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initial commit of the kinetic module

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# kinetic
# Kinetic
`kinetic` is a Python module collecting functions useful for simulation of chemical and enzymatic kinetics.
# Functions
The main functionality of the module is covered by:
Function `reaction(rxn_str)`, which takes one argument:
* `rxn_str` text represenation of the reaction. The reaction specification syntax is simple, with two reaction types available: **reversible** by using `<=>` symbol or **irreversible** `->`. The reagents are separated by `+` sign and spaces. The rate constants are named at the end after the `;` symbol.
Function `concentration(rxns, c0, rates, ts)` takes four arguments:
* `rxns` *(type: list)* a list of reactions, created by the **reaction** function
* `c0` *(type: dict)* a dictionary of initial conditions. Only species with non-zero concentrations should be included
* `rates` *(type: dict)* a dictionary holding the values of all defined kinetic rate constants
* `ts` *(type: np.array)* an array with discrete time points, for which the transient concentration will be calculated
Simple example:
rxns = [kn.reaction('E + S <=> ES ; k1on k1off'),
kn.reaction('ES -> E + P ; k2')]
c0 = {'E': 1.0e-3, 'S': 1.0}
kin = {'k1on': 1.0e3, 'k1off': 200.0, 'k2': 250.0}
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 20, 21)
spcs, ct = kn.concentration(rxns, c0, kin, ts)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import kinetic as kn
# E + S <=> ES
# ES -> E + P
rxns = [kn.reaction('E + S <=> ES ; k1on k1off'),
kn.reaction('ES -> E + P ; k2')]
c0 = {'E': 1.0e-3, 'S': 1.0}
kin = {'k1on': 1.0e3, 'k1off': 200.0, 'k2': 250.0}
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 20, 21)
spcs, ct = kn.concentration(rxns, c0, kin, ts)
for spc in spcs:
plt.plot(ts, ct[:, spcs[spc]], '.-', label=spc)
for i in range(len(ts)):
print('%8.3f %12.6e' % (ts[i], ct[i, spcs['S']]))
Kinetic reaction modelling in Python
import unittest
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.integrate import odeint
def parse_reagents(reagents_desc):
creates reagents dictionary from the string
A + B produces {'A':1, 'B':1}
reagents = {}
for rgnt in reagents_desc:
rgnt_label = ''
rgnt_coeff = 0
if rgnt[0].isdigit():
rgnt_label = rgnt[1:]
rgnt_coeff = int(rgnt[0])
rgnt_label = rgnt
rgnt_coeff = 1
# assign substrate or increase coeff
if rgnt_label in reagents.keys():
reagents[rgnt_label] += rgnt_coeff
reagents[rgnt_label] = rgnt_coeff
return reagents
def reaction(rxn_str):
creates reaction dictionary from a string
A -> B ; k1
2A <=> A2 ; k2on k2off
reaction_type = ''
rateconst = {'forward': None, 'backward': None}
rxn = rxn_str.split()
# remove pluses
while '+' in rxn:
# determine reaction type
if rxn.count('->') == 1:
reaction_type = 'irreversible'
rateconst['forward'] = rxn.pop()
rxn.pop() # pop ';' character
index = rxn.index('->')
elif rxn.count('<=>') == 1:
reaction_type = 'reversible'
rateconst['backward'] = rxn.pop()
rateconst['forward'] = rxn.pop()
rxn.pop() # pop ';' character
index = rxn.index('<=>')
raise Exception('sth\ss wrong here %s' % rxn_str)
left_side = rxn[:index]
right_side = rxn[index + 1:]
# parse substrates
substrates = parse_reagents(left_side)
# parse products
products = parse_reagents(right_side)
return {'type': reaction_type,
'substrates': substrates,
'products': products,
'rateconst': rateconst}
def get_species(rxns):
species = {}
i = 0
for rxn in rxns:
for substrate in rxn['substrates'].keys():
if not substrate in species.keys():
species[substrate] = i
i += 1
for product in rxn['products'].keys():
if not product in species.keys():
species[product] = i
i += 1
return species
def make_conc_dict(species, ct):
cnc_dict = {}
for spc, spc_id in species.items():
cnc_dict[spc] = ct[spc_id]
return cnc_dict
def print_kinetic_equations(rxns):
species = get_species(rxns)
