**`--help`** (**`-h`**) Print a help/ usage page for the validation tool.
**`--help`** (**`-h`**) Print a help/ usage page for the validation tool.
**`--dict-sdb <SDB FILE>`** (**`-d`**) Format dictionary in (binary) SDB format used for validating a ModelCIF file. The Docker container comes with a SDB for ModelCIF (`/usr/local/share/mmcif-dict-suite/mmcif_ma.sdb`) and one for the original PDBx/mmCIF (`/usr/local/share/mmcif-dict-suite/mmcif_pdbx_v50.dic.sdb`) format.
**`--dict-sdb <SDB FILE>`** (**`-d`**) Format dictionary in (binary) SDB format used for validating a ModelCIF file. The Docker container comes with a SDB for ModelCIF (`/usr/local/share/mmcif-dict-suite/mmcif_ma.sdb`) and one for the original PDBx/mmCIF (`/usr/local/share/mmcif-dict-suite/mmcif_pdbx_v50.sdb`) format.
**`--out-file <JSON FILE>`** (**`-o`**) Instead of printing the output to `stdout`, store it in a JSON formatted file.
**`--out-file <JSON FILE>`** (**`-o`**) Instead of printing the output to `stdout`, store it in a JSON formatted file.