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Created with Raphaël 2.2.019Sep410Aug21Dec19161412829Nov22211816149873126Oct255remove unused foldermainmainrefactor:, CIfeat: add support for reassigned Transcript Support Levelrefactor: remove tqdm, update cli and mainrefactor: update with TSL supportfeat: add setup.pyfix: remove stubs from requirementsrefactor: update main and tests for CI workflowAdd new directoryUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate README.mdUpdate Trans_Struc_Gen.nfAdd new fileUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlAdded requirements.txtUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlUpdate requirements_dev.txtUpdate requirements_dev.txtUpdate requirements-dev.txtUpdate .gitlab-ci.ymlAdded a requirements-dev.txt file & DependenciesAdd .gitlab-ci.yml fileMilestone ReviewHotfix/installationMinor changes in wording/spelling and added more Doc StringsDO NOT MERGE: remove all content for reviewreview_mileston…review_milestone_2Ammend docstringsfix tuple output typing annotationAdded more Doc Strings"Added docstrings"Added synopsis, contributors, license