diff --git a/read_sequencer_package/cli.py b/read_sequencer_package/cli.py
index 8273b5565d3efdcc95061d7ffa237f39c41aad0e..f242c4c1f4058c5f6baf5f3e7f675f784308c26a 100644
--- a/read_sequencer_package/cli.py
+++ b/read_sequencer_package/cli.py
@@ -1,11 +1,22 @@
 import argparse
+from modules import run_read_sequencer
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog= 'read_sequencer', description='Simulates Sequenceing of a FASTA file.')
-                    help='path to FASTA file', action='store_const')
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='read_sequencer',
+                                 description='Simulates sequencing of a DNA sequences specified by an FASTA file.')
+                    help='path to FASTA file')
+                    help='path to FASTA file')
-                    help='read length for sequencing', action='store_const')
+                    help='read length for sequencing',
+                    type=int)
 args = parser.parse_args()
-print(args.file_path, args.read_length)
+def main():
+    run_read_sequencer(args.input_file_path, args.read_length, args.output_file_path)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()
diff --git a/read_sequencer_package/modules.py b/read_sequencer_package/modules.py
index e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391..ca84a645b8a5f88f1d3c083d5d489917b3b90adb 100644
--- a/read_sequencer_package/modules.py
+++ b/read_sequencer_package/modules.py
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+def read_in_fasta(file_path):
+    '''
+    This function reads in FASTA files
+    argument is file_path
+    it returns a dictionary with the sequences
+    '''
+    sequences = {}
+    f = open(file_path)
+    for line in f:
+        if line[0] == '>':
+            defline = line.strip()
+            defline = defline.replace('>', '')
+        else:
+            if defline not in sequences:
+                sequences[defline] = ''
+                sequences[defline] += line.strip()
+    f.close()
+    return sequences
+def read_sequence(seq, read_length, padding_probabilities=None):
+    '''
+    This function reads sequences
+    arguments: seq is a list of sequences
+    padding_probabilities is a number??
+    returns sequenced element
+    '''
+    from random import choice
+    bases = ["A", "T", "C", "G"]
+    sequenced = ''
+    if read_length >= len(seq):
+        for nt in range(len(seq)):
+            sequenced += seq[nt]
+        for nt in range(len(seq),read_length):
+            sequenced += choice(bases)
+    else:
+        for nt in range(read_length):
+            sequenced += seq[nt]
+    return sequenced
+def simulate_sequencing(sequences, read_length):
+    results = {}
+    for index, key in enumerate(sequences):
+        results[key] = read_sequence(sequences[key],read_length=read_length)
+    return results
+def write_fasta(sequences, file_path):
+    """
+    Takes a dictionary and writes it to a fasta file
+    Must specify the filename when caling the function
+    """
+    from textwrap import wrap
+    with open(file_path, "w") as outfile:
+        for key, value in sequences.items():
+            outfile.write(key + "\n")
+            outfile.write("\n".join(wrap(value, 60)))
+            outfile.write("\n")
+def run_read_sequencer(input_file_path, read_length, output_file_path):
+    sequences = read_in_fasta(input_file_path)
+    reads = simulate_sequencing(sequences, read_length)
+    write_fasta(reads, output_file_path)
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index 528670cb0aba646f293aeb91aedbcdcc5d617d55..1102b5a453b8bd5c032792a7a3058446e70d6fb8 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -1,20 +1,17 @@
- from setuptools import setup
+from setuptools import setup
- setup(
-   name='awesome_read_sequencer',
-   version='0.1.0',
-   author='An Awesome Coder',
-   author_email='aac@example.com',
-   packages=['random', 'sys'],
-   scripts=['read_in_FASTA.py','read_sequence.py']
-   license='LICENSE.txt',
-   description='An awesome package that simulates sequencing of a FASTA file.',
-   long_description=open('README.md').read(),
-   install_requires=[
-       "random",
-       "sys"
-   ], 
-    entry_points = {
-        'console_scripts': ['read_sequencer_package/cli.py:parser'],
+    name='awesome_read_sequencer',
+    version='0.1.0',
+    author='An Awesome Coder',
+    author_email='aac@example.com',
+    packages=['random'],
+    scripts=['cli.py', 'modules.py'],
+    license='LICENSE.txt',
+    description='An awesome package that simulates sequencing from sequences specified by a FASTA file.',
+    long_description=open('README.md').read(),
+    install_requires=['random', 'sys'],
+    entry_points={
+        'console_scripts': ['read_sequencer=read_sequencer_package/cli.py:main']
\ No newline at end of file