- Feb 15, 2020
- add script that prepares Snakemake input files 'samples.tsv' and 'config.yaml' from LabKey table - script either connects to API directly (with '--remote' and related options) or processes a tab-separated LabKey dump file - add tests for both use cases - common input files for tests now in 'tests/input_files' - update all other tests to account for new file locations - update documentation
- Feb 14, 2020
- describe installation of Singularity inside `conda` environment when user has root access - put clone repo section before install section
- add script `tests/test_rule_graph/test.sh` to generate a rule graph in `images/rule_graph.svg` - display rule graph created in `README.md` instead of specific workflow DAG - add test script to GitLab CI config - renamed test to create workflow DAG from `test_create_dag_chart` to `test_create_dag_image` (also output file is renamed from `images/workflow_dag.svg` to `images/dag_test_workflow.svg`
- Feb 07, 2020
Alex Kanitz authored
- remove log files and add '.snakemake' directories to '.gitignore' - update wrong link in 'README.md' - delete superfluous script documentation 'scripts/labkey_api.md' - add Snakemake-specific file extension '.smk' to subworkflows - remove non-deterministic workflow output from md5 sums
- Feb 04, 2020
Alex Kanitz authored
`README.md` file describes - aim and background of the project (including the workflow DAG representation) - how to install requirements (including setting up a `conda` environment for the project) - how to execute the workflow run integration test - how to run the workflow on your own samples (including how to auto-generate required params from LabKey metadata) Additional minor changes: - minor changes in various test and related files, including updates of paths - root directory now includes subdirectory `runs/` for a user's workflow runs (contents not version-controlled)