using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Management;
public partial class AutoTx
/// <summary>
/// Start transferring data from a given source directory to the destination
/// location that is stored in CurrentTargetTmp. Requires CopyState to be in
/// status "Stopped", sets CopyState to "Active" and FilecopyFinished to
/// false. The currently processed path is stored in the global status
/// variable CurrentTransferSrc.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sourcePath">The full path to a folder.</param>
private void StartTransfer(string sourcePath) {
// only proceed when in a valid state:
if (_transferState != TxState.Stopped)
_status.CurrentTransferSrc = sourcePath;
_status.CurrentTransferSize = FsUtils.GetDirectorySize(sourcePath);
// the user name is expected to be the last part of the path:
_status.CurrentTargetTmp = new DirectoryInfo(sourcePath).Name;
FsUtils.CreateNewDirectory(_status.CurrentTargetTmpFull(), false);
_transferState = TxState.Active;
_status.TransferInProgress = true;
try {
// events
_roboCommand.OnCopyProgressChanged += RsProgressChanged;
_roboCommand.OnFileProcessed += RsFileProcessed;
_roboCommand.OnCommandCompleted += RsCommandCompleted;
// copy options
_roboCommand.CopyOptions.Source = sourcePath;
_roboCommand.CopyOptions.Destination = _status.CurrentTargetTmpFull();
// limit the transfer bandwidth by waiting between packets:
_roboCommand.CopyOptions.InterPacketGap = _config.InterPacketGap;
// /S :: copy Subdirectories, but not empty ones
// _roboCommand.CopyOptions.CopySubdirectories = true;
// /E :: copy subdirectories, including Empty ones
_roboCommand.CopyOptions.CopySubdirectoriesIncludingEmpty = true;
// /PF :: check run hours on a Per File (not per pass) basis
// _roboCommand.CopyOptions.CheckPerFile = true;
// /SECFIX :: fix file security on all files, even skipped files
// _roboCommand.CopyOptions.FixFileSecurityOnAllFiles = true;
// copyflags :
// D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps
// S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=aUditing info
// /SEC :: copy files with security (equivalent to /COPY:DATS)
// _roboCommand.CopyOptions.CopyFilesWithSecurity = true;
// /COPYALL :: copy all file info (equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU)
// _roboCommand.CopyOptions.CopyAll = true;
_roboCommand.CopyOptions.CopyFlags = "DATO";
// select options
_roboCommand.SelectionOptions.ExcludeOlder = true;
// retry options
_roboCommand.RetryOptions.RetryCount = 0;
_roboCommand.RetryOptions.RetryWaitTime = 2;
Log.Info("Transfer started, total size: {0}",
Log.Trace("RoboCopy command options: {0}", _roboCommand.CommandOptions);
catch (ManagementException ex) {
Log.Error("Error in StartTransfer(): {0}", ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// Pause a running transfer.
/// </summary>
private void PauseTransfer() {
// only proceed when in a valid state:
if (_transferState != TxState.Active)
Log.Info("Pausing the active transfer...");
_transferState = TxState.Paused;
/// <summary>
/// Resume a previously paused transfer.
/// </summary>
private void ResumePausedTransfer() {
// only proceed when in a valid state:
if (_transferState != TxState.Paused)
Log.Info("Resuming the paused transfer...");
_transferState = TxState.Active;
#region robocommand callbacks
/// <summary>
/// RoboSharp OnFileProcessed callback handler.
/// NOTE: the handler is called on any NEW message produced by RoboCopy, in particular this
/// also means that a "new file" event is triggered when the transfer of a new file is
/// about TO START! Therefore the "OnFileProcessed" name is slightly misleading.
/// </summary>
private void RsFileProcessed(object sender, FileProcessedEventArgs e) {
try {
var processed = e.ProcessedFile;
Log.Trace("RsFileProcessed (OnFileProcessed handler) triggered: " +
"Class [{1}] - Size [{2}] - Name [{0}]",
e.ProcessedFile.Name, e.ProcessedFile.FileClass, e.ProcessedFile.Size);
// WARNING: RoboSharp doesn't seem to offer a culture invariant representation
// of the FileClass, so this might fail in non-english environments:
if (processed.FileClass.ToLower().Equals("new file")) {
_transferredFiles.Add(string.Format("{0} ({1})", processed.Name,
// reset the value for the amount of bytes transferred for the current file:
_status.TransferredBytesCurrentFile = 0;
// now add _txCurFileSize (containing either the size of the previously
// transferred file or 0 in case this is the first file of a new transfer) to
// the total amount of already transferred bytes:
_status.TransferredBytesCompleted += _txCurFileSize;
// finally we can now update the _txCurFileSize variable:
_txCurFileSize = processed.Size;
Log.Trace("++++ new file transfer started: size [{0}], already transferred [{1}] ++++",
_txCurFileSize, _status.TransferredBytesCompleted);
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error in RsFileProcessed(): {0}", ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// RoboSharp OnCommandCompleted callback handler.
/// </summary>
private void RsCommandCompleted(object sender, RoboCommandCompletedEventArgs e) {
if (_transferState == TxState.DoNothing)
_transferState = TxState.Stopped;
_status.TransferredBytesCompleted = 0;
_status.TransferredBytesCurrentFile = 0;
_status.CurrentTransferPercent = 0;
_txCurFileSize = 0;
_txCurFileProgress = 0;
_roboCommand = new RoboCommand();
_status.TransferInProgress = false;
/// RoboSharp OnCopyProgressChanged callback handler, triggered every time RoboCopy reports
/// a change in the copy progress.
/// Print a log message if the progress has changed for more than 20%.
/// </summary>
private void RsProgressChanged(object sender, CopyProgressEventArgs e) {
// e.CurrentFileProgress has the current progress in percent
// report progress in steps of 20:
var progress = ((int) e.CurrentFileProgress / 20) * 20;
if (progress == _txCurFileProgress)
_txCurFileProgress = progress;
_status.TransferredBytesCurrentFile = (long) (_txCurFileSize * e.CurrentFileProgress / 100);
// NOTE: the (double) is required to make the division work on float which can then
// eventually be cast into an (int) after multiplying it by 100:
_status.CurrentTransferPercent = (int)((_status.TransferredBytesCompleted + _status.TransferredBytesCurrentFile) * 100 /
Log.Info("Current transfer at {0}%", _status.CurrentTransferPercent);
Log.Trace("Tx progress: complete [{0}] - current [{1}] - combined {2:0}%",
_status.TransferredBytesCompleted, _status.TransferredBytesCurrentFile,
Log.Trace("Current file transfer progress {0}%", progress);