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# ZARP: workflow documentation

This document describes the individual steps of the workflow. For instructions
on installation and usage please see [here](

## Table of Contents

- [**Third-party software used**](#third-party-software-used)
- [**Description of workflow steps**](#description-of-workflow-steps)
  - [**Rule graph**](#rule-graph)
  - [**Preparatory**](#preparatory)
    - [**Read samples table**](#read-samples-table)
    - [**Create log directories**](#create-log-directories)
  - [**Sequencing mode-independent**](#sequencing-mode-independent)
    - [**start**](#start)
    - [**create_index_star**](#create_index_star)
    - [**extract_transcriptome**](#extract_transcriptome)
    - [**concatenate_transcriptome_and_genome**](#concatenate_transcriptome_and_genome)
    - [**create_index_salmon**](#create_index_salmon)
    - [**create_index_kallisto**](#create_index_kallisto)
    - [**extract_transcripts_as_bed12**](#extract_transcripts_as_bed12)
    - [**fastqc**](#fastqc)
    - [**index_genomic_alignment_samtools**](#index_genomic_alignment_samtools)
    - [**star_rpm**](#star_rpm)
    - [**rename_star_rpm_for_alfa**](#rename_star_rpm_for_alfa)
    - [**sort_bed_4_big**](#sort_bed_4_big)
    - [**prepare_bigWig**](#prepare_bigwig)
    - [**calculate_TIN_scores**](#calculate_tin_scores)
    - [**merge_TIN_scores**](#merge_tin_scores)
    - [**plot_TIN_scores**](#plot_tin_scores)
    - [**salmon_quantmerge_genes**](#salmon_quantmerge_genes)
    - [**salmon_quantmerge_transcripts**](#salmon_quantmerge_transcripts)
    - [**generate_alfa_index**](#generate_alfa_index)
    - [**alfa_qc**](#alfa_qc)
    - [**alfa_qc_all_samples**](#alfa_qc_all_samples)
    - [**alfa_concat_results**](#alfa_concat_results)
    - [**prepare_multiqc_config**](#prepare_multiqc_config)
    - [**multiqc_report**](#multiqc_report)
    - [**finish**](#finish)
  - [**Sequencing mode-specific**](#sequencing-mode-specific)
    - [**remove_adapters_cutadapt**](#remove_adapters_cutadapt)
    - [**remove_polya_cutadapt**](#remove_polya_cutadapt)
    - [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star)
    - [**quantification_salmon**](#quantification_salmon)
    - [**genome_quantification_kallisto**](#genome_quantification_kallisto)

## Third-party software used

> Tag lines were taken from the developers' websites (code repository or manual)

