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# this is a python rewrite of the original ijm published at 

# IJ imports
# TODO: are the imports RoiManager and ResultsTable needed when using the services?
from ij import IJ, WindowManager as wm
from ij.plugin import Duplicator, RoiEnlarger, RoiScaler
from trainableSegmentation import WekaSegmentation
from de.biovoxxel.toolbox import Extended_Particle_Analyzer

# Bio-formats imports
from loci.plugins import BF
from import ImporterOptions

# python imports
import time
import os

#@ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Welcome to Myosoft - identify fibers! </b></html>") msg1
#@ File (label="Select directory with classifiers", style="directory") classifiers_dir
#@ File (label="Select directory for output", style="directory") output_dir
#@ File (label="Select image file", description="select your image")  path_to_image
#@ Boolean (label="close image after processing", description="tick this box when using batch mode", value=False) close_raw
#@ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Morphometric Gates </b></html>") msg2
#@ Integer (label="Min Area [um²]", value=10) minAr
#@ Integer (label="Max Area [um²]", value=6000) maxAr
#@ Float (label="Min Circularity", value=0.5) minCir
#@ Float (label="Max Circularity", value=1) maxCir
#@ Float (label="Min solidity", value=0.0) minSol
#@ Float (label="Max solidity", value=1) maxSol
#@ Integer (label="Min perimeter [um]", value=5) minPer
#@ Integer (label="Max perimeter [um]", value=300) maxPer
#@ Integer (label="Min min ferret [um]", value=0.1) minMinFer
#@ Integer (label="Max min ferret [um]", value=100) maxMinFer
#@ Integer (label="Min ferret AR", value=0) minFAR
#@ Integer (label="Max ferret AR", value=8) maxFAR
#@ Float (label="Min roundess", value=0.2) minRnd
#@ Float (label="Max roundess", value=1) maxRnd
#@ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Expand ROIS to match fibers </b></html>") msg3
#@ Float (label="ROI expansion [microns]", value=1) enlarge
#@ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> channel positions in the hyperstack </b></html>") msg5
#@ Integer (label="Membrane staining channel number", style="slider", min=1, max=5, value=1) membrane_channel
#@ Integer (label="sub-tiling to economize RAM", style="slider", min=1, max=8, value=4) tiling_factor
#@ ResultsTable rt
#@ RoiManager rm

def fix_ij_options():
    """put IJ into a defined state
    # disable inverting LUT"Appearance...", " menu=0 16-bit=Automatic")
    # set foreground color to be white, background black"Colors...", "foreground=white background=black selection=red")
    # black BG for binary images and pad edges when eroding"Options...", "black pad")
    # set saving format to .txt files"Input/Output...", "file=.txt save_column save_row")
    # ============= DON’T MOVE UPWARDS =============
    # set "Black Background" in "Binary Options""Options...", "black")
    # scale when converting = checked"Conversions...", "scale")

def fix_ij_dirs(path):
    """use forward slashes in directory paths

    path : string
        a directory path obtained from dialogue or script parameter

        a more robust path with forward slashes as separators

    fixed_path = str(path).replace("\\", "/")
    fixed_path = fixed_path + "/"

    return fixed_path

def open_image_with_BF(path_to_file):
    """ use Bio-Formats to opens the first image from an image file path

    path_to_file : string
        path to the image file

        the first imp stored in a give file
    options = ImporterOptions()
    imps = BF.openImagePlus(options) # is an array of ImagePlus

    return imps[0]

def fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(imp):
    image_title = os.path.basename( imp.getTitle() )
    image_title = image_title.replace(".czi", "")
    image_title = image_title.replace(" ", "_")
    image_title = image_title.replace("_-_", "")
    image_title = image_title.replace("__", "_")
    image_title = image_title.replace("#", "Series")

    return image_title

def clear_ij_roi_manager(rm):
    """delete all ROIs from the RoiManager

    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager

def preprocess_membrane_channel(imp):
    """apply myosoft pre-processing steps for the membrane channel

    imp : ImagePlus
        a single channel image of the membrane staining
    """, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35"), "Apply LUT", ""), "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=1"), "8-bit", ""), "Invert", ""), "Convolve...", "text1=[-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0\n-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0\n-1.0 -1.0 24.0 -1.0 -1.0\n-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0\n-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0] normalize")

def apply_weka_model(model_path, imp, tiles_per_dim):
    """apply a pretrained WEKA model to an ImagePlus

