}.log")
-	shell:
-		"(htseq-qa \
-		-t fastq \
-		-o {output.qual_pdf} \
-        {input.reads} ) &> {log}"
-### Map to other RNAs with Segemehl
-rule map_to_other_RNAs:
-	input:
-		reads = os.path.join(config["input_dir"], "{sample}.fastq.gz"),
-		index = config["other_RNAs_index"],
-		sequence = config["other_RNAs_sequence"]
-	output:
-		sam = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "other_genes.mapped.sam"),
-		reads = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "other_genes.unmapped.fastq.gz")
-	params:
-		reads = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "other_genes.unmapped.fastq"),
-		silent = "--silent",
-		accuracy = "90"
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"], "map_to_other_genes_{sample}.log")
-	threads:	8
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/segemehl:0.2.0"
-	shell:
-		"(segemehl.x \
-		{params.silent} \
-		-i {input.index} \
-		-d {input.sequence} \
-		-q {input.reads} \
-		--accuracy {params.accuracy} \
-		--threads {threads} \
-		-o {output.sam} \
-		-u {params.reads}; \
-		gzip -c {params.reads} > {output.reads}; \
-		rm {params.reads}) &> {log}"
-### salmon quant
-rule salmon_quant:
-	input:
-		reads = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "other_genes.unmapped.fastq.gz"),
-		gtf = config["annotation_filtered"],
-		index = config["salmon_index"]
-	output:
-		output_dir = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "salmon_quant"),
-		gn_estimates = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "salmon_quant", "quant.genes.sf"),
-		tr_estimates = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "salmon_quant", "quant.sf")
-	params:
-		libType = lambda wildcards: config[wildcards.sample]['libType'],
-		fldMean = lambda wildcards: config[wildcards.sample]['fldMean'],
-		fldSD = lambda wildcards: config[wildcards.sample]['fldSD'],
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"], "salmon_quant_{sample}.log")
-	threads:	6
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/salmon:0.11.0"
-	shell:
-		"(salmon quant \
-		--index {input.index} \
-		--libType {params.libType} \
-		--unmatedReads <(zcat {input.reads}) \
-		--seqBias \
-		--geneMap {input.gtf} \
-		--fldMean {params.fldMean} \
-		--fldSD {params.fldSD} \
-		--threads {threads} \
-		--output {output.output_dir}) &> {log}"
-### Align reads STAR
-rule align_reads_STAR:
-	input:
-		index = config["STAR_index"],
-		reads = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "other_genes.unmapped.fastq.gz"),
-		gtf = config["annotation"]
-	output:
-		outputfile = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.bam")
-	params:
-		outFileNamePrefix = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_")
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"],"align_reads_STAR_{sample}.log")
-	threads:	8
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/star:2.6.0a"
-	shell:
-		"(STAR --runMode alignReads \
-		--twopassMode Basic \
-		--runThreadN {threads} \
-		--genomeDir {input.index} \
-		--sjdbGTFfile {input.gtf} \
-		--readFilesIn {input.reads} \
-		--readFilesCommand zcat \
-		--outFileNamePrefix {params.outFileNamePrefix} \
-		--outSAMtype BAM Unsorted) &> {log}"
-### Sort alignment file
-rule sort_bam:
-	input:
-		bam = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.bam")
-	output:
-		bam = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.sorted.bam")
-	threads:	8
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"],"sort_bam_{sample}.log")
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/samtools:1.8"
-	shell:
-		"(samtools sort -@ {threads} {input.bam} > {output.bam}) &> {log}"