| Name | License | Tag line | More info |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| **ALFA** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"**A**nnotation **L**andscape **F**or **A**ligned reads"_ - _"[...] provides a global overview of features distribution composing NGS dataset(s)"_ | [code][code-alfa] / [manual][docs-alfa] / [publication][pub-alfa] |
| **bedGraphToBigWig** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"Convert a bedGraph file to bigWig format"_ | [code][code-bedgraphtobigwig] / [manual][code-bedgraphtobigwig] |
| **bedtools** | [GPLv2][license-gpl2] | _"[...] intersect, merge, count, complement, and shuffle genomic intervals from multiple files in widely-used genomic file formats such as BAM, BED, GFF/GTF, VCF"_ | [code][code-bedtools] / [manual][code-bedtools] |
| **cutadapt** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"[...] finds and removes adapter sequences, primers, poly-A tails and other types of unwanted sequence from your high-throughput sequencing reads"_ | [code][code-cutadapt] / [manual][docs-cutadapt] / [publication][pub-cutadapt] |
| **gffread** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"[...] validate, filter, convert and perform various other operations on GFF files"_ | [code][code-gffread] / [manual][docs-gffread] |
| **FastQC** | [GPLv3][license-gpl3] | _"A quality control analysis tool for high throughput sequencing data"_ | [code][code-fastqc] / [manual][docs-fastqc] |
| **ImageMagick** | [custom][license-imagemagick]^ | _"[...] create, edit, compose, or convert bitmap images"_ | [code][code-imagemagick] / [manual][docs-imagemagick] |
| **kallisto** | [BSD-2][license-bsd2] | _"[...] program for quantifying abundances of transcripts from RNA-Seq data, or more generally of target sequences using high-throughput sequencing reads"_ | [code][code-kallisto] / [manual][docs-kallisto] / [publication][pub-kallisto] |
| **MultiQC** | [GPLv3][license-gpl3] | _"Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report"_ | [code][code-multiqc] / [manual][docs-multiqc] / [publication][pub-multiqc] |
| **RSeqC** | [GPLv3][license-gpl3] | _"[...] comprehensively evaluate different aspects of RNA-seq experiments, such as sequence quality, GC bias, polymerase chain reaction bias, nucleotide composition bias, sequencing depth, strand specificity, coverage uniformity and read distribution over the genome structure."_ | [code][code-rseqc] / [manual][docs-rseqc] / [publication][pub-rseqc] |
| **Salmon** | [GPLv3][license-gpl3] | _"Highly-accurate & wicked fast transcript-level quantification from RNA-seq reads using selective alignment"_ | [code][code-salmon] / [manual][docs-salmon] / [publication][pub-salmon] |
| **SAMtools** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"[...] suite of programs for interacting with high-throughput sequencing data"_ | [code][code-samtools] / [manual][docs-samtools] / [publication][pub-samtools] |
| **STAR** | [MIT][license-mit] | _"**S**pliced **T**ranscripts **A**lignment to a **R**eference"_ - _"RNA-seq aligner"_ | [code][code-star] / [manual][docs-star] / [publication][pub-star] |

^ compatible with [GPLv3][license-gpl3]

## Description of workflow steps

> The workflow consists of three Snakemake files: A main `Snakefile` and an
> individual Snakemake file for each sequencing mode (single-end and
> paired-end), as parameters for some tools differ between sequencing modes.
> The main `Snakefile` contains general steps for the creation of indices and
> other required files derived from the annotations, steps that are applicable
> to both sequencing modes, and steps that deal with gathering, summarizing or
> combining results. Individual steps of the workflow are described briefly, and
> links to the respective software manuals are given. Parameters that can be
> modified by the user (via the samples table) are also described. Descriptions
> for steps for which individual "rules" exist for single- and paired-end
> sequencing libraries are combined, and only differences between the modes are
> highlighted.

### Rule graph


Visual representation of workflow. Automatically prepared with

### Preparatory

#### Read sample table

##### Requirements

- tab-separated values (`.tsv`) file
- first row has to contain parameter names as in [`samples.tsv`](tests/input_files/samples.tsv)
- first column used as sample identifiers