    model_path : string
        path to the model file 
    imp : ImagePlus
        ImagePlus to apply the model to
    tiles_per_dim : integer
        tiles the imp to save RAM

        the result of the WEKA segmentation. One channel per class.
    segmentator = WekaSegmentation()
    segmentator.loadClassifier( model_path )
    result = segmentator.applyClassifier( imp, [tiles_per_dim, tiles_per_dim], 0, True ) #ImagePlus imp, int[x,y,z] tilesPerDim, int numThreads (0=all), boolean probabilityMaps
    return result

def process_weka_result(imp):
    """apply myosoft pre-processing steps for the imp after WEKA classification to prepare it
    for ROI detection with the extended particle analyzer

    imp : ImagePlus
        a single channel (= desired class) of the WEKA classification result imp
    """, "8-bit", ""), "Median...", "radius=3"), "Gaussian Blur...", "sigma=2"), "Auto Threshold", "method=MaxEntropy"), "Invert", "")

def delete_channel(imp, channel_number):
    """delete a channel from target imp

    imp : ImagePlus
        the imp from which to delete target channel
    channel_number : integer
        the channel number to be deleted. starts at 0.
    imp.setC(channel_number), "Delete Slice", "delete=channel")

def run_extended_particle_analyzer( imp, eda_parameters ):
    """identifies ROIs in target imp using the extended particle analyzer of the BioVoxxel toolbox 
    with given parameters

    imp : ImagePlus
        the image on which to run the EPA on. Should be 8-bit thresholded
    eda_parameters : array
        all user defined parameters to restrict ROI identification
    epa = Extended_Particle_Analyzer()
    # expose all parameters explicitly
    epa.usePixel = False
    epa.usePixelForOutput = False
    epa.Area = str(eda_parameters[0]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[1])
    epa.Extent = "0.00-1.00"
    epa.Perimeter = str(eda_parameters[2]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[3])
    epa.Circularity = str(eda_parameters[4]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[5])
    epa.Roundness = str(eda_parameters[6]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[7])
    epa.Solidity = str(eda_parameters[8]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[9])
    epa.Compactness = "0.00-1.00"
    epa.AR = "0-Infinity"
    epa.FeretAR = str(eda_parameters[10]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[11])
    epa.EllipsoidAngle = "0-180"
    epa.MaxFeret = "0-Infinity"
    epa.MinFeret = str(eda_parameters[12]) + "-" + str(eda_parameters[13])
    epa.FeretAngle = "0-180"
    epa.COV = "0.00-1.00"
    epa.Output = "Nothing"
    epa.Redirect = "None"
    epa.Correction = "None"
    epa.Reset = False
    epa.DisplayResults = False
    epa.ClearResults = False
    epa.Summarize = False
    epa.AddToManager = True
    epa.ExcludeEdges = False
    epa.IncludeHoles = False
    epa.particleAnalysis( imp.getProcessor(), imp, imp.getTitle() )

def measure_in_all_rois( imp, channel, rm ):
    """measures in all ROIS on a given channel of imp all parameters that are set in IJ "Set Measurements"

    imp : ImagePlus
        the imp to measure on
    channel : integer
        the channel to measure in. starts at 1.
    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager

def show_all_rois_on_image(rm, imp):
    """shows all ROIs in the ROiManager on imp

    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    imp : ImagePlus
        the imp on which to show the ROIs
    rm.runCommand(imp,"Show All")

def save_all_rois(rm, target):
    """save all ROIs in the RoiManager as zip to target path

    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    target : string
        the path in to store the ROIs. e.g. /my-images/
    rm.runCommand("Save", target)

def enlarge_all_rois( amount_in_um, rm, pixel_size_in_um ):
    """enlarges all ROIs in the RoiManager by x scaled units

    amount_in_um : float
        the value by which to enlarge in scaled units, e.g 3.5
    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    pixel_size_in_um : float
        the pixel size, e.g. 0.65 px/um
    amount_px = amount_in_um / pixel_size_in_um
    all_rois = rm.getRoisAsArray()
    for roi in all_rois:
        enlarged_roi = RoiEnlarger.enlarge(roi, amount_px)

def enhance_contrast( imp ):
    """use "Auto" Contrast & Brightness settings in each channel of imp

    imp : ImagePlus
        the imp on which to change C&B
    for channel in range( imp.getDimensions()[2] ):
        imp.setC(channel + 1) # IJ channels start at 1, "Enhance Contrast", "saturated=0.35")

def renumber_rois(rm):
    """rename all ROIs in the RoiManager according to their number

