using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.ServiceProcess;
using System.IO;
using System.Timers;
using NLog;
using NLog.Config;
using NLog.Targets;
using ATXCommon.NLog;
using RoboSharp;
namespace AutoTx
public partial class AutoTx : ServiceBase
#region global variables
private static readonly Logger Log = LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger();
private const string LogFormatDefault = @"${date:format=yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss} [${level}] ${message}";
// private const string LogFormatDefault = @"${date:format=yyyy-MM-dd HH\:mm\:ss} [${level}] (${logger}) ${message}"
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
// naming convention: variables ending with "Path" are strings, variables
// ending with "Dir" are DirectoryInfo objects
private string _pathToConfig;
private string _pathToStatus;
private string _incomingPath;
private string _managedPath;
private List<string> _transferredFiles = new List<string>();
private int _txProgress;
private DateTime _lastUserDirCheck = DateTime.MinValue;
// the transfer state:
private enum TxState
Stopped = 0,
// Stopped: the last transfer was finished successfully or none was started yet.
// A new transfer may only be started if the service is in this state.
Active = 1,
// Active: a transfer is currently running (i.e. no new transfer may be started).
Paused = 2,
// Paused is assigned in PauseTransfer() which gets called from within RunMainTasks()
// when system parameters are not in their valid range. It gets evaluated if the
// parameters return to valid or if no user is logged on any more.
DoNothing = 3
// DoNothing is assigned when the service gets shut down (in the OnStop() method)
// to prevent accidentially launching new transfers etc.
private TxState _transferState;
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private ServiceConfig _config;
private ServiceStatus _status;
private static Timer _mainTimer;
#region initialize, load and check configuration + status
public AutoTx() {
Log.Info("Attempting to start {0} service...", ServiceName);
/// <summary>
/// Set up NLog logging: targets, rules...
/// </summary>
private void SetupFileLogging() {
var logConfig = new LoggingConfiguration();
var fileTarget = new FileTarget {
FileName = ServiceName + ".log",
ArchiveAboveSize = 1000000,
ArchiveFileName = ServiceName + ".{#}.log",
MaxArchiveFiles = 9,
KeepFileOpen = true,
logConfig.AddTarget("file", fileTarget);
var logRuleFile = new LoggingRule("*", LogLevel.Debug, fileTarget);
LogManager.Configuration = logConfig;
/// <summary>
/// Configure logging to email targets.
/// Depending on the configuration, set up the logging via email. If no SmtpHost or no
/// AdminEmailAdress is configured, nothing will be done. If they're set in the config file,
/// a log target for messages with level "Fatal" will be configured. In addition, if the
/// AdminDebugEmailAdress is set, another target for "Error" level messages is configured
/// using this address as recipient.
/// </summary>
private void SetupMailLogging() {
try {
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_config.SmtpHost) ||
var subject = string.Format("{0} - {1} - Admin Notification",
ServiceName, Environment.MachineName);
var body = string.Format("Notification from '{0}' [{1}] (via NLog)\n\n{2}",
_config.HostAlias, Environment.MachineName, LogFormatDefault);
var logConfig = LogManager.Configuration;
// "Fatal" target
var mailTargetFatal = new MailTarget {
SmtpServer = _config.SmtpHost,
SmtpPort = _config.SmtpPort,
To = _config.AdminEmailAdress,
Subject = subject,
Body = body,
var mailTargetFatalLimited = new RateLimitWrapper {
Name = "mailfatallimited",
WrappedTarget = mailTargetFatal
logConfig.AddRuleForOneLevel(LogLevel.Fatal, mailTargetFatalLimited);
// "Error" target
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_config.AdminDebugEmailAdress)) {
var mailTargetError = new MailTarget {
SmtpServer = _config.SmtpHost,
SmtpPort = _config.SmtpPort,
To = _config.AdminDebugEmailAdress,
Subject = subject,
Body = body,
var mailTargetErrorLimited = new RateLimitWrapper {
Name = "mailerrorlimited",
WrappedTarget = mailTargetError
logConfig.AddRuleForOneLevel(LogLevel.Error, mailTargetErrorLimited);
Log.Info("Configured mail notification for 'Error' messages to {0}", mailTargetError.To);
Log.Info("Configured mail notification for 'Fatal' messages to {0}", mailTargetFatal.To);
LogManager.Configuration = logConfig;
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("SetupMailLogging(): {0}", ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// Create the event log if it doesn't exist yet.
