Niko Ehrenfeuchter authored
Using this option will shut down the service independent of its state, remove the status XML file (will be re-created by the service during the next start) and (re-) starts the service no matter if it was running before.
Niko Ehrenfeuchter authoredUsing this option will shut down the service independent of its state, remove the status XML file (will be re-created by the service during the next start) and (re-) starts the service no matter if it was running before.
Update-Service.ps1 21.38 KiB
# Script to be run by the task scheduler for automatic updates of the AutoTx
# service binaries and / or configuration file.
# Testing has been done on PowerShell 5.1 only, so we set this as a requirement:
#requires -version 5.1
[Parameter(Mandatory=$True)][string] $UpdaterSettings,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$False)][switch] $ForceServiceCleanup
### function definitions #####################################################
function ServiceIsRunning([string]$ServiceName) {
try {
$Service = Get-Service $ServiceName -ErrorAction Stop
if ($Service.Status -ne "Running") {
Log-Debug "Service $($ServiceName) is not running."
Return $False
catch {
Log-Error "Error checking service state: $($_.Exception.Message)"
Return $True
function ServiceIsBusy {
try {
[xml]$XML = Get-Content $StatusXml -ErrorAction Stop
# careful, we need a string comparison here:
if ($XML.ServiceStatus.TransferInProgress -eq "true") {
Return $True
} else {
Log-Debug "Service is idle, shutdown possible."
Return $False
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "Trying to read the service status from [$($StatusXml)] failed! "
$msg += "The reported error message was:`n$($ex)"
Send-MailReport -Subject "Error parsing status of $($ServiceName)!" `
-Body $msg
function Stop-TrayApp() {
try {
Stop-Process -Name "ATxTray" -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 200
Log-Debug "Stopped Tray App process."
catch {
Log-Debug "Unable to stop tray app, is it running?"
function Exit-IfDirMissing([string]$DirName, [string]$Desc) {
if (Test-Path -PathType Container $DirName) {
Write-Verbose "Verified $($Desc) path: [$($DirName)]"
$msg = "ERROR: can't find / access $($Desc) path: [$($DirName)]"
Send-MailReport -Subject "path or permission error" -Body $msg
function Get-LastLogLines([string]$Path, [int]$Count) {
try {
$msg = Get-Content -Path $Path -Tail $Count -ErrorAction Stop
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "`n$errxx`n`n$ex `n`n$errxx"
# Out-String is required as otherwise all newlines from the log disappear:
Return $msg | Out-String
function Stop-MyService([string]$Message) {
if ((Get-Service $ServiceName).Status -eq "Stopped") {
Log-Info "$($Message) (Service already in state 'Stopped')"
if (-Not $ForceServiceCleanup){
if (ServiceIsBusy) {
$msg = "*DENYING* to stop the service $($ServiceName) as it is "
$msg += "currently busy.`nShutdown reason was '$($Message)'."
Log-Info $msg
try {
Log-Info "$($Message) Attempting service $($ServiceName) shutdown..."
Stop-Service "$($ServiceName)" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Stopped service $($ServiceName)."
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Send-MailReport -Subject "Shutdown of service $($ServiceName) failed!" `
-Body "Trying to stop the service results in this error:`n$($ex)"
function Start-MyService {
if ((Get-Service $ServiceName).Status -eq "Running") {
try {
Start-Service "$($ServiceName)" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Verbose "Started service $($ServiceName)."
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "Trying to start the service results in this error:`n$($ex)`n`n"
$msg += " -------------------- last 50 log lines --------------------`n"
$msg += Get-LastLogLines "$($LogPath)\service.log" 50
$msg += " -------------------- ----------------- --------------------`n"
Send-MailReport -Subject "Startup of service $($ServiceName) failed!" `
-Body $msg
function Get-WriteTime([string]$FileName) {
try {
$TimeStamp = (Get-Item "$FileName" -EA Stop).LastWriteTime
catch [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] {
Write-Verbose "File [$($FileName)] can't be found!"
throw [System.Management.Automation.ItemNotFoundException] `
"File not found: $($FileName)."
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Log-Error "Error determining file age of [$($FileName)]!`n$($ex)"
Return $TimeStamp
function File-IsUpToDate([string]$ExistingFile, [string]$UpdateCandidate) {
# Compare write-timestamps, return $False if $UpdateCandidate is newer.
Write-Verbose "Comparing [$($UpdateCandidate)] vs. [$($ExistingFile)]..."
$CandidateTime = Get-WriteTime -FileName $UpdateCandidate
$ExistingTime = Get-WriteTime -FileName $ExistingFile
if ($CandidateTime -le $ExistingTime) {
Log-Debug "File [$($ExistingFile)] is up-to-date."