-### Index alignment file
-rule samtools_index:
-	input:
-		bam = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.sorted.bam")
-	output:
-		bai = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "{sample}", "STAR_Aligned.out.sorted.bam.bai")
-	log:
-		os.path.join(config["local_log"],"samtools_index_{sample}.log")
-	singularity:
-		"docker://zavolab/samtools:1.8"
-	shell:
-		"(samtools index {input.bam} > {output.bai}) &> {log}"
diff --git a/snakemake/paired_end.snakemake b/snakemake/paired_end.snakemake
index 820a59a6b47b4b6c14be39b4d5aa318cdb0e0e05..b9443eb12d5fd7583fe039737ea65b8d23df9b00 100644
--- a/snakemake/paired_end.snakemake
+++ b/snakemake/paired_end.snakemake
@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ rule htseq_qa:
 		qual_pdf_mate1 = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "paired_end", "{sample}", "htseq_quality_mate1.pdf"),
 		qual_pdf_mate2 = os.path.join(config["output_dir"], "paired_end", "{sample}", "htseq_quality_mate2.pdf")
+	threads:
+		2
 		os.path.join(config["local_log"], "paired_end", "{sample}", "htseq_qa_.log")
-		"(htseq-qa -t fastq -o {output.qual_pdf_mate1} {input.reads1}; \
+		"(htseq-qa -t fastq -o {output.qual_pdf_mate1} {input.reads1}; & \
 		htseq-qa -t fastq -o {output.qual_pdf_mate2} {input.reads2}; ) &> {log}"
diff --git a/tests/RNA_Seq_data_template_test.tsv b/tests/RNA_Seq_data_template_test.tsv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34c7bb10db59c7ca9d693ded26e5cf1b5ab79b1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/RNA_Seq_data_template_test.tsv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Entry_Date	Path_Fastq_Files	Condition_Name	Replicate_Name	Single_Paired	Mate1_File	Mate2_File	Mate1_Direction	Mate2_Direction	Mate1_5p_Adapter	Mate1_3p_Adapter	Mate2_5p_Adapter	Mate2_3p_Adapter	Fragment_Length_Mean	Fragment_Length_SD	Quality_Control_Flag	Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate1	Checksum_Raw_FASTQ_Mate2	File_Name_Metadata_File	Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate1	Name_Quality_Control_File_Mate2	Organism	TaxonID	Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype	Strain_Isolate_Breed_Ecotype_ID	Biomaterial_Provider	Source_Tissue_Name	Tissue_Code	Additional_Tissue_Description	Genotype_Short_Name	Genotype_Description	Disease_Short_Name	Disease_Description	Treatment_Short_Name	Treatment_Description	Gender	Age	Developmental_Stage	Passage_Number	Sample_Preparation_Date	Prepared_By	Documentation	Protocol_File	Sequencing_Date	Sequencing_Instrument	Library_preparation_kit	Cycles	Molecule	Contaminant_Sequences	BioAnalyzer_File
+Fri Dec 20 00:00:00 CET 2019	/scicore/projects/openbis/userstore/biozentrum_zavolan/20191119031355465-60677668	LN18C	LN18C_rep1	PAIRED	BSSE_QGF_131557_HHK5FDRXX_1_7_1_LN18C_1_GAATGAGA_GAGGCATT_S1_L001_R1_001_MM_1.fastq.gz	BSSE_QGF_131557_HHK5FDRXX_1_7_1_LN18C_1_GAATGAGA_GAGGCATT_S1_L001_R2_001_MM_1.fastq.gz	ANTISENSE	ANTISENSE	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	300.0	100.0	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	Homo sapiens	9606	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx
+Fri Dec 20 00:00:00 CET 2019	/scicore/projects/openbis/userstore/biozentrum_zavolan/20191119031410069-60677669	LN18C	LN18C_rep2	PAIRED	BSSE_QGF_131558_HHK5FDRXX_1_7_2_LN18C_2_AGGCAGAG_AGAATGCC_S2_L001_R1_001_MM_1.fastq.gz	BSSE_QGF_131558_HHK5FDRXX_1_7_2_LN18C_2_AGGCAGAG_AGAATGCC_S2_L001_R2_001_MM_1.fastq.gz	ANTISENSE	ANTISENSE	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	AAAAAAAAAA	300.0	100.0	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	Homo sapiens	9606	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx	xxx