/// </summary>
private void CreateEventLog() {
try {
if (!EventLog.SourceExists(ServiceName)) {
ServiceName + "Log", ServiceName);
eventLog.Source = ServiceName + "Log";
eventLog.Log = ServiceName;
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error in createEventLog(): " + ex.Message, true);
/// <summary>
/// Load the initial settings.
/// </summary>
private void LoadSettings() {
try {
_transferState = TxState.Stopped;
var baseDir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
_pathToConfig = Path.Combine(baseDir, "configuration.xml");
_pathToStatus = Path.Combine(baseDir, "status.xml");
_roboCommand = new RoboCommand();
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("LoadSettings() failed: {0}\n{1}", ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
throw new Exception("Error in LoadSettings.");
// NOTE: this is explicitly called *outside* the try-catch block so an Exception
// thrown by the checker will not be silenced but cause the startup to fail:
/// <summary>
/// Load the configuration xml file.
private void LoadConfigXml() {
_config = ServiceConfig.Deserialize(_pathToConfig);
_incomingPath = Path.Combine(_config.SourceDrive, _config.IncomingDirectory);
_managedPath = Path.Combine(_config.SourceDrive, _config.ManagedDirectory);
Log.Debug("Loaded config from [{0}]", _pathToConfig);
catch (ConfigurationErrorsException ex) {
Log.Error("ERROR validating configuration file [{0}]: {1}",
_pathToConfig, ex.Message);
throw new Exception("Error validating configuration.");
Log.Error("loading configuration XML failed: {0}", ex.Message);
// this should terminate the service process:
throw new Exception("Error loading config.");
/// <summary>
/// Load the status xml file.
/// </summary>
private void LoadStatusXml() {
Log.Debug("Trying to load status from [{0}]", _pathToStatus);
_status = ServiceStatus.Deserialize(_pathToStatus, _config);
Log.Debug("Loaded status from [{0}]", _pathToStatus);
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("loading status XML from [{0}] failed: {1} {2}",
_pathToStatus, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace);
// this should terminate the service process:
throw new Exception("Error loading status.");
/// <summary>
/// Check if loaded configuration is valid, print a summary to the log.
/// </summary>
public void CheckConfiguration() {
// non-critical / optional configuration parameters:
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_config.SmtpHost))
var configInvalid = false;
if (FsUtils.CheckSpoolingDirectories(_incomingPath, _managedPath) == false) {
Log.Error("ERROR checking spooling directories (incoming / managed)!");
configInvalid = true;
// terminate the service process if necessary:
if (configInvalid) throw new Exception("Invalid config, check log file!");
// check the clean-shutdown status and send a notification if it was not true,
// then set it to false while the service is running until it is properly
// shut down via the OnStop() method:
if (_status.CleanShutdown == false) {
Log.Error("WARNING: {0} was not shut down properly last time!\n\nThis could " +
"indicate the computer has crashed or was forcefully shut off.", ServiceName);
_status.CleanShutdown = false;
/// <summary>
/// Write a summary of loaded config + status to the log.
/// </summary>
private void StartupSummary() {
var msg = "Startup Summary:\n\n------ RoboSharp ------\n";
var roboDll = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(RoboCommand)).Location;
var versionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(roboDll);
msg += " > DLL file: " + roboDll + "\n" +
" > DLL description: " + versionInfo.Comments + "\n" +
" > DLL version: " + versionInfo.FileVersion + "\n";
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
msg += "\n------ Loaded status flags ------\n" + _status.Summary() +
"\n------ Loaded configuration settings ------\n" + _config.Summary();
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
msg += "\n------ Current system parameters ------\n" +
"Hostname: " + Environment.MachineName + "\n" +
"Free system memory: " + SystemChecks.GetFreeMemory() + " MB" + "\n";
foreach (var driveToCheck in _config.SpaceMonitoring) {
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
msg += "Free space on drive '" + driveToCheck.DriveName + "': " +
Conv.BytesToString(SystemChecks.GetFreeDriveSpace(driveToCheck.DriveName)) + "\n";
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
msg += "\n------ Grace location status (threshold: " + _config.GracePeriod + ") ------\n";
var tmp = GraceLocationSummary(_config.GracePeriod);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) {
msg += " -- NO EXPIRED folders in grace location! --\n";
} else {
msg += tmp;
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("GraceLocationSummary() failed: {0}", ex.Message);
#region overrides for ServiceBase methods (start, stop, ...)