rates = [['', ''] for i in range(len(species))]
for spc_label, spc_id in species.items():
rates[spc_id][0] = 'd[%s]/dt' % spc_label
for rxn in rxns:
on_rate = rxn['rateconst']['forward']
for substrate_label, substrate_coeff in rxn['substrates'].items():
on_rate += '[' + substrate_label + ']'
if substrate_coeff != 1:
on_rate += '^%d' % substrate_coeff
off_rate = ''
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
off_rate = rxn['rateconst']['backward']
for product_label, product_coeff in rxn['products'].items():
off_rate += '[' + product_label + ']'
if product_coeff != 1:
off_rate += '^%d' % product_coeff
# Substrates
for substrate_label, substrate_coeff in rxn['substrates'].items():
if substrate_coeff != 1:
][1] += ' -%d*' % substrate_coeff + on_rate
rates[species[substrate_label]][1] += ' -' + on_rate
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
if substrate_coeff != 1:
][1] += ' +%d*' % substrate_coeff + off_rate
rates[species[substrate_label]][1] += ' +' + off_rate
# Products
for product_label, product_coeff in rxn['products'].items():
if product_coeff != 1:
][1] += ' +%d*' % product_coeff + on_rate
rates[species[product_label]][1] += ' +' + on_rate
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
#rates[species[product_label]][1] += ' -' + off_rate
if product_coeff != 1:
][1] += ' -%d*' % product_coeff + off_rate
rates[species[product_label]][1] += ' -' + off_rate
# print rates
for i in range(len(rates)):
print('%15s = %-s' % tuple(rates[i]))
def concentration(rxns, initial, kinCoeff, timepoints, what='all'):
solves diff equations and returns the transient concentrations
# get all the species
species = {}
i = 0
for rxn in rxns:
for substrate in rxn['substrates'].keys():
if not substrate in species.keys():
species[substrate] = i
i += 1
for product in rxn['products'].keys():
if not product in species.keys():
species[product] = i
i += 1
# print species
# set initial conct
c0 = {}
for spc in species:
c0[spc] = 0.0
for label in initial:
c0[label] = initial[label]
# print c0
# set y0
y0 = np.zeros(len(species))
for spc in species:
y0[species[spc]] = c0[spc]
# print 'y0:', y0
# construct the dy function
def dy(t, y):
rates = np.zeros(len(species))
for rxn in rxns:
# print rxn
# on_rate = str(rxn['rateconst']['forward']) + '*' + str(rxn['substrates'].keys())
# off_rate = ''
on_rate = kinCoeff[rxn['rateconst']['forward']]
for substrate_label, substrate_coeff in rxn['substrates'].items():
on_rate *= y[species[substrate_label]] ** substrate_coeff
off_rate = 0.0
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
off_rate = kinCoeff[rxn['rateconst']['backward']]
# off_rate = str(rxn['rateconst']['backward']) + '*' + str(rxn['products'].keys())
for product_label, product_coeff in rxn['products'].items():
off_rate *= y[species[product_label]] ** product_coeff
# Substrates
# for substrate in rxn['substrates']:
for substrate_label, substrate_coeff in rxn['substrates'].items():
# print substrate,
# rates[species[substrate]] = rates[species[substrate]] + ' -' + on_rate
rates[species[substrate_label]] -= substrate_coeff * on_rate
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
# rates[species[substrate]] = rates[species[substrate]] + ' +' + off_rate
] += substrate_coeff * off_rate
# Products
# for product in rxn['products']:
for product_label, product_coeff in rxn['products'].items():
# print product,
# rates[species[product]] = rates[species[product]] + ' +' + on_rate
rates[species[product_label]] += product_coeff * on_rate
if rxn['type'] == 'reversible':
# rates[species[product]] = rates[species[product]] + ' -' + off_rate
rates[species[product_label]] -= product_coeff * off_rate
# print rates
return rates
# TODO: test it separately
# dy(y0, [1.0])
# return
ct = odeint(dy, y0, timepoints, tfirst=True)
return (species, ct)
# ## Tests
class reaction_test(unittest.TestCase):
def test_simple_irreversible(self):
r1 = reaction('A -> B ; kon')
