# This script targets the client api version 0.4.0 and later # # Check the page: https://github.com/LabKey/labkey-api-python/blob/master/samples/query_examples.py # for example about filtering in queries. # A starting point to investigate further is here: # https://www.labkey.org/download/clientapi_docs/javascript-api/symbols/LABKEY.Query.Filter.html import labkey import pandas as pd import sys # for convenience, load QueryFilter explicitly (avoids long lines in filter definitions) from labkey.query import QueryFilter if __name__ == "__main__": # These are values of variables for which the script works # project_name = "TEST_ABOERSCH" # query_name = "RNA_Seq_data_template" project_name = sys.argv[1] query_name = sys.argv[2] server_context = labkey.utils.create_server_context('labkey.scicore.unibas.ch', '/Zavolan Group/'+project_name, 'labkey', use_ssl=True) schema_name = "lists" results = labkey.query.select_rows(server_context,schema_name,query_name) table_of_data = pd.DataFrame(results["rows"]) print(table_of_data)