/// <summary>
/// Is executed when the service starts
/// </summary>
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) {
try {
_mainTimer = new Timer(_config.ServiceTimer);
_mainTimer.Elapsed += OnTimedEvent;
_mainTimer.Enabled = true;
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error in OnStart(): {0}", ex.Message);
// read the build timestamp from the resources:
var buildTimestamp = Properties.Resources.BuildDate.Trim();
var buildCommitName = Properties.Resources.BuildCommit.Trim();
Log.Info("{0} service started.", ServiceName);
Log.Info("build: [{0}]", buildTimestamp);
Log.Info("commit: [{0}]", buildCommitName);
/// <summary>
/// Executes when a Stop command is sent to the service by the Service Control Manager.
/// NOTE: the method is NOT triggered when the operating system shuts down, instead
/// the OnShutdown() method is used!
/// </summary>
protected override void OnStop() {
Log.Warn("{0} service stop requested...", ServiceName);
if (_transferState != TxState.Stopped) {
_transferState = TxState.DoNothing;
// Stop() is calling Process.Kill() (immediately forcing a termination of the
// process, returning asynchronously), followed by Process.Dispose()
// (releasing all resources used by the component). Would be nice if RoboSharp
// implemented a method to check if the process has actually terminated, but
// this is probably something we have to do ourselves.
try {
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error terminating the RoboCopy process: {0}", ex.Message);
_status.TransferInProgress = true;
Log.Info("Not all files were transferred - will resume upon next start");
Log.Debug("CurrentTransferSrc: " + _status.CurrentTransferSrc);
// should we delete an incompletely transferred file on the target?
// set the shutdown status to clean:
_status.CleanShutdown = true;
Log.Info("{0} service stopped", ServiceName);
/// <summary>
/// Executes when the operating system is shutting down. Unlike some documentation says
/// it doesn't call the OnStop() method, so we have to do this explicitly.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnShutdown() {
Log.Warn("System is shutting down, requesting the service to stop.");
/// <summary>
/// Is executed when the service continues
/// </summary>
protected override void OnContinue() {
Log.Info("{0} service resuming", ServiceName);
/// <summary>
/// Timer Event
/// </summary>
private void OnTimedEvent(object source, ElapsedEventArgs e) {
if (_transferState == TxState.DoNothing) return;
// first disable the timer event to prevent another one from being triggered
// while this method has not finished yet:
_mainTimer.Enabled = false;
try {
// if everything went fine, reset the timer interval to its default value, so the
// service can even recover from temporary problems itself (see below):
_mainTimer.Interval = _config.ServiceTimer;
catch (Exception ex) {
// in case an Exception is reaching this level there is a good chance it is a
// permanent / recurring problem, therefore we increase the timer interval each
// time by a factor of ten (to avoid triggering the same issue every second and
// flooding the admins with emails):
_mainTimer.Interval *= 10;
// make sure the interval doesn't exceed half a day:
const int maxInterval = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 12;
if (_mainTimer.Interval > maxInterval)
_mainTimer.Interval = maxInterval;
Log.Error("Unhandled exception in OnTimedEvent(): {0}\n\n" +
"Trying exponential backoff, setting timer interval to {1} ms.\n\n" +
"StackTrace: {2}", ex.Message, _mainTimer.Interval, ex.StackTrace);
finally {
// make sure to enable the timer again:
_mainTimer.Enabled = true;
#region general methods
/// <summary>
/// Check system parameters for valid ranges and update the global service state accordingly.
/// </summary>
private void UpdateServiceState() {
var limitReason = "";
// check all system parameters for valid ranges and remember the reason in a string
// if one of them is failing (to report in the log why we're suspended)
if (SystemChecks.GetCpuUsage() >= _config.MaxCpuUsage)
limitReason = "CPU usage";
else if (SystemChecks.GetFreeMemory() < _config.MinAvailableMemory)
limitReason = "RAM usage";
else {
var blacklistedProcess = SystemChecks.CheckForBlacklistedProcesses(
if (blacklistedProcess != "") {
limitReason = "blacklisted process '" + blacklistedProcess + "'";
// all parameters within valid ranges, so set the state to "Running":
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(limitReason)) {
_status.ServiceSuspended = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_status.LimitReason)) {
_status.LimitReason = ""; // reset to force a message on next service suspend
Log.Info("Service resuming operation (all parameters in valid ranges).");
// set state to "Running" if no-one is logged on:
if (SystemChecks.NoUserIsLoggedOn()) {
_status.ServiceSuspended = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_status.LimitReason)) {
_status.LimitReason = ""; // reset to force a message on next service suspend
Log.Info("Service resuming operation (no user logged on).");
// by reaching this point we know the service should be suspended:
_status.ServiceSuspended = true;
if (limitReason == _status.LimitReason)
Log.Info("Service suspended due to limitiations [{0}].", limitReason);
_status.LimitReason = limitReason;
/// <summary>
/// Do the main tasks of the service, check system state, trigger transfers, ...
