`kinetic` is a Python module collecting functions useful for simulation of chemical and enzymatic kinetics.
# Functions
The main functionality of the module is covered by:
Function `reaction(rxn_str)`, which takes one argument:
*`rxn_str` text represenation of the reaction. The reaction specification syntax is simple, with two reaction types available: **reversible** by using `<=>` symbol or **irreversible**`->`. The reagents are separated by `+` sign and spaces. The rate constants are named at the end after the `;` symbol.
Function `concentration(rxns, c0, rates, ts)` takes four arguments:
*`rxns`*(type: list)* a list of reactions, created by the **reaction** function
*`c0`*(type: dict)* a dictionary of initial conditions. Only species with non-zero concentrations should be included
*`rates`*(type: dict)* a dictionary holding the values of all defined kinetic rate constants
*`ts`*(type: np.array)* an array with discrete time points, for which the transient concentration will be calculated
Simple example:
rxns = [kn.reaction('E + S <=> ES ; k1on k1off'),
kn.reaction('ES -> E + P ; k2')]
c0 = {'E': 1.0e-3, 'S': 1.0}
kin = {'k1on': 1.0e3, 'k1off': 200.0, 'k2': 250.0}