BIOPZ-Gypas Foivos authored
- Delete unused files scripts/fg_extract_transcripts.py, scripts/heatmap_and_clustermap.py, scripts/perform_PCA.py - Add rules (pca_kallisto, pca_salmon) that run zpca (https://github.com/zavolanlab/zpca) on genes and transcripts TPM tables from kallisto and salmon. - The output is wired to multiqc_report but the plots are not visualized to multiqc. Update documentation. - Update dag and rulegraph. Fixes #140 #142
BIOPZ-Gypas Foivos authored- Delete unused files scripts/fg_extract_transcripts.py, scripts/heatmap_and_clustermap.py, scripts/perform_PCA.py - Add rules (pca_kallisto, pca_salmon) that run zpca (https://github.com/zavolanlab/zpca) on genes and transcripts TPM tables from kallisto and salmon. - The output is wired to multiqc_report but the plots are not visualized to multiqc. Update documentation. - Update dag and rulegraph. Fixes #140 #142
dag_test_workflow.svg 82.58 KiB