From 55bd3a6572651e58cdd497a8ff27c6f1fa5ec823 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Laura Urbanska <>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2023 09:07:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Deleted (now part of find
 representative transcript)

 scripts/ | 329 --------------------------------
 1 file changed, 329 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 scripts/

diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c81bcd..0000000
--- a/scripts/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-#### Transcript extractor #####
-"""Transcript extractor 
-Version 1.2.0"""
-### Called Packages ###
-import re
-import os
-import time
-python_version = "3.7.13"
-module_list =[re,os,time]
-modul_name_list = ["re","os","time"]
-### Functions ###
-def version_control(module_list,modul_name_list,python_version):
-    with open("required.txt","a") as req:
-        for i in range(len(module_list)):
-            try:
-               version = module_list[i].__version__
-               entry = modul_name_list[i]+"\t"+str(version)+"\n"
-               req.write(entry)
-            except:
-                version = python_version
-                entry = modul_name_list[i]+"\t"+str(version)+"\n"
-                req.write(entry)
-def __parameter_editor(file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name):
-    """This function allows for changing the parameters after running the program"""
-    while True:
-        print("The program will run with the following parameters:\nFile name:\t\t",file_name,"\nSource pathway:\t",source_pathway_name,"\nDeposit pathway:\t",deposit_pathway_name,"\n")
-        parameter_conformation = input("To continue with these parameters input [continue or c] to change them input [edit]\n>")
-        if parameter_conformation == "continue"or parameter_conformation =="c":
-            break
-        elif parameter_conformation == "edit":
-            #edit the parameters
-            while True: 
-                change_question = input("select the parameter you want to change [nfile/spath/dpath] or input [b] to go back\n>")
-                if change_question == "nfile":
-                    #This condition allows the user to chenge the file name 
-                    file_name = input("Please input the new file name\n>")
-                    break
-                elif  change_question == "spath":
-                    #This condition allows the user to change the source path
-                    source_pathway_name = input("Please input the new source path\n>")
-                    does_source_pathway_exist = os.path.exists(source_pathway_name)
-                    if does_source_pathway_exist:
-                        break
-                    else: 
-                        print("The new source pathway:",source_pathway_name,"does not exist\nThe source pathway was returned to default:",os.getcwd())
-                        source_pathway_name = os.getcwd()
-                elif  change_question == "dpath":
-                    #This condition allows the user to change output file location
-                    deposit_pathway_name = input("Please input the new output file path name\n>")
-                    does_deposit_pathway_exist = os.path.exists(deposit_pathway_name)
-                    if does_deposit_pathway_exist:
-                        break
-                    else:
-                        print("The new deposit pathway:",deposit_pathway_name,"does not existe\nThe deposit pathway was returnt to default:",source_pathway_name)
-                        deposit_pathway_name = source_pathway_name
-                    #The block above test if the new deposit pathway is valid
-                elif  change_question == "b":
-                    # This condition allows the user to return to the main loop
-                    break             
-                else:
-                    #This condition covers all non valid inputs into the secund loop
-                    print("The input",change_question,"is not valid. Please use one of the specified commands") 
-        else: 
-            #This condition covers all non valid input for the main loop 
-           print("The input",parameter_conformation,"is not valide please use one of the specified comands\n") 
-    return(file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)    
-def __searche_for_preexisting_files(file_name,deposit_pathway_name = os.getcwd()):
-    """This function searches for preexisting files of the same name as the results file of the current program. It allows the user to choose to move on with the pre-existing file """
-    File_of_same_name_found = False
-    generat_new_file = False
-    directory_content = os.listdir(deposit_pathway_name)
-    for file in directory_content: 
-        if file == file_name: 
-            while True: 
-                File_found_input = input (file_name+" has allready been generated\nDo you want to generate a new one [y/n] \n>")
-                if File_found_input == "n":                     
-                    File_of_same_name_found = True
-                    break
-                elif File_found_input == "y":
-                    generat_new_file = True
-                    break
-                else: 
-                    print("Invalid input\nPlease press [y] if you want to generate a new file or [n] if you want to use the preexisting file")
-            break
-        else: 
-            continue
-    if File_of_same_name_found: 
-        print("No new file will be generated, the program can continue")
-    elif generat_new_file: 
-        print("A new file will be generated please wait...\n")
-    else:            
-        print("No pre-existing file of the relevant type has been found.\nA new file will be generated please wait...\n")
-    return(File_of_same_name_found)
-def bar_builder(percentage = 0,length_multiplyer = 2,start_time = time.time(),bar = str()):
-    """This function creates a loading bar that can load in 10% increments starting a 0% and ending at 100%
-    Expected inputs: 
-        percentage: int between 0 and 100 in steps of 10; default = 0 #defines the current loading increment
-        length_multiplyer: int > 0 ; default = 2 #determiens the amount of symbols per loading increment
-        start_time: any int ; default= time.time() #for determening loading time
-        bar: str ; default = str()#input of the current bar status does not need to be defined if for the 0% increment
-        """
-    if percentage == 100:
-        bar = bar.replace("-","#")
-        print("\r"+bar+"\t"+"100%\t\t"+str(int(time.time()-start_time)))
-    elif percentage > 0:
-        bar = bar.replace("-","#",length_multiplyer)
-        print("\r"+bar+"\t"+str(percentage)+"%", end='',flush=True)
-    elif percentage == 0: 
-        bar = "["+"-"*length_multiplyer*10+"]"
-        print(bar+"\t", end='',flush=True)
-    return(bar,start_time)
-def __test_file_name(file_name,source_pathway_name = os.getcwd()):
-    """This function validates that the source file exists at the source path. It turns the file name input in a standardized format that can be used in the next steps"""
-    directory_content = os.listdir(source_pathway_name)
-    index_of_the_dot = file_name.rfind(".")