Parameter name | Description | Data type(s)
--- | --- | ---
sample | Descriptive sample name | `str`
seqmode | Required for various steps of the workflow. One of `pe` (for paired-end libraries) or `se` (for single-end libraries). | `str`
fq1 | Path of library file in `.fastq.gz` format (or mate 1 read file for paired-end libraries) | `str`
index_size | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). Ideally the maximum read length minus 1 (`max(ReadLength)-1`). Values lower than maximum read length may result in lower mapping accuracy, while higher values may result in longer processing times. | `int`
kmer | Required for [Salmon](#third-party-software-used). Default value of 31 usually works fine for reads of 75 bp or longer. Consider using lower values of poor mapping is observed. | `int`
fq2 | Path of mate 2 read file in `.fastq.gz` format. Value ignored for for single-end libraries. | `str`
fq1_3p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). 3' adapter of mate 1. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no adapter present or if no trimming is desired. | `str`
fq1_5p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). 5' adapter of mate 1. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no adapter present or if no trimming is desired. | `str`
fq2_3p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). 3' adapter of mate 2. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no adapter present or if no trimming is desired. Value ignored for single-end libraries. | `str`
fq2_5p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). 5' adapter of mate 2. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no adapter present or if no trimming is desired. Value ignored for single-end libraries. | `str`
organism | Name or identifier of organism or organism-specific genome resource version. Has to correspond to the naming of provided genome and gene annotation files and directories, like "ORGANISM" in the path below. Example: `GRCh38` | `str`
gtf | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). Path to gene annotation `.fa` file. File needs to be in subdirectory corresponding to `organism` field. Example: `/path/to/GRCh38/gene_annotations.gtf` | `str`
gtf_filtered | Required for [Salmon](#third-party-software-used). Path to filtered gene annotation `.gtf` file. File needs to be in subdirectory corresponding to `organism` field. Example: `/path/to/GRCh38/gene_annotations.filtered.gtf` | `str`
genome | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). Path to genome `.fa` file. File needs to be in subdirectory corresponding to `organism` field. Example: `/path/to/GRCh38/genome.fa` | `str`
sd | Required for [kallisto](#third-party-software-used) and [Salmon](#third-party-software-used), but only for single-end libraries. Estimated standard deviation of fragment length distribution. Can be assessed from, e.g., BioAnalyzer profiles. Value ignored for paired-end libraries. | `int`
mean | Required for [kallisto](#third-party-software-used) and [Salmon](#third-party-software-used), but only for single-end libraries. Estimated mean of fragment length distribution. Can be assessed, e.g., from BioAnalyzer profiles. Value ignored for paired-end libraries. | `int`
multimappers | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). Maximum number of multiple alignments allowed for a read; if exceeded, the read is considered unmapped. | `int`
soft_clip | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). One of `Local` (standard local alignment with soft-clipping allowed) or `EndToEnd` (force end-to-end read alignment, do not soft-clip). | `str`
pass_mode | Required for [STAR](#third-party-software-used). One of `None` (1-pass mapping) or `Basic` (basic 2-pass mapping, with all 1st-pass junctions inserted into the genome indices on the fly). | `str`
libtype | Required for [Salmon](#third-party-software-used). See [Salmon manual][docs-salmon] for allowed values. If in doubt, enter `A` to automatically infer the library type. | `str`
kallisto_directionality | Required for [kallisto](#third-party-software-used) and [ALFA](#third-party-software-used). One of `--fr-stranded` (strand-specific reads, first read forward) and `--rf-stranded` (strand-specific reads, first read reverse) | `str`
fq1_polya3p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). Stretch of `A`s or `T`s, depending on read orientation. Trimmed from the 3' end of the read. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no poly(A) stretch present or if no trimming is desired. | `str`
fq1_polya5p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). Stretch of `A`s or `T`s, depending on read orientation. Trimmed from the 5' end of the read. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no poly(A) stretch present or if no trimming is desired. | `str`
fq2_polya3p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). Stretch of `A`s or `T`s, depending on read orientation. Trimmed from the 3' end of the read. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no poly(A) stretch present or if no trimming is desired. Value ignored for single-end libraries. | `str`
fq2_polya5p | Required for [Cutadapt](#third-party-software-used). Stretch of `A`s or `T`s, depending on read orientation. Trimmed from the 5' end of the read. Use value such as `XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX` if no poly(A) stretch present or if no trimming is desired. Value ignored for single-end libraries. | `str`

#### Create log directories

Sets up logging directories for the workflow run environment. Vanilla Python
statement, not a Snakemake rule.

### Sequencing mode-independent

#### `start`

Copy and rename read files.

> Local rule

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`)
- **Output**
  - Reads file, copied, renamed (`.fastq.gz`); used in [**fastqc**](#fastqc) and

#### `create_index_star`

Create index for [**STAR**](#third-party-software-used) short read aligner.

> Indices need only be generated once for each combination of genome, set of
> annotations and index size.

- **Input**
  - Genome sequence file (`.fasta`)
  - Gene annotation file (`.gtf`)
- **Parameters**
  - `--sjdbOverhang`: maximum read length - 1; lower values may reduce accuracy,
    higher values may increase STAR runtime; specify in sample table column
- **Output**
  - STAR index; used in [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star)
  - Index includes files:
    - Chromosome length table `chrNameLength.txt`; used in
      [**generate_alfa_index**](#generate_alfa_index) and
    - Chromosome name list `chrName.txt`; used in

#### `extract_transcriptome`

Create transcriptome from genome and gene annotations with

- **Input**
  - Genome sequence file (`.fasta`)
  - Gene annotation file (`.gtf`)
- **Output**
  - Transcriptome sequence file (`.fasta`); used in
    and [**create_index_kallisto**](#create_index_kallisto)

#### `concatenate_transcriptome_and_genome`

Concatenate reference transcriptome and genome.

