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Replace test files with small synthetic ones

Alex Kanitz requested to merge test_files into master
  • replaces existing larger libraries and annotations in test cases test_create_dag_chart and test_integration_workflow
  • adds the following new test files:
    • chr1-10000-20000.fa: artificial chromosome of length 10'000 (based on human chromosome 1)
    • chr1-10000-20000.gtf: matching gene annotation file with two gene and three multi-exon transcripts entries
    • chr1-10000-20000.transcripts.fa: sequences of the transcripts listed in the gene annotation file
    • synthetic.mate_?.fastq.gz: 10 read pairs randomly sampled from the genic regions of the artificial chromosome
    • synthetic.*.bed: BED files with expected alignments for each read; names of overlapping genes are specified in a 7th column
  • updates file paths in the relevant sample tables
  • extends and updates checksum checking of result files in CI/CD pipeline
Edited by Alex Kanitz

Merge request reports
