#!/bin/bash # Tear down test environment cleanup () { rc=$? rm -rf .java/ rm -rf .snakemake/ rm -rf logs/ rm -rfv results/alfa_indexes/ rm -rfv results/*/*/ALFA/ rm -rfv results/*/*/STAR_coverage/ rm -rfv results/ALFA/ cd $user_dir echo "Exit status: $rc" } trap cleanup EXIT # Set up test environment set -eo pipefail # ensures that script exits at first command that exits with non-zero status set -u # ensures that script exits when unset variables are used set -x # facilitates debugging by printing out executed commands user_dir=$PWD script_dir="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd)" cd $script_dir # Run tests snakemake \ --snakefile="../../Snakefile" \ --configfile="../input_files/config_alfa.yaml" \ --cores=4 \ --printshellcmds \ --rerun-incomplete \ --use-singularity \ --singularity-args="--bind ${PWD}/../input_files,${PWD}/../../images" \ --verbose \ --notemp \ --no-hooks \ results/ALFA/ALFA_plots_mqc.png # Check md5 sum of some output files find results/ -type f -name \*\.gz -exec gunzip '{}' \; find results/ -type f -name \*\.zip -exec sh -c 'unzip -o {} -d $(dirname {})' \; md5sum --check "expected_output.md5"