Niko Ehrenfeuchter authored
The previously used "Resources" folder is not a good location for them as they are not really part of the application itself.
Niko Ehrenfeuchter authoredThe previously used "Resources" folder is not a good location for them as they are not really part of the application itself.
Provide-UpdaterPackage.ps1 1021 B
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][String] $UpdaterSettings
try {
. $UpdaterSettings
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Error reading settings file: '$($UpdaterSettings)' [$($ex)]"
$UpdateBinariesPath = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\Binaries"
$PackageDir = Get-ChildItem -Directory -Name |
Where-Object {$_ -match $Pattern} |
Sort-Object |
Select-Object -Last 1
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PackageDir)) {
Write-Host "ERROR: couldn't find any directories matching '$($Pattern)'!"
try {
# exclude some files not be distributed:
$Exclude = @("ScriptsConfig.ps1", "Install-Service.ps1")
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop `
-Path $PackageDir `
-Exclude $Exclude `
-Destination $UpdateBinariesPath
Write-Host "Copied package [$($PackageDir)] to [$($UpdateBinariesPath)]."
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Error copying service package: $($ex)"