diff --git a/pipeline_documentation.md b/pipeline_documentation.md
index 5f96d48eba52621b0962c5e8ce9c88392894086b..bbef50f59eeb32d5da838b9d80b0bc91c6e18d49 100644
--- a/pipeline_documentation.md
+++ b/pipeline_documentation.md
@@ -557,7 +557,14 @@ Remove adapter sequences from reads with
     - Adapters to be removed; specify in sample table columns `fq1_3p`, `fq1_5p`,
     `fq2_3p`, `fq2_5p`
   - **rule_config.yaml:**
-    - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, that might cause problems in downstream programs)
+    - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 nt. If
+    specified in `rule_config.yaml`, it will override ZARP's default value of
+    `m=1` for this parameter. Note that this is different from `cutadapt`'s
+    default behavior (`m=0`), which leads to empty reads being retained,
+    causing problems in downstream applications in ZARP. We thus strongly
+    recommend to **not** set the value of `m` to `0`! Refer to `cutadapt`'s
+    [documentation][docs-cutadapt-m] for more information on the `m`
+    parameter.
     - `-n 2`: search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until
     no adapter match was found or until 2 rounds have been performed. (default 1)
@@ -579,8 +586,15 @@ Remove poly(A) tails from reads with
   - **samples.tsv**
     - Poly(A) stretches to be removed; specify in sample table columns `fq1_polya` and `fq2_polya`
   - **rule_config.yaml**
-      - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, that might cause problems in downstream programs)
-      - `-O 1`: minimal overlap of 1 (default: 3)
+    - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 nt. If
+    specified in `rule_config.yaml`, it will override ZARP's default value of
+    `m=1` for this parameter. Note that this is different from `cutadapt`'s
+    default behavior (`m=0`), which leads to empty reads being retained,
+    causing problems in downstream applications in ZARP. We thus strongly
+    recommend to **not** set the value of `m` to `0`! Refer to `cutadapt`'s
+    [documentation][docs-cutadapt-m] for more information on the `m`
+    parameter.
+    - `-O 1`: minimal overlap of 1 (default: 3)
 - **Output**
   - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); used in
@@ -690,6 +704,7 @@ Generate pseudoalignments of reads to transcripts with
 [docs-bedgraphtobigwig]: <http://hgdownload.soe.ucsc.edu/admin/exe/linux.x86_64/>
 [docs-bedtools]: <https://bedtools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
 [docs-cutadapt]: <https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/>
+[docs-cutadapt-m]: <https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#filtering-reads>
 [docs-gffread]: <http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/gff.shtml#gffread>
 [docs-fastqc]: <http://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/projects/fastqc/Help/>
 [docs-imagemagick]: <https://imagemagick.org/>
diff --git a/tests/input_files/rule_config.yaml b/tests/input_files/rule_config.yaml
index 2cdec07f884f51f1267c421236ce45b39b45cf09..a42874f3fdd09019cca8e9e5da6e3a0eeeb4ea4c 100644