# print r1
assert r1['type'] == 'irreversible'
assert 'A' in r1['substrates'].keys()
assert not 'B' in r1['substrates'].keys()
assert 'B' in r1['products'].keys()
assert not 'A' in r1['products'].keys()
assert r1['rateconst']['forward'] == 'kon'
assert r1['rateconst']['backward'] == None
def test_simple_reversible(self):
r2 = reaction('2A + B <=> A2B ; k2f k2b')
# print r2
assert r2['type'] == 'reversible'
assert 'A' in r2['substrates'].keys()
assert 'B' in r2['substrates'].keys()
assert not '+' in r2['substrates'].keys()
assert 'A2B' in r2['products'].keys()
assert not 'A' in r2['products'].keys()
assert r2['rateconst']['forward'] == 'k2f'
assert r2['rateconst']['backward'] == 'k2b'
def test_simple_dimerization(self):
r3 = reaction('A + 3A <=> B + B + 6B ; k3f k3b')
assert r3['type'] == 'reversible'
assert 'A' in r3['substrates'].keys()
assert not 'B' in r3['substrates'].keys()
assert 'B' in r3['products'].keys()
assert not 'A' in r3['products'].keys()
assert r3['rateconst']['forward'] == 'k3f'
assert r3['rateconst']['backward'] == 'k3b'
def test_enzymatic_concentration(self):
test E + S <=> ES -> E + P reaction scheme
rxns = [reaction('E + S <=> ES ; k1on k1off'),
reaction('ES -> E + P ; k2')]
c0 = {'E': 1.0e-3, 'S': 0.1}
kin = {'k1on': 1.0e6, 'k1off': 100, 'k2': 5.0}
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 30, 100)
spcs, ct = concentration(rxns, c0, kin, ts)
for spc in spcs:
plt.plot(ts, ct[:, spcs[spc]], '.-', label=spc)
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:, 0], 'k.-', label='S')
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:, 2], 'b.-', label='ES')
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:, 3], 'r.-', label='P')
for i in range(len(ts)):
print('%8.3f %12.6e' % (ts[i], ct[i, spcs['S']]))
# test some concentrations
assert ct[-1, spcs['S']] <= 1.0e-9
def test_dimerization_concentration(self):
test A + A <=> B reaction scheme
rxns = [reaction('A + A <=> B ; k1on k1off'), ]
c0 = {'A': 1.0, 'B': 0.0}
kin = {'k1on': 1.0, 'k1off': 1}
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 5, 10)
spcs, ct = concentration(rxns, c0, kin, ts)
for spc in spcs:
plt.plot(ts, ct[:, spcs[spc]], '.-', label=spc)
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:,0], 'k.-', label='S')
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:,2], 'b.-', label='ES')
# plt.plot(ts, ct[:,3], 'r.-', label='P')
for i in range(len(ts)):
print('%8.3f %12.6e' % (ts[i], ct[i, 1]))
# test some concentrations
assert ct[spcs['A']][-1] <= 1.0e-9
def test_psensor_s1s2_concentration(self):
# 1: E + S1 <=> ES1; Kd_ES1
# 2: E + S2 <=> ES2; Kd_ES2
# 3: ES2 + S1 <=> ES1S2; Kd_ES1
# 4: ES1 + S2 <=> ES1S2; Kd_ES2
# 5: ES1S2 --> E + 2P + P2; kcat
# 6: R + P <=> RP; Kd_RP
rxns = [reaction('E + S1 <=> ES1 ; k1on k1off'),
reaction('E + S2 <=> ES2 ; k2on k2off'),
reaction('ES2 + S1 <=> ES1S2 ; k12on k12off'),
# reaction('ES1 + S1 <=> ES1S2 ; k21on k21off'), # TODO: that causes an interesting bug
reaction('ES1 + S2 <=> ES1S2 ; k21on k21off'),
reaction('ES1S2 -> E + 2P + P2 ; k3cat'),
reaction('R + P <=> RP ; k4on k4off')]
for rxn in rxns:
# from B1 5.0e-4 1.00E-07 5.00E-04 5.00E-07
# convert to uM
c0 = {'E': 1.00E-01, 'S1': 5.1e2, 'S2': 5.00E2,
'R': 5.00E-01} # , 'P' : 0.0}
Kd_ES1 = 1.0e3 # again in uM compatibility
Kd_ES2 = 1.0e3
Kd_RP = 2.7e0
kcat = 50.0
kr = 1000.0
kin = {'k1on': kr / Kd_ES1, 'k1off': kr,
'k12on': kr / Kd_ES1, 'k12off': kr,
'k2on': kr / Kd_ES2, 'k2off': kr,
'k21on': kr / Kd_ES2, 'k21off': kr,
'k3cat': kcat,
'k4on': kr / Kd_RP, 'k4off': kr}
ts = np.linspace(0.0, 100, 100)
species, ct = concentration(rxns, c0, kin, ts)
for spc in species: # ['P', 'X', 'RP']:
plt.plot(ts, ct[:, species[spc]], '.-', label=spc)
# for i in range(len(ts)):
# print '%8.3f %12.6e' % (ts[i], ct[i, 1])
# test some concentrations
assert ct[-1, species['E']] >= 1.0e-9
if __name__ == '__main__':
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