Return $True
Write-Verbose "File [$($UpdateCandidate)] is newer than [$($ExistingFile)]."
Return $False
function Create-Backup {
# Rename a file using a time-stamp suffix like "2017-12-04T16.41.35" while
# preserving its original suffix / extension.
# Return $True if the backup was created successfully, $False otherwise.
Param (
[ValidateScript({Test-Path -PathType Leaf $_})]
$FileWithoutSuffix = [io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($FileName)
$FileSuffix = [io.path]::GetExtension($FileName)
$BaseDir = Split-Path -Parent $FileName
# assemble a timestamp string like "2017-12-04T16.41.35"
$BakTimeStamp = Get-Date -Format s | foreach {$_ -replace ":", "."}
$BakName = "$($FileWithoutSuffix)_pre-$($BakTimeStamp)$($FileSuffix)"
Log-Info "Creating backup of [$($FileName)] as [$($BaseDir)\$($BakName)]."
try {
Rename-Item "$FileName" "$BaseDir\$BakName"
catch {
Log-Error "Backing up [$($DstFile)] FAILED:`n> $($_.Exception.Message)"
Return $False
Return $True
function Update-File {
# Use the given $SrcFile to update the file with the same name in $DstPath,
# creating a backup of the original file before replacing it.
# Return $True if the file was updated, $False otherwise.
Param (
[ValidateScript({(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer})]
$DstFile = "$($DstPath)\$(Split-Path -Leaf $SrcFile)"
Write-Verbose "Trying to update [$($DstFile)] with [$($SrcFile)]..."
if (-Not (Create-Backup -FileName $DstFile)) {
Return $False
try {
Copy-Item -Path $SrcFile -Destination $DstPath
Log-Info "Updated config file [$($DstFile)]."
catch {
Log-Error "Copying [$($SrcFile)] FAILED:`n> $($_.Exception.Message)"
Return $False
Return $True
function Update-Configuration {
# Update the common and host-specific configuration files with their new
# versions, stopping the service if necessary.
# The function DOES NOT do any checks, it simply runs the necessary update
# commands - meaning everything else (do the files exist, is an update
# required) has to be checked beforehand!!
# Return $True if all files were updated successfully.
$NewComm = Join-Path $UpdPathConfig "config.common.xml"
$NewHost = Join-Path $UpdPathConfig "$($env:COMPUTERNAME).xml"
Write-Verbose "Updating configuration files:`n> $($NewComm)`n> $($NewHost)"
Stop-MyService "Updating configuration using files at [$($UpdPathConfig)]."
$Ret = Update-File $NewComm $ConfigPath
# only continue if the first update worked:
if ($Ret) {
$Ret = Update-File $NewHost $ConfigPath
Return $Ret
function NewConfig-Available {
# Check the configuration update path and the given $DstPath for both
# configuration files (common and host-specific) and compare their
# respective file write-time.
# Return $True if the update path contains any newer file, $False otherwise.
Param (
[ValidateScript({(Get-Item $_).PSIsContainer})]
# old and new common configuration
$OComm = Join-Path $DstPath "config.common.xml"
$NComm = Join-Path $UpdPathConfig "config.common.xml"
# old and new host-specific configuration
$OHost = Join-Path $DstPath "$($env:COMPUTERNAME).xml"
$NHost = Join-Path $UpdPathConfig "$($env:COMPUTERNAME).xml"
$Ret = $True
try {
$Ret = (
$(File-IsUpToDate -ExistingFile $OHost -UpdateCandidate $NHost) -And
$(File-IsUpToDate -ExistingFile $OComm -UpdateCandidate $NComm)
catch {
Log-Error $("Checking for new configuration files failed:"
Return $False
if ($Ret) {
Write-Verbose "Configuration is up to date, no new files available."
Return $False
Log-Info "New configuration files found!"
Return $True
function Config-IsValid {
# Check if the new configuration provided at $UpdPathConfig validates with
# the appropriate "AutoTxConfigTest" binary (either the existing one in the
# service installation directory (if the service binaries won't be updated)
# or the new one at the $UpdPathBinaries location in case the service itself
# will be updated as well).
# Returns an array with two elements, the first one being $True in case the
# configuration was successfully validated ($False otherwise) and the second
# one containing the output of the configuration test tool as a string.
Param (
[ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_ -PathType Leaf)})]
[ValidateScript({(Test-Path $_ -PathType Container)})]
Write-Verbose "Running [$($ConfigTest) $($ConfigPath)]..."
$Summary = & $ConfigTest $ConfigPath
$Ret = $?