-    valide_source_file = False
-    validate_source_file = True
-    if index_of_the_dot ==-1:
-        file_name += ".gtf"       
-    else: 
-        source_file_typ = file_name[index_of_the_dot:]
-        not_a_file_type = re.compile(".\d{1,13}")
-        try_not_a_file_type =
-        if source_file_typ == ".gtf":
-            file_name = file_name
-        elif try_not_a_file_type:
-            file_name += ".gtf"
-        else: 
-            print("This program can not handle",source_file_typ,"files. \nplease use a .gtf file" )
-            validate_source_file = False
-    #The block above tests if the file_name includes the file type and if no 
-    #file type is found adds ".gtf" und if a non ".gtf" file is found gives an error
-    if validate_source_file: 
-        for file in directory_content: 
-            if file == file_name:
-                valide_source_file = True 
-                break
-    #The block above tests if a file on the given name is in the given directora 
-    if valide_source_file:
-        print("The file:",file_name,"has been found.\n")
-    else: 
-        print("No .gtf file of the name",file_name,"has been found in this pathway")
-    #The bock above gives feed back regarding the results of the file test 
-    file_name = file_name.replace(".gtf","")
-    #This line normalizes the file name 
-    return(valide_source_file,file_name)
-def __do_pathways_exist__(source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name):
-    """This funtion tests that the entered pathways actualy exist"""
-    does_source_pathway_exist = os.path.exists(source_pathway_name)
-    does_deposit_pathway_exist = os.path.exists(deposit_pathway_name)
-    #The Block above does the actual testing
-    if does_source_pathway_exist:
-        source_pathway_name = source_pathway_name
-    else: 
-        print("The source pathway:",source_pathway_name,"has not been found\nThe source pathway was set to the default")
-        source_pathway_name = os.getcwd()
-    #The block above detail the possible reactions for the source pathe existing or not existing
-    if does_deposit_pathway_exist: 
-        deposit_pathway_name = deposit_pathway_name
-    else: 
-        print("The deposit pathway:",deposit_pathway_name,"has not been found\nThe deposit pathway was set to the default")
-        deposit_pathway_name = source_pathway_name
-    #The block above details the possible reactions for the deposit pathway existing or not existing 
-    return(source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-def gene_ID_finder(entry):
-    """This function is supposed to find the gene ID of a known gene entry
-    Expected inputs:
-        entry: str #a line from a gtf file that contains a gene ID"""
-    index_gene_id = entry.find("gene_id")
-    find_gene_id_name = re.compile("\"\S{1,25}\"")
-    sub_entry = entry[index_gene_id:]
-    try_find_gene_id_name =   
-    gene_ID = try_find_gene_id_name[0].replace("\"","")
-    return (gene_ID)
-def transcript_ID_finder (entry):
-    """This function is supposed to finde the transcript ID in a known transcript entry
-    Expected inputs:
-        entry: str #a line from a gtf file that contains a transcript ID"""
-    index_transcript_id = entry.find("transcript_id")
-    find_transcript_id_name = re.compile("\"\S{1,25}\"")
-    sub_entry = entry[index_transcript_id:]
-    try_find_transcript_id_name =   
-    try: 
-        transcript_ID = try_find_transcript_id_name[0].replace("\"","")
-    except:
-        transcript_ID = ""
-    return (transcript_ID)
-def transcript_support_level_finder(entry):
-    """This function is supposed to find the transcript support level in a known transcript entry
-    Expected input: 
-        entry: str #a line from a gtf file that be blongs to a transcript"""
-    transcript_support_level_start_ID = entry.find("transcript_support_level")
-    sub_entry = entry[transcript_support_level_start_ID:]
-    try:
-        score_finder = re.compile("\W\w{1,16}\W{2}")
-        try_score_finder =              
-        Pre_score_1 = try_score_finder[0]
-        Pre_score_2 = Pre_score_1.replace("\"","")
-        Pre_score_2 = Pre_score_2.replace("(","")
-        transcript_support_level = Pre_score_2.replace(";","")
-        if "NA" in transcript_support_level:
-            transcript_support_level = 100
-        #I changed This tell laura
-    except:
-        transcript_support_level = 100
-    return (transcript_support_level)
-def _transcript_extractor (file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name): 
-    """This function extracts the transcript number ,transcript ID, the transcript support level, the transcrip length and the line index from a gtf file of a given name and saves tham as a new file name given_name_intermediat_file.txt. 