> Required by [Salmon][docs-salmon-selective-alignment]

- **Input**
  - Genome sequence file (`.fasta`)
  - Transcriptome sequence file (`.fasta`); from
- **Output**
  - Transcriptome genome reference file (`.fasta`); used in

#### `create_index_salmon`

Create index for [**Salmon**](#third-party-software-used) quantification.

> Required if Salmon is to be used in "mapping-based" mode.
> Index is built using an auxiliary k-mer hash over k-mers of a specified
> length (default: 31). While the mapping algorithms will make use of
> arbitrarily long matches between the query and reference, the selected k-mer
> size will act as the minimum acceptable length for a valid match. Thus, a
> smaller value of k may slightly improve sensitivty. Empirically, the default
> value of k = 31 seems to work well for reads of 75 bp or longer. For shorter
> reads, consider using a smaller k.

- **Input**
  - Transcriptome genome reference file (`.fasta`); from
  - Chromosome name list `chrName.txt`; from
- **Parameters**
  - `--kmerLen`: k-mer length; specify in sample table column `kmer`
- **Output**
  - Salmon index; used in [**quantification_salmon**](#quantification_salmon)

#### `create_index_kallisto`

Create index for [**kallisto**](#third-party-software-used) quantification.

> The default kmer size of 31 is used in this workflow and is not configurable
> by the user.
229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714
- **Input**
  - Transcriptome sequence file (`.fasta`); from
- **Output**
  - kallisto index; used in

#### `extract_transcripts_as_bed12`

Convert transcripts from `.gtf` to extended 12-column `.bed` format with

- **Input**
  - Gene annotation file (`.gtf`)
- **Output**
  - Transcript annotations file (12-column `.bed`); used in

#### `fastqc`

Prepare quality control report for reads library with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from [**start**](#start)
- **Output**
  - FastQC output directory with report (`.txt`) and figures (`.png`); used in

#### `index_genomic_alignment_samtools`

Index BAM file with [**SAMtools**](#third-party-software-used).

> Indexing a genome sorted BAM file allows one to quickly extract alignments
> overlapping particular genomic regions. Moreover, indexing is required by
> genome viewers such as IGV so that the viewers can quickly display alignments
> in a genomic region of interest.

- **Input**
  - Alignemnts file (`.bam`); from [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star)
- **Output**
  - BAM index file (`.bam.bai`); used in [**star_rpm**](#star_rpm) &

#### `star_rpm`

Create stranded bedGraph coverage (`.bg`) with

> Uses STAR's [RPM normalization][docs-star-rpm-norm] functionality.
> STAR RPM uses SAM flags to correctly tell where the read and its mate mapped
> to. That is, if mate 1 is mapped to the plus strand, then mate 2 is mapped to
> the minus strand, and STAR will count mate 1 and mate 2 to the plus strand.
> This is in contrast to `bedtools genomecov -bg -split`, where a mate is
> assigned to a strand irrespective of its corresponding mate.

- **Input**
  - Alignments file (`.bam`); from [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star)
  - BAM index file (`.bam.bai`); from
- **Output**
  - Coverage file (`.bg`); used in [**multiqc_report**](#multiqc_report) and
- **Non-configurable & non-default**
  - `--outWigStrans="Stranded"`
  - `--outWigNorm="RPM"`

#### `rename_star_rpm_for_alfa`

Rename and copy stranded bedGraph coverage tracks such that they comply with

> Local rule
> Renaming to `` and `` depends on library orientation, which is
> provided by user in sample table column `kallisto_directionality`.

- **Input**
  - Coverage file (`.bg`); from [**star_rpm**](#star_rpm)
- **Output**
  - Coverage file, renamed (`.bg`); used in [**alfa_qc**](#alfa_qc) and

#### `sort_bed_4_big`

Sort bedGraph files with [**bedtools**](#third-party-software-used).