# pipe through Out-String to preserve line breaks:
$Summary = "$("=" * 80)`n$($Summary | Out-String)`n$("=" * 80)"
if ($Ret) {
Log-Debug "Validated config files at [$($ConfigPath)]:`n$($Summary)"
Return $Ret, $Summary
Log-Error "Config at [$($ConfigPath)] FAILED VALIDATION:`n$($Summary)"
Return $Ret, $Summary
function Find-InstallationPackage {
# Try to locate the latest installation package using the pattern defined
# in the updater configuration.
Write-Verbose "Looking for installation package using pattern: $($Pattern)"
$PkgDir = Get-ChildItem -Path $UpdPathBinaries -Directory -Name |
Where-Object {$_ -match $Pattern} |
Sort-Object |
Select-Object -Last 1
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PkgDir)) {
Log-Error "couldn't find installation package matching '$($Pattern)'!"
$PkgDir = "$($UpdPathBinaries)\$($PkgDir)"
Write-Verbose "Found update installation package: [$($PkgDir)]"
Return $PkgDir
function Copy-ServiceFiles {
# Copy the files from an update package to the service installation
# directory, overwriting existing ones.
# Returns $True for success, $False otherwise.
Write-Verbose "Copying service binaries from [$($UpdPackage)]..."
try {
Copy-Item -Recurse -Force `
-Path "$($UpdPackage)\$($ServiceName)\*" `
-Destination "$InstallationPath"
catch {
Log-Error "Updating service binaries FAILED:`n> $($_.Exception.Message)"
Return $False
Log-Info "Updated service binaries with [$($UpdPackage)]."
Return $True
function Update-ServiceBinaries {
# Stop the tray application and the service, update the service binaries and
# create a marker file indicating the service on this host has been updated.
# Returns $True if binaries were updated successfully and the marker file
# has been created, $False otherwise.
Stop-MyService "Trying to update service using package [$($UpdPackage)]."
$Ret = Copy-ServiceFiles
if (-Not $Ret) {
Return $False
$MarkerFile = "$($UpdPathMarkerFiles)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
try {
New-Item -Type File "$MarkerFile" | Out-Null
Log-Debug "Created marker file [$($MarkerFile)]."
catch {
Log-Error "Creating [$($MarkerFile)] FAILED:`n> $($_.Exception.Message)"
Return $False
if (-Not $ForceServiceCleanup) {
Return $True
Log-Debug "<ForceServiceCleanup> removing status file [$($StatusXml)]"
Remove-Item -Force $StatusXml
Return $True
function ServiceUpdate-Requested {
# Check for a host-specific marker file indicating whether the service
# binaries on this host should be updated.
$MarkerFile = "$($UpdPathMarkerFiles)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
if (Test-Path "$MarkerFile" -Type Leaf) {
Log-Debug "Found marker [$($MarkerFile)], not updating service."
Return $False
Write-Verbose "Marker [$($MarkerFile)] missing, service should be updated!"
Return $True
function Upload-LogFiles {
$Dest = "$($UploadPathLogs)\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)"
New-Item -Force -Type Directory $Dest | Out-Null
try {
Copy-Item -Force -ErrorAction Stop `
-Path "$($LogPath)\AutoTx.log" `
-Destination $Dest
Log-Debug "Uploaded logfile to [$($Dest)]."
