Niko Ehrenfeuchter authored
The previously used "Resources" folder is not a good location for them as they are not really part of the application itself.
Niko Ehrenfeuchter authoredThe previously used "Resources" folder is not a good location for them as they are not really part of the application itself.
Install-NewestPackage.ps1 358 B
$PackageDir = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Name |
Where-Object {$_ -match 'build_[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}_'} |
Sort-Object |
Select-Object -Last 1
$CurDir = Get-Location
Write-Host -NoNewLine "Installing package ["
Write-Host -NoNewLine $PackageDir -Fore Green
Write-Host "] ..."
Write-Host ""
cd $PackageDir
cd $CurDir