- **Input**
  - Coverage files, renamed (`.bg`); from
- **Output**
  - Coverage files, sorted (`.bg`); used in [**prepare_bigWig**](#prepare_bigwig)

#### `prepare_bigWig`

Generate bigWig from bedGraph with

- **Input**
  - Coverage files, sorted (`.bg`); from [**sort_bed_4_big**](#sort_bed_4_big)
  - Chromosome length table `chrNameLength.txt`; from
- **Output**
  - Coverage files, one per strand and sample (`.bw`); used in

#### `calculate_TIN_scores`

Calculates the Transcript Integrity Number (TIN) for each transcript with
[custom script][custom-script-tin] based on

> TIN is conceptually similar to RIN (RNA integrity number) but provides
> transcript-level measurement of RNA quality and is more sensitive for
> low-quality RNA samples.
> - TIN score of a transcript reflects RNA integrity of the transcript
> - Median TIN score across all transcripts reflects RNA integrity of library
> - TIN ranges from 0 (the worst) to 100 (the best)
> - A TIN of 60 means that 60% of the transcript would have been covered if
>   the read coverage were uniform
> - A TIN of 0 will be assigned if the transcript has no coverage or coverage
>   is below threshold

- **Input**
  - Alignments file (`.bam`); from [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star)
  - BAM index file (`.bam.bai`); from
  - Transcript annotations file (12-column `.bed`); from
- **Output**
  - TIN score table (custom `tsv`); used in

#### `merge_TIN_scores`

Merges TIN score tables for all samples with [custom script][custom-script-tin].

- **Input**
  - TIN score table (custom `tsv`); per sample; from
- **Output**
  - TIN score table (custom `tsv`); for all samples; used in

#### `plot_TIN_scores`

Generate sample-wise [box plots]( of
TIN scores with [custom script][custom-script-tin].

- **Input**
  - TIN score table (custom `tsv`); for all samples; from
- **Output**
  - TIN score box plots (`.pdf` and `.png`); used in

#### `salmon_quantmerge_genes`

Merge gene-level expression estimates for all samples with

> Rule is run once per sequencing mode

- **Input**
  - Gene expression tables (custom `.tsv`) for samples of same sequencing mode;
    from [**quantification_salmon**](#quantification_salmon)
- **Output**
  - Gene TPM table (custom `.tsv`); used in
  - Gene read count table (custom `.tsv`); used in

#### `salmon_quantmerge_transcripts`

Merge transcript-level expression estimates for all samples with

> Rule is run once per sequencing mode

- **Input**
  - Transcript expression tables (custom `.tsv`) for samples of same sequencing
    mode; from [**quantification_salmon**](#quantification_salmon)
- **Output**
  - Transcript TPM table (custom `.tsv`); used in
  - Transcript read count table (custom `.tsv`); used in

#### `generate_alfa_index`

Create index for [**ALFA**](#third-party-software-used).

- **Input**
  - Gene annotation file (`.gtf`)
  - Chromosome length table `chrNameLength.txt`; from
- **Output**
  - ALFA index; stranded and unstranded; used in

#### `alfa_qc`

Annotate alignments with [**ALFA**](#third-party-software-used).

> For details on output plots, see [ALFA documentation][docs-alfa].

- **Input**
  - Coverage files, renamed (`.bg`); from
  - ALFA index, stranded; from [**generate_alfa_index**](#generate_alfa_index)
- **Parameters**
  - `-s`: library orientation; specified by user in sample table column
- **Output**
  - Figures for biotypes and feature categories (`.pdf`)
  - Feature counts table (custom `.tsv`); used in

#### `alfa_qc_all_samples`

Combines output of all samples with [**ALFA**](#third-party-software-used).

- **Input**
  - Feature counts table (custom `.tsv`); from [**alfa_qc**](#alfa_qc)
- **Output**
  - Figures for biotypes and feature categories (`.pdf`); summarized for all
    samples together; used in [**alfa_concat_results**](#alfa_concat_results)

#### `alfa_concat_results`

Concatenate and convert ALFA output plots into single plot with

- **Input**
  - Figures for biotypes and feature categories (`.pdf`); for individual and
    summarized for all samples
- **Output**
  - ALFA plot (`.png`), combined; used in [**multiqc_report**](#multiqc_report)

#### `prepare_multiqc_config`

Prepare config file for [**MultiQC**](#third-party-software-used).