--- a/tests/input_files/rule_config.yaml
+++ b/tests/input_files/rule_config.yaml
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
 #   __________________________________________________________________
 #  |          ARE CHANGED HERE.                                       |
 #  |__________________________________________________________________|
 # For RUN SPECIFIC PARAMETERS (sample specific parameters have to be
 # defined in the samples table!)
 # Specify path to this file in main config.yaml under key 'rule_config'
-# One top-level keyword per RULE (not per tool, as one tool might be used 
+# One top-level keyword per RULE (not per tool, as one tool might be used
 # with different settings by more than one rule)
-# Parameters have to be specified exactly like they have to appear on the 
+# Parameters have to be specified exactly like they have to appear on the
 # command line call (e.g. -n or --name)
 # All values need to be QUOTED STRINGS; to specify flags (i.e., parameters
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-#start: No parameters to change here
+# start: No parameters to change here
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ create_index_star:
-#concatenate_transcriptome_and_genome: No parameters to change here
+# concatenate_transcriptome_and_genome: No parameters to change here
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ extract_transcripts_as_bed12:
-    # Minimum number of reads mapped to a transcript (default 10, ZARP recommends 0)
+    # Minimum number of reads mapped to a transcript (default 10, ZARP
+    # recommends 0)
     -c: '0'
@@ -94,53 +95,103 @@ prepare_bigWig:
-    # search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until no adapter match was found or until n rounds have been performed. (default 1, ZARP recommends 2)
+    # Search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until no
+    # adapter match was found or until n rounds have been performed (default 1,
+    # ZARP recommends 2)
     -n: '2'
-    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, ZARP strongly recommends m > 0, because empty reads might cause problems in downstream programs)
+    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than m; note that cutadapt uses
+    # a default value of m=0, causing reads without any nucleotides remaining
+    # after proessing to be retained; as "empty reads" will cause errors in
+    # downstream applications in ZARP, we have changed the default to m=1,
+    # meaning that only read fragments of at least 1 nt will be retained after
+    # processing. The default will be overridden by the value specified here,
+    # but for the reason stated above, we strongly recommend NOT to set m=0;
+    # cf. https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#filtering-reads
     -m: '10'
-    # search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until no adapter match was found or until n rounds have been performed. (default 1, ZARP recommends 2)
+    # Search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until no
+    # adapter match was found or until n rounds have been performed (default 1,
+    # ZARP recommends 2)
     -n: '2'
-    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, ZARP strongly recommends m > 0, because empty reads might cause problems in downstream programs)
+    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than m; note that cutadapt uses
+    # a default value of m=0, causing reads without any nucleotides remaining
+    # after proessing to be retained; as "empty reads" will cause errors in
+    # downstream applications in ZARP, we have changed the default to m=1,
+    # meaning that only read fragments of at least 1 nt will be retained after
+    # processing. The default will be overridden by the value specified here,
+    # but for the reason stated above, we strongly recommend NOT to set m=0;
+    # cf. https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#filtering-reads
     -m: '10'
-    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, ZARP strongly recommends m > 0, because empty reads might cause problems in downstream programs)
+    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than m; note that cutadapt uses
+    # a default value of m=0, causing reads without any nucleotides remaining
+    # after proessing to be retained; as "empty reads" will cause errors in
+    # downstream applications in ZARP, we have changed the default to m=1,
+    # meaning that only read fragments of at least 1 nt will be retained after
+    # processing. The default will be overridden by the value specified here,
+    # but for the reason stated above, we strongly recommend NOT to set m=0;
+    # cf. https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#filtering-reads
     -m: '10'
-    # Minimal overlap of adapter and read (default 3, ZARP recommends 1 in order to remove all 3' As)
-    -O: '1' 
+    # Minimal overlap of adapter and read (default 3, ZARP recommends 1 in
+    # order to remove all 3' As)
+    -O: '1'
-    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10 (default 0, ZARP strongly recommends m > 0, because empty reads might cause problems in downstream programs)
+    # Discard processed reads that are shorter than m; note that cutadapt uses
+    # a default value of m=0, causing reads without any nucleotides remaining
+    # after proessing to be retained; as "empty reads" will cause errors in
+    # downstream applications in ZARP, we have changed the default to m=1,
+    # meaning that only read fragments of at least 1 nt will be retained after
+    # processing. The default will be overridden by the value specified here,
+    # but for the reason stated above, we strongly recommend NOT to set m=0;
+    # cf. https://cutadapt.readthedocs.io/en/stable/guide.html#filtering-reads
     -m: '10'
-    # Minimal overlap of adapter and read (default 3, ZARP recommends 1 in order to remove all 3' As)
-    -O: '1' 
+    # Minimal overlap of adapter and read (default 3, ZARP recommends 1 in
+    # order to remove all 3' As)
+    -O: '1'
-    # the score range below the maximum score for multimapping alignments (default 1, ZARP recommends 0)
+    # The score range below the maximum score for multimapping alignments
+    # (default 1, ZARP recommends 0)
     --outFilterMultimapScoreRange: '0'
-    # keep only those reads that contain junctions that passed filtering into SJ.out.tab. (default 'Normal', ZARP recommends 'BySJout', as this reduces the number of ”spurious” junctions )
+    # Keep only those reads that contain junctions that passed filtering into
+    # "SJ.out.tab" (default 'Normal', ZARP recommends 'BySJout', as this
+    # reduces the number of spurious junctions )
     --outFilterType: 'BySJout'
-    # the score range below the maximum score for multimapping alignments (default 1, ZARP recommends 0)
+    # The score range below the maximum score for multimapping alignments
+    # (default 1, ZARP recommends 0)
     --outFilterMultimapScoreRange: '0'
-    # keep only those reads that contain junctions that passed filtering into SJ.out.tab. (default 'Normal', ZARP recommends 'BySJout', as this reduces the number of ”spurious” junctions )
+    # Keep only those reads that contain junctions that passed filtering into
+    # "SJ.out.tab" (default 'Normal', ZARP recommends 'BySJout', as this
+    # reduces the number of spurious junctions )
     --outFilterType: 'BySJout'
-    # correct for sequence specific biases](https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#seqbias
+    # Correct for sequence specific biases; cf.
