#!/usr/bin/env python3 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Author : Maria Katsantoni, Maciek Bak # Company: Mihaela Zavolan, Biozentrum, Basel # This script is part of the Zavolan lab ZARP pipeline. # In this script the config file used by multiqc # (https://multiqc.info) is created. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter import os def main(): """ Create config file for multiqc""" __doc__ = "Create config file for multiqc" parser = ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument("--config", help="Output file destination for config", required=True, metavar="FILE",) parser.add_argument("--intro-text", dest="intro_text", help="short description at the top of report", metavar="STR") parser.add_argument("--custom-logo", dest="custom_logo", default='None', help="Logo path", metavar="FILE") parser.add_argument("--url", help="Url of the lab", metavar="STR") parser.add_argument("--author-name", dest="author_name", default='None', help="Name of person running this analysis", metavar="STR") parser.add_argument("--author-email", dest="author_email", default='None', help="email of person running this analysis", metavar="STR") try: options = parser.parse_args() except(Exception): parser.print_help() if len(sys.argv) == 1: parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) title = "ZARP" subtitle = "RNA-Seq processing pipeline developed by Zavolan Lab" logo_title = "ZARP" project_type = "Snakemake workflow" analysis_type = "RNA-seq" intro_text = options.intro_text custom_logo = options.custom_logo url = options.url author_name = options.author_name author_email = options.author_email config_string = f"""--- title: "{title}" subtitle: "{subtitle}" intro_text: "{intro_text}" custom_logo: "{custom_logo}" custom_logo_url: "{url}" custom_logo_title: "{logo_title}" report_header_info: - Project Type: "{project_type}" - Analysis Type: "{analysis_type}" - Analysis Author: "{author_name}" - Contact E-mail: "{author_email}" module_order: - fastqc: path_filters: - "*/*/fastqc/*/*" - cutadapt: name: "Cutadapt: adapter removal" path_filters: - "*/*/*remove_adapters_cutadapt*.stdout.log" - cutadapt: name: "Cutadapt: polyA tails removal" path_filters: - "*/*/*remove_polya_cutadapt*.stdout.log" - star: path_filters: - "*/*/map_genome/*" - ALFA: path_filters: - "*/*/ALFA/*/*ALFA_feature_counts.tsv" - tin-score: path_filters: - "*/*/TIN/TIN_score.tsv" - salmon: path_filters: - "*/*/*.salmon.*/*" - kallisto: path_filters: - "*/*/*genome_quantification_kallisto*.stderr.log" fn_clean_exts: - '.fq1' - '.gz' - '.stdout' - '.log' - '.stderr' - '.fastq' - '.bam' - '.bai' - '.pe' - '.se' - '.pseudo' - '.salmon' - '.sam' ...""" with open(options.config, "w") as config: config.write(config_string) return if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.stderr.write("User interrupt!") sys.exit(1)