> Local rule

- **Input**
  - Directories created during
- **Output**
  - Config file (`.yaml`); used in [**multiqc_report**](#multiqc_report)

#### `multiqc_report`

Prepare interactive report from results and logs with

- **Input**
  - Config file (`.yaml`); from
  - ALFA plot, combined (`.png`); from
  - Coverage file (`.bg`); from [**star_rpm**](#star_rpm)
  - FastQC output directory with report (`.txt`) and figures (`.png`); from
  - Gene TPM table (custom `.tsv`); from
  - Gene read count table (custom `.tsv`); from
  - Pseudoalignments file (`.sam`); from
  - TIN score box plots (`.pdf` and `.png`); from
  - Transcript TPM table (custom `.tsv`); from
  - Transcript read count table (custom `.tsv`); from

- **Output**
  - Directory with automatically generated `.html` report

#### `finish`

Target rule as required by [Snakemake][docs-snakemake-target-rule].

> Local rule

- **Input**
  - MultiQC report; from [**multiqc_report**](#multiqc_report)
  - Coverage files, one per strand and sample (`.bw`); used in

### Sequencing mode-specific

> Steps described here have two variants, one with the specified names for
> samples prepared with a single-end sequencing protocol, one with `pe_`
> prepended to the specified name for samples prepared with a paired-end
> sequencing protocol.

#### `remove_adapters_cutadapt`

Remove adapter sequences from reads with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from [**start**](#start)
- **Parameters**
  - Adapters to be removed; specify in sample table columns `fq1_3p`, `fq1_5p`,
    `fq2_3p`, `fq2_5p`
- **Output**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); used in
- **Non-configurable & non-default**
  - `-e 0.1`: maximum error-rate of 10%
  - `-j 8`: use 8 threads
  - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10
  - `-n 2`: search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until
    no adapter match was found or until 2 rounds have been performed.
  - `--pair-filter=any`: **(paired-end only)** filtering criteria must apply to
    any of the two reads in order for a read pair to be discarded

#### `remove_polya_cutadapt`

Remove poly(A) tails from reads with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from
- **Parameters**
  - Poly(A) stretches to be removed; specify in sample table columns `fq1_polya`
    and `fq2_polya`
- **Output**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); used in
    [**map_genome_star**](#map_genome_star) and
- **Non-configurable & non-default**
  - `-e 0.1`: maximum error-rate of 10%
  - `-j 8`: use 8 threads
  - `-m 10`: Discard processed reads that are shorter than 10
  - `-n 1`: search for all the given adapter sequences repeatedly, either until
    no adapter match was found or until 1 round has been performed.
  - `--pair-filter=any`: **(paired-end only)** filtering criteria must apply to
    any of the two reads in order for a read pair to be discarded
  - `-O 1`: **(single-end only)** minimal overlap of 1

#### `map_genome_star`

Align short reads to reference genome and/or transcriptome with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from
  - Index; from [**create_index_star**](#create_index_star)
- **Parameters**
  - `--outFilterMultimapNmax`: maximum number of multiple alignments allowed;
    if exceeded, read is considered unmapped; specify in sample table column
  - `--alignEndsType`: one of `Local` (standard local alignment with
    soft-clipping allowed) or `EndToEnd` (force end-to-end read alignment, do
    not soft-clip); specify in sample table column `soft_clip`
  - `--twopassMode`: one of `None` (1-pass mapping) or `Basic` (basic 2-pass
    mapping, with all 1st-pass junctions inserted into the genome indices on
    the fly); specify in sample table column `pass_mode`
- **Output**
  - Aligned reads file (`.bam`); used in
    and [**star_rpm**](#star_rpm)
  - STAR log file
- **Non-configurable & non-default**
  - `--outSAMunmapped=None`: do not output unmapped reads in SAM file
  - `--outFilterMultimapScoreRange=0`: the score range below the maximum score
    for multimapping alignments
  - `--outSAMattributes=All`: NH HI AS nM NM MD jM jI MC ch
  - `--outStd=BAM_SortedByCoordinate`: which output will be directed to `STDOUT`
  - `--outSAMtype=BAM_SortedByCoordinate`: type of SAM/BAM output
  - `--outFilterMismatchNoverLmax=0.04`: alignment will be output only if its
    ratio of mismatches to *mapped* length is less than or equal to this value
  - `--outFilterScoreMinOverLread=0.3`: same as outFilterScoreMin, but
    normalized to read length (sum of mates’ lengths for paired-end reads)
  - `--outFilterMatchNminOverLread=0.3`: minimal fraction of aligned bases
  - `--outFilterType=BySJout`: reduces the number of ”spurious” junctions
  - `--outReadsUnmapped=None`: do not output unmapped reads