    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    number_of_rois = rm.getCount()
    for roi in range( number_of_rois ):
        rm.rename( roi, str(roi + 1) )

def setup_defined_ij(rm, rt):
    """set up a clean and defined Fiji user environment

    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    rt : ResultsTable
        a reference of the IJ-ResultsTable

execution_start_time = time.time()
setup_defined_ij(rm, rt)

# open image using Bio-Formats
path_to_image = fix_ij_dirs(path_to_image)
raw = open_image_with_BF(path_to_image)

# get image info
raw_image_calibration = raw.getCalibration()
raw_image_title = fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(raw)

# take care of paths and directories
output_dir = fix_ij_dirs(output_dir)

if not os.path.exists( str(output_dir + raw_image_title) ):
    os.makedirs( str(output_dir + raw_image_title) )

output_dir = str( output_dir + raw_image_title ) + "/"
classifiers_dir = fix_ij_dirs(classifiers_dir)
primary_model = classifiers_dir + "primary.model"
secondary_model = classifiers_dir + "secondary_central_nuclei.model"

# update the log for the user
IJ.log( "Now working on " + str(raw_image_title) )
if raw_image_calibration.scaled() == False:
    IJ.log("Your image is not spatially calibrated! Size measurements are only possible in [px].")
IJ.log( " -- settings used -- ")
IJ.log( "area = " + str(minAr) + "-" + str(maxAr) )
IJ.log( "perimeter = " + str(minPer) + "-" + str(maxPer) )
IJ.log( "circularity = " + str(minCir) + "-" + str(maxCir) )
IJ.log( "roundness = " + str(minRnd) + "-" + str(maxRnd) )
IJ.log( "solidity = " + str(minSol) + "-" + str(maxSol) )
IJ.log( "feret_ar = " + str(minFAR) + "-" + str(maxFAR) )
IJ.log( "min_feret = " + str(minMinFer) + "-" + str(maxMinFer) )
IJ.log( "ROI expansion [microns] = " + str(enlarge) )
IJ.log( "sub-tiling = " + str(tiling_factor) )
IJ.log( " -- settings used -- ")

# image (pre)processing and segmentation (-> ROIs)
membrane = Duplicator().run(raw, membrane_channel, membrane_channel, 1, 1, 1, 1) # imp, firstC, lastC, firstZ, lastZ, firstT, lastT
weka_result1 = apply_weka_model(primary_model, membrane, tiling_factor )
delete_channel(weka_result1, 1)
weka_result2 = apply_weka_model(secondary_model, weka_result1, tiling_factor )
delete_channel(weka_result2, 1)
IJ.saveAs(weka_result2, "Tiff", output_dir + raw_image_title + "_all_fibers_binary")
eda_parameters = [minAr, maxAr, minPer, maxPer, minCir, maxCir, minRnd, maxRnd, minSol, maxSol, minFAR, maxFAR, minMinFer, maxMinFer] # EPA will not work if no image is shown
run_extended_particle_analyzer(weka_result2, eda_parameters)

# modify rois
enlarge_all_rois( enlarge, rm, raw_image_calibration.pixelWidth )
save_all_rois( rm, output_dir + "" )

# measure size & shape, save"Set Measurements...", "area perimeter shape feret's redirect=None decimal=4")"Clear Results", "")
measure_in_all_rois( raw, membrane_channel, rm ) + "all_fibers_results.csv")

# dress up the original image, save a overlay-png, present original to the user
show_all_rois_on_image( rm, raw )
enhance_contrast( raw )"From ROI Manager", "") # ROIs -> overlays so they show up in the saved png
qc_duplicate = raw.duplicate()
IJ.saveAs(qc_duplicate, "PNG", output_dir + raw_image_title + "_all_fibers")
wm.toFront( raw.getWindow() )"Remove Overlay", "")
show_all_rois_on_image( rm, raw )
total_execution_time_min = (time.time() - execution_start_time) / 60.0
IJ.log("total time in minutes: " + str(total_execution_time_min))
IJ.log( "~~ all done ~~" )
IJ.saveAs("Text", str(output_dir + raw_image_title + "_all_fibers_Log"))
if close_raw == True: