import logging import numpy as np import pandas as pd LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def read_abundances(transcripts_file: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Read abundance file into dataframe Args: transcripts_file (str): Input filename Returns: pd.DataFrame: Transcript abundances ("id", "count") """ cols: list = ["id", "count"] if transcripts_file.endswith(".tsv"): return pd.read_table(transcripts_file, header=None, names=cols) elif transcripts_file.endswith(".csv"): return pd.read_csv(transcripts_file, header=None, names=cols) def filter_df(df: pd.DataFrame, transcripts: list = []) -> pd.DataFrame: # Filter annotations to exon and highest transcript support level. # If list of transcript ids is given, filter for that as well. df_filter = df[ (df["feature"] == "exon") & (df["free_text"].str.contains('transcript_support_level "1"')) ] if len(transcripts) > 0: df_filter = df_filter.str.contains("|".join(transcripts), regex=True) return df_filter def str_to_dict(s: str) -> dict: # split between key/value pairs # remove empty list items and split key, value pairs item_list: list = [x.split() for x in s.split(";") if len(x) > 0] # remove quotes for values and return dictionary return {item[0]: item[1].strip('"') for item in item_list} def dict_to_str(d: dict) -> str: # join key, value pairs from dictionary with a space in a list, # then join items in list by ; # end on ; # check if value is nan s: str = ( "; ".join([f'{key} "{value}"' for key, value in d.items() if value == value]) + ";" ) return s def reverse_parse_free_text(df_all: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame: # the first 8 columns should be constant according to gtf file standard # we assume that further columns are parsed free text columns df_free_text = df_all.iloc[:, 8:] df = df_all.iloc[:, :8] df["free_text"] = df_free_text.agg(pd.Series.to_dict, axis=1).apply(dict_to_str) return df def write_gtf(df: pd.DataFrame, filename: str) -> None: # Make sure the data types are correct. df = df.astype(Gtf.dtypes) df.to_csv( filename, sep="\t", header=False, index=False, quoting=None, quotechar="'", mode="a", ) def write_header(annotations_file: str) -> None: with open(annotations_file, "w") as fh: fh.write("\t".join(Gtf.dtypes.keys()) + "\n") class Gtf: """Class to read transcripts annotations file and parse it into a pandas Dataframe. Args: annotations_file: Path to gtf file. Attributes: annotations_file: File with transcript annotation of the genome """ dtypes = { "seqname": object, "source": object, "feature": object, "start": int, "end": int, "score": object, "strand": object, "frame": object, "free_text": object, } def __init__(self): self.parsed = False self.original_columns = list(self.dtypes.keys()) self.free_text_columns = [] def read_file(self, annotations_file: str) -> None: # for large annotation files, iterate over lines and filter before saving to dataframe reader = pd.read_table( annotations_file, sep="\t", comment="#", names=self.dtypes.keys(), dtype=self.dtypes, chunksize=100000, iterator=True, ) self.df = pd.concat([filter_df(chunk) for chunk in reader]) def from_dataframe(df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: self.free_text_columns = [ col for col in df.columns if col not in self.original_columns ] self.df = df if not "free_text" in df.columns: self.parsed = True def parse_free_text(self): assert self.parsed == False # create dataframe with columns for values in free_text column df_free_text = self.df["free_text"].map(str_to_dict).apply(pd.Series) # remember which columns come from free_text self.free_text_columns = df_free_text.columns # join free_text columns to original dataframe and drop the "free_text" column itself self.df = self.df.drop("free_text", axis=1) self.original_columns = self.df.columns self.df = self.df.join(df_free_text, how="inner") # remember that current dataframe is parsed, i.e. can't be written in gtf format self.parsed = True def reverse_parse_free_text(self): assert self.parsed == True # create dataframe with only free_text columns df_free_text = self.df[self.free_text_columns] # filter current dataframe to only original columns, except "free_text" column self.df = self.df[self.original_columns] # undo parsing and save result in "free_text" column self.df["free_text"] = df_free_text.agg(pd.Series.to_dict, axis=1).apply( dict_to_str ) # remember that current dataframe is not parsed self.parsed = False def pick_transcript(self, transcript_id: str) -> pd.DataFrame: return self.df.query(f"transcript_id == '{transcript_id}'") class TranscriptGenerator: def __init__( self, transcript_id: str, transcript_count: int, transcript_df: pd.DataFrame, prob_inclusion: float, ): assert len(transcript_df) > 0 assert transcript_count > 0 assert (prob_inclusion >= 0) and (prob_inclusion <= 1) = transcript_id self.count = transcript_count self.df = transcript_df self.no_exons = len(transcript_df) self.strand = self.df["strand"].unique().item() self.prob_inclusion = prob_inclusion def _get_inclusions(self) -> np.array: """Generate inclusions array where each column corresponds to one sample and the number of columns corresponds to the number of samples. Returns: np.array: inclusions, where True means intron inclusion """ inclusion_arr = np.random.rand(self.no_exons, self.count) < self.prob_inclusion if self.strand == "+": inclusion_arr[-1, :] = False elif self.strand == "-": inclusion_arr[-1, :] = False return inclusion_arr def _get_unique_inclusions(self) -> (list, np.array, np.array): inclusion_arr = self._get_inclusions() # Unique intron inclusion arrays and counts inclusion_arr_unique, counts = np.unique( inclusion_arr, axis=1, return_counts=True ) # Name for each generated transcript names = [] for i in range(inclusion_arr_unique.shape[1]): if np.all(inclusion_arr_unique[:, i] == False, axis=0): names.append( else: names.append(f"{}_{i}") return names, inclusion_arr_unique, counts def _get_df(self, inclusions: np.array, transcript_id: str) -> pd.DataFrame: """Take as input a dataframe filtered to one transcript and a boolean vector denoting intron inclusions. Args: inclusions (np.array): boolean vector denoting intron inclusion transcript_id (str): transcript id Returns: pd.DataFrame: Derived dataframe """ df_generated = self.df.copy() if self.strand == "+": origninal_end = df_generated["end"] df_generated["end"] = np.where( inclusions, df_generated["start"].shift(periods=-1, fill_value=-1) - 1, origninal_end ) if self.strand == "-": origninal_start = df_generated["start"] df_generated["start"] = np.where( inclusions, df_generated["end"].shift(periods=-1, fill_value=-1) + 1, origninal_start ) original_id = df_generated["exon_id"] df_generated["exon_id"] = np.where( inclusions, df_generated["exon_id"] + "_" + np.arange(len(df_generated)).astype(str), original_id, ) df_generated["transcript_id"] = transcript_id return df_generated def generate_transcripts(self, filename: str) -> None: """Write transcripts to file. Args: filename (str): Output csv filename """ ids, inclusions, counts = self._get_unique_inclusions() with open(filename, "a") as fh: for transcript_id, transcript_count in zip(ids, counts): fh.write(f"{transcript_id},{transcript_count}\n") def generate_annotations(self, filename: str) -> None: ids, inclusions, counts = self._get_unique_inclusions() n_unique = len(ids) try: df = pd.concat( [self._get_df(inclusions[:, i], ids[i]) for i in range(n_unique)] ) df = reverse_parse_free_text(df) write_gtf(df, filename)"Transcript {} sampled") except ValueError: LOG.error(f"Transcript {} could not be sampled.") def sample_transcripts( input_transcripts_file: str, input_annotations_file: str, prob_inclusion: float, output_transcripts_file: str, output_annotations_file: str, ): transcripts = read_abundances(input_transcripts_file) annotations = Gtf() annotations.read_file(input_annotations_file) annotations.parse_free_text() # Set up output file, write header once and append data in loop write_header(output_annotations_file) for _, row in transcripts.iterrows(): transcript_id = row["id"] transcript_count = row["count"] transcript_df = annotations.pick_transcript(transcript_id) transcripts = TranscriptGenerator( transcript_id, transcript_count, transcript_df, prob_inclusion=prob_inclusion, ) transcripts.generate_annotations(output_annotations_file) transcripts.generate_transcripts(output_transcripts_file)