#### `quantification_salmon`

Estimate transcript- and gene-level expression with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from
  - Filtered annotation file (`.gtf`)
  - Index; from [**create_index_salmon**](#create_index_salmon)
- **Parameters**
  - `libType`: see [Salmon manual][docs-salmon] for allowed values; specify in
    sample table column `libtype`
  - `--fldMean`: mean of distribution of fragment lengths; specify in sample
    table column `mean` **(single-end only)**
  - `--fldSD`: standard deviation of distribution of fragment lengths; specify
    in sample table column `sd` **(single-end only)**
- **Output**
  - Gene expression table (custom `.tsv`); used in
  - Transcript expression table (custom `.tsv`); used in
- **Non-configurable & non-default**
  - `--seqBias`: [correct for sequence specific
  - `--validateMappings`: enables selective alignment of the sequencing reads
    when mapping them to the transcriptome; this can improve both the
    sensitivity and specificity of mapping and, as a result, can [improve
  - `--writeUnmappedNames`: write out the names of reads (or mates in paired-end
    reads) that do not map to the transcriptome.

#### `genome_quantification_kallisto`

Generate pseudoalignments of reads to transcripts with

- **Input**
  - Reads file (`.fastq.gz`); from
  - Index; from [**create_index_kallisto**](#create_index_kallisto)
- **Parameters**
  - `directionality`; specify in sample table column `kallisto_directionality`
  - `-l`: mean of distribution of fragment lengths; specify in sample table
    column `mean` **(single-end only)**
  - `-s`: standard deviation of distribution of fragment lengths; specify in
    sample table column `sd` **(single-end only)**
- **Output**
  - Pseudoalignments file (`.sam`); used in

[code-alfa]: <>
[code-bedgraphtobigwig]: <>
[code-bedtools]: <>
[code-cutadapt]: <>
[code-gffread]: <>
[code-fastqc]: <>
[code-imagemagick]: <>
[code-kallisto]: <>
[code-multiqc]: <>
[code-rseqc]: <>
[code-salmon]: <>
[code-samtools]: <>
[code-star]: <>
[custom-script-gtf-to-bed12]: <>
[custom-script-tin]: <>
[docs-alfa]: <>
[docs-bedgraphtobigwig]: <>
[docs-bedtools]: <>
[docs-cutadapt]: <>
[docs-gffread]: <>
[docs-fastqc]: <>
[docs-imagemagick]: <>
[docs-kallisto]: <>
[docs-multiqc]: <>
[docs-rseqc]: <>
[docs-salmon]: <>
[docs-salmon-selective-alignment]: <>
[docs-samtools]: <>
[docs-snakemake]: <>
[docs-snakemake-target-rule]: <>
[docs-star]: <>
[docs-star-rpm-norm]: <>
[license-bsd2]: <>
[license-gpl2]: <>
[license-gpl3]: <>
[license-imagemagick]: <>
[license-mit]: <>
[pub-alfa]: <>
[pub-cutadapt]: <>
[pub-kallisto]: <>
[pub-multiqc]: <>
[pub-rseqc]: <>
[pub-salmon]: <>
[pub-samtools]: <>
[pub-star]: <>
[rule-graph]: images/rule_graph.svg