/// </summary>
public void RunMainTasks() {
// mandatory tasks, run on every call:
if (TimeUtils.SecondsSince(_lastUserDirCheck) >= 120)
// tasks depending on the service state:
if (_status.ServiceSuspended) {
// make sure to pause any running transfer:
} else {
// always check the incoming dirs, independently of running transfers:
// now trigger potential transfer tasks:
#region transfer tasks
/// <summary>
/// Assemble the transfer destination path and check if it exists.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dirName">The target directory to be checked on the destination.</param>
/// <returns>The full path if it exists, an empty string otherwise.</returns>
private string DestinationPath(string dirName) {
var destPath = Path.Combine(_config.DestinationDirectory, dirName);
if (Directory.Exists(destPath))
return destPath;
return "";
/// <summary>
/// Check for transfers to be finished, resumed or newly initiated.
/// </summary>
public void RunTransferTasks() {
// only proceed when in a valid state:
if (_transferState != TxState.Stopped &&
_transferState != TxState.Paused)
// if we're paused, resume the transfer and DO NOTHING ELSE:
if (_transferState == TxState.Paused) {
// first check if there are finished transfers and clean them up:
// next check if there is a transfer that has to be resumed:
// check the queueing location and dispatch new transfers:
/// <summary>
/// Process directories in the queueing location, dispatching new transfers if applicable.
/// </summary>
private void ProcessQueuedDirectories() {
// only proceed when in a valid state:
if (_transferState != TxState.Stopped)
// check the "processing" location for directories:
var processingDir = Path.Combine(_managedPath, "PROCESSING");
var queued = new DirectoryInfo(processingDir).GetDirectories();
if (queued.Length == 0)
var subdirs = queued[0].GetDirectories();
// having no subdirectories should not happen in theory - in practice it could e.g. if
// an admin is moving around stuff while the service is operating, so better be safe:
if (subdirs.Length == 0) {
Log.Warn("WARNING: empty processing directory found: {0}", queued[0].Name);
try {
Log.Debug("Removed empty directory: {0}", queued[0].Name);
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error deleting directory: {0} - {1}", queued[0].Name, ex.Message);
// dispatch the next directory from "processing" for transfer:
catch (Exception ex) {
Log.Error("Error checking for data to be transferred: {0}", ex.Message);
/// <summary>
/// Check the incoming directories for files, move them to the processing location.
/// </summary>
private void CheckIncomingDirectories() {
// iterate over all user-subdirectories:
foreach (var userDir in new DirectoryInfo(_incomingPath).GetDirectories()) {
if (FsUtils.DirEmptyExcept(userDir, _config.MarkerFile))
Log.Info("Found new files in [{0}]", userDir.FullName);
/// <summary>
/// Check if a transfer needs to be completed by moving its data from the target temp dir
/// to the final (user) destination and by locally moving the transferred folders to the
/// grace location for deferred deletion.
/// </summary>
private void FinalizeTransfers() {
// NOTE: this is intentionally triggered by the timer only to make sure the cleanup
// only happens while all system parameters are within their valid ranges
// make sure the service is in an expected state before cleaning up:
if (_transferState != TxState.Stopped || _status.TransferInProgress)
if (_status.CurrentTargetTmp.Length > 0) {
Log.Debug("Finalizing transfer, cleaning up target storage location...");
var finalDst = DestinationPath(_status.CurrentTargetTmp);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(finalDst)) {
if (FsUtils.MoveAllSubDirs(new DirectoryInfo(_status.CurrentTargetTmpFull()),
finalDst, _config.EnforceInheritedACLs)) {
_status.CurrentTargetTmp = "";
if (_status.CurrentTransferSrc.Length > 0) {
Log.Debug("Finalizing transfer, moving local data to grace location...");
_status.CurrentTransferSrc = ""; // cleanup completed, so reset CurrentTransferSrc
Niko Ehrenfeuchter
_status.CurrentTransferSize = 0;
_transferredFiles.Clear(); // empty the list of transferred files
/// <summary>
/// Check if an interrupted (service shutdown) transfer exists and whether the current
/// state allows for resuming it.
private void ResumeInterruptedTransfer() {
// CONDITIONS (a transfer has to be resumed):
// - CurrentTargetTmp has to be non-empty
// - TransferState has to be "Stopped"
// - TransferInProgress must be true
if (_status.CurrentTargetTmp.Length <= 0 ||
_transferState != TxState.Stopped ||
_status.TransferInProgress == false)
Log.Debug("Resuming interrupted transfer from [{0}] to [{1}]",
_status.CurrentTransferSrc, _status.CurrentTargetTmpFull());
#region filesystem tasks (check, move, ...)