-    Expected input:
-        file_name: str #the name of the gft file you want to look at without the .gtf part
-        source_pathway_name: str #path of the gtf file       
-        deposit_pathway_name: str #path for saving the intermediat file"""
-    with open(os.path.join(source_pathway_name,file_name+".gtf"), 'r') as f:      
-        total_entrys =len(f.readlines())
-    with open(os.path.join(source_pathway_name,file_name+".gtf"), 'r') as f:
-        current_entry = 0 
-        percentage_done = 0 
-        bar,start_time = bar_builder(length_multiplyer = 3)
-        Old_gen_ID = str() 
-        #stand-in as the first couple entrys are not genes
-        with open(os.path.join(deposit_pathway_name,file_name+"_"+"intermediate_file"+".txt"),"w") as IMF:
-            transcript_number = 0
-            for entry in f: 
-                current_entry += 1
-                current_percentage_done = 100* current_entry/total_entrys
-                if current_percentage_done > percentage_done +10: 
-                    bar,start_time = bar_builder(percentage=percentage_done+10,length_multiplyer = 3,start_time=start_time,bar =bar)
-                    percentage_done = int(current_percentage_done)  
-                if "gene_id" in entry:
-                    Gen_ID = gene_ID_finder(entry)
-                else:
-                    Gen_ID = Old_gen_ID
-                if Gen_ID != Old_gen_ID:
-                    Gen_entry = ">"+ Gen_ID +"\n"
-                    IMF.write(Gen_entry)
-                    transcript_number = 0
-                    Old_gen_ID = Gen_ID
-                if "\ttranscript\t" in entry:
-                    transcript_number += 1
-                    Transcript_ID  = transcript_ID_finder(entry)
-                    #the function that determins the transcript ID is called
-                    transcript_support_level = transcript_support_level_finder(entry)
-                    #the function that determins the transcript support level is called
-                    New_entry = str(transcript_number)+"\t"+str(Transcript_ID)+"\t"+str(transcript_support_level)+"\t"+"\t\n"
-                    IMF.write(New_entry)
-        bar_builder(100,length_multiplyer = 3,start_time=start_time,bar =bar)
-        print("The transcripts have been collected") 
-def extract_transcript(file_name = "test",source_pathway_name = os.getcwd(),deposit_pathway_name = False,Input_free = False): 
-   """ This it the overall exetutable funtion that will execute the transcript extraction process for a given file with all checks. 
-    Expected input:
-        file_name: str ; default = test #the name of the gft file you want to look at
-        source_pathway_name: str ; default = current work directory #path of the gtf file       
-        deposit_pathway_name: str ; default = source_pathway_name #path for saving the intermediat file
-    Outputs: 
-        file_name: str 
-        source_pathway_name: str
-        deposit_pathway_name: str 
-   """
-   if deposit_pathway_name == False: 
-       deposit_pathway_name = source_pathway_name
-   if Input_free:
-       validated_file_name = __test_file_name(file_name,source_pathway_name)
-       file_name = validated_file_name[1]
-       _transcript_extractor (file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-   else:
-       file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name = __parameter_editor(file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-       source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name =__do_pathways_exist__(source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-       validated_file_name = __test_file_name(file_name,source_pathway_name)
-       file_name = validated_file_name[1]
-       if validated_file_name[0]:
-           if __searche_for_preexisting_files(file_name+"_intermediate_file.txt",deposit_pathway_name):
-               print("The transcripts has been collected\n")
-           else:
-               _transcript_extractor (file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-   return(file_name,source_pathway_name,deposit_pathway_name)
-#### Dev part ####
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    #version_control(module_list,modul_name_list,python_version)
-    extract_transcript()
-#This line allows the file to be executed on its own also from 