+    # https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#seqbias
     --seqBias: ''
-    # enables selective alignment of the sequencing reads when mapping them to the transcriptome; this can improve both the sensitivity and specificity of mapping and, as a result, can [improve quantification accuracy](https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#validatemappings)
+    # Enable selective alignment of the sequencing reads when mapping them to
+    # the transcriptome; this can improve both the sensitivity and specificity
+    # of mapping and, as a result, can improve quantification accuracy; cf.
+    # https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#validatemappings
     --validateMappings: ''
-    # correct for sequence specific biases](https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#seqbias
+    # Correct for sequence specific biases, cf.
+    # https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#seqbias
     --seqBias: ''
-    # enables selective alignment of the sequencing reads when mapping them to the transcriptome; this can improve both the sensitivity and specificity of mapping and, as a result, can [improve quantification accuracy](https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#validatemappings)
+    # Enable selective alignment of the sequencing reads when mapping them to
+    # the transcriptome; this can improve both the sensitivity and specificity
+    # of mapping and, as a result, can improve quantification accuracy; cf.
+    # https://salmon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/salmon.html#validatemappings
     --validateMappings: ''
-    # write out the names of reads (or mates in paired-end reads) that do not map to the transcriptome. For paired-end this gives flags that indicate how a read failed to map
+    # Write out the names of reads (or mates in paired-end reads) that do not
+    # map to the transcriptome. For paired-end libraries this gives flags that
+    # indicate how a read failed to map
     --writeUnmappedNames: ''
diff --git a/workflow/rules/paired_end.snakefile.smk b/workflow/rules/paired_end.snakefile.smk
index 37c55460935a5bc1c86716f3ad69efc96e7e5fde..76a88f1dbb6f691f438136a088b73f374920d4dd 100644
--- a/workflow/rules/paired_end.snakefile.smk
+++ b/workflow/rules/paired_end.snakefile.smk
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ rule pe_remove_adapters_cutadapt:
         -g {params.adapter_5_mate1} \
         -A {params.adapter_3_mate2} \
         -G {params.adapter_5_mate2} \
+        -m 1 \
         {params.additional_params} \
         -o {output.reads1} \
         -p {output.reads2} \
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ rule pe_remove_polya_cutadapt:
         -g {params.polya_5_mate1} \
         -A {params.polya_3_mate2} \
         -G {params.polya_5_mate2} \
+        -m 1 \
         {params.additional_params} \
         -o {output.reads1} \
         -p {output.reads2} \
diff --git a/workflow/rules/single_end.snakefile.smk b/workflow/rules/single_end.snakefile.smk
index e270aba84b8a70d69780aa5f31891b991dc8f54f..cd7bb1da424cce1066ebc4e6531dd3ea48204c91 100644
--- a/workflow/rules/single_end.snakefile.smk
+++ b/workflow/rules/single_end.snakefile.smk
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ rule remove_adapters_cutadapt:
         -j {threads} \
         -a {params.adapters_3} \
         -g {params.adapters_5} \
+        -m 1 \
         {params.additional_params} \
         -o {output.reads} \
         {input.reads}) \
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ rule remove_polya_cutadapt:
         -j {threads} \
         -a {params.polya_3} \
         -g {params.polya_5} \
+        -m 1 \
         {params.additional_params} \
         -o {output.reads} \
         {input.reads};) \