/// <summary>
/// Check the incoming directory for files and directories, move them over
/// to the "processing" location (a sub-directory of ManagedDirectory).
/// </summary>
/// CAUTION: this method is called as a consequence of the main timer being triggered, so
/// be aware that any message dispatched here could potentially show up every second!
private void MoveToManagedLocation(DirectoryInfo userDir) {
string errMsg;
try {
// first check for individual files and collect them:
FsUtils.CollectOrphanedFiles(userDir, _config.MarkerFile);
// the default subdir inside the managed directory, where folders will be
// picked up later by the actual transfer method:
var target = "PROCESSING";
// if the user has no directory on the destination move to UNMATCHED instead:
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DestinationPath(userDir.Name))) {
Log.Error("Found unmatched incoming dir: {0}", userDir.Name);
target = "UNMATCHED";
// now everything that is supposed to be transferred is in a folder,
// for example: D:\ATX\PROCESSING\2017-04-02__12-34-56\user00
var targetDir = Path.Combine(
if (FsUtils.MoveAllSubDirs(userDir, targetDir))
errMsg = "unable to move " + userDir.FullName;
catch (Exception ex) {
errMsg = ex.Message;
Log.Error("MoveToManagedLocation({0}) failed: {1}", userDir.FullName, errMsg);
/// <summary>
/// Move transferred files to the grace location for deferred deletion. Data is placed in
/// a subdirectory with the current date and time as its name to denote the timepoint
/// when the grace period for this data starts.
/// </summary>
public void MoveToGraceLocation() {
string errMsg;
// CurrentTransferSrc is e.g. D:\ATX\PROCESSING\2017-04-02__12-34-56\user00
var sourceDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(_status.CurrentTransferSrc);
var dstPath = Path.Combine(
sourceDirectory.Name, // the username directory
Log.Trace("MoveToGraceLocation: src({0}) dst({1})", sourceDirectory.FullName, dstPath);
if (FsUtils.MoveAllSubDirs(sourceDirectory, dstPath)) {
// clean up the processing location:
if (sourceDirectory.Parent != null)
// check age and size of existing folders in the grace location after
// a transfer has completed, trigger a notification if necessary:
errMsg = "unable to move " + sourceDirectory.FullName;
catch (Exception ex) {
errMsg = ex.Message;
Log.Error("MoveToGraceLocation() failed: {0}", errMsg);
/// <summary>
/// Helper to create directories for all users that have one in the local
/// user directory (C:\Users) AND in the DestinationDirectory.
/// </summary>
private void CreateIncomingDirectories() {
var localUserDirs = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Users")
.Select(d => d.Name)
var remoteUserDirs = new DirectoryInfo(_config.DestinationDirectory)
.Select(d => d.Name)
foreach (var userDir in localUserDirs) {
// don't create an incoming directory for the same name as the
// temporary transfer location:
if (_config.TmpTransferDir == userDir)
// don't create a directory if it doesn't exist on the target:
if (!remoteUserDirs.Contains(userDir))
FsUtils.CreateNewDirectory(Path.Combine(_incomingPath, userDir), false);
_lastUserDirCheck = DateTime.Now;
/// <summary>
/// Generate a report on expired folders in the grace location.
/// Check all user-directories in the grace location for subdirectories whose timestamp
/// (the directory name) exceeds the configured grace period and generate a summary
/// containing the age and size of those directories. The summary will be sent to the admin
/// if the configured GraceNotificationDelta has passed since the last email.
/// <param name="threshold">The number of days used as expiration threshold.</param>
public string GraceLocationSummary(int threshold) {
var doneDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(_managedPath, "DONE"));
var expired = FsUtils.ExpiredDirs(doneDir, threshold);
var report = "";
foreach (var userdir in expired.Keys) {
report += "\n - user '" + userdir + "'\n";
foreach (var subdir in expired[userdir]) {
report += string.Format(" - {0} [age: {2} days, size: {1}]\n",
subdir.Item1, Conv.BytesToString(subdir.Item2), subdir.Item3);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(report))
return "";
report = "Expired folders in grace location:\n" + report;
var delta = TimeUtils.MinutesSince(_status.LastGraceNotification);
report += "\nTime since last grace notification: " + delta + "\n";
if (delta >= _config.GraceNotificationDelta) {
SendAdminEmail(report, "Grace location cleanup required.");
_status.LastGraceNotification = DateTime.Now;
report += "\nNotification sent to AdminEmailAdress.\n";