catch {
Log-Warning "Uploading logfile FAILED!`n$($_.Exception.Message)"
function Get-HostDescription() {
$ConfigXml = "$($ConfigPath)\$($Desc).xml"
try {
[xml]$XML = Get-Content $ConfigXml -ErrorAction Stop
# careful, we need a string comparison here:
$Desc += " ($($XML.ServiceConfig.HostAlias))"
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "Trying to read the service config from [$($ConfigXml)] failed! "
$msg += "The reported error message was:`n$($ex)"
Log-Error $msg
Return $Desc
function Send-MailReport([string]$Subject, [string]$Body) {
$Body = "Notification from $(Get-HostDescription)`n`n$($Body)"
$Subject = "[$($Me)] $($env:COMPUTERNAME) - $($Subject)"
$msg = "------------------------------`n"
$msg += "From: $($EmailFrom)`n"
$msg += "To: $($EmailTo)`n"
$msg += "Subject: $($Subject)`n`n"
$msg += "Body: $($Body)"
$msg += "`n------------------------------`n"
try {
Send-MailMessage `
-SmtpServer $EmailSMTP `
-From $EmailFrom `
-To $EmailTo `
-Body $Body `
-Subject $Subject `
-ErrorAction Stop
Log-Info -Message "Sent Mail Message:`n$($msg)"
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "Sending email failed!`n`n$($msg)"
$msg += "Exception message: $($ex)"
Log-Warning -Message $msg
function Log-Message([string]$Type, [string]$Message, [int]$Id){
# NOTE: by convention, this script is setting the $Id parameter to match the
# numbers for the output types described in 'Help about_Redirection'
try {
Write-EventLog `
-LogName Application `
-Source $Me `
-Category 0 `
-EventId $Id `
-EntryType $Type `
-Message "[$($Me)]: $($Message)" `
-ErrorAction Stop
$msg = "[EventLog $($Type)/$($Id)]: $($Message)"
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
$msg = "Error logging message (Id=$($Id), Type=$($Type))!`n"
$msg += "--- Log Message ---`n$($Message)`n--- Log Message ---`n"
$msg += "--- Exception ---`n$($ex)`n--- Exception ---"
Write-Verbose $msg
function Log-Warning([string]$Message) {
Log-Message -Type Warning -Message $Message -Id 3
function Log-Error([string]$Message){
Log-Message -Type Error -Message $Message -Id 2
function Log-Info([string]$Message) {
Log-Message -Type Information -Message $Message -Id 1
function Log-Debug([string]$Message) {
if ($UpdaterDebugLogging) {
Log-Message -Type Information -Message $Message -Id 5
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
. $UpdaterSettings
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Host "Error reading settings file: '$($UpdaterSettings)' [$($ex)]"
# NOTE: $MyInvocation is not available when run as ScheduledJob, so we have to
# set a shortcut for our name explicitly ourselves here:
$Me = "$($ServiceName)-Updater"
if (-Not ([System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($Me))) {
try {
New-EventLog -LogName Application -Source $Me
catch {
$ex = $_.Exception.Message
Write-Verbose "Error creating event log source: $($ex)"
Log-Debug "$($Me) started..."
# first check if the service is installed and running at all
$ServiceRunningBefore = ServiceIsRunning $ServiceName
$ConfigPath = "$($InstallationPath)\conf"
$LogPath = "$($InstallationPath)"
$StatusXml = "$($InstallationPath)\status.xml"
$UpdPathConfig = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Configs"
$UpdPathMarkerFiles = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\UpdateMarkers"
$UpdPathBinaries = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Service\Binaries"
$UploadPathLogs = "$($UpdateSourcePath)\Logs"
Exit-IfDirMissing $InstallationPath "installation"
Exit-IfDirMissing $LogPath "log files"
Exit-IfDirMissing $ConfigPath "configuration files"
Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdateSourcePath "update source"
Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathConfig "configuration update"
Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathMarkerFiles "update marker"
Exit-IfDirMissing $UpdPathBinaries "service binaries update"
Exit-IfDirMissing $UploadPathLogs "log file target"
# NOTE: Upload-LogFiles is called before AND after the main tasks to make sure
# the logfiles are uploaded no matter if one of the other tasks fails and
# terminates the entire script:
try {
$UpdItems = @()
$ConfigShouldBeUpdated = NewConfig-Available $ConfigPath
$ServiceShouldBeUpdated = ServiceUpdate-Requested
if (-Not ($ConfigShouldBeUpdated -Or $ServiceShouldBeUpdated)) {
Log-Debug "No update action found to be necessary."
# define where the configuration is located that should be tested:
$ConfigToTest = $ConfigPath
if ($ConfigShouldBeUpdated) {
$ConfigToTest = $UpdPathConfig
$UpdItems += "configuration files"
# define which configuration checker executable to use for testing:
$ConftestExe = "$($InstallationPath)\AutoTxConfigTest.exe"
if ($ServiceShouldBeUpdated) {
$UpdPackage = Find-InstallationPackage
$ConftestExe = "$($UpdPackage)\$($ServiceName)\AutoTxConfigTest.exe"
$UpdItems += "service binaries"
# now we're all set and can run the config test:
$ConfigValid, $ConfigSummary = Config-IsValid $ConftestExe $ConfigToTest
# if we don't have a valid configuration we complain and terminate:
if (-Not ($ConfigValid)) {
Log-Error "Configuration not valid for service, $($Me) terminating!"
Send-MailReport -Subject "Update failed, configuration invalid!" `
-Body $("An update action was found to be necessary, however the"
"configuration didn't`npass the validator.`n`nThe following"
"summary was generated by the configuration checker:"
# reaching this point means
# (1) something needs to be updated (config, service or both)
# (2) the config validates with the corresponding service version
Write-Verbose "Required update items:`n> - $($UpdItems -join "`n> - ")`n"
if ($ConfigShouldBeUpdated) {
$ConfigUpdated = Update-Configuration
if (-Not $ConfigUpdated) {
$msg = "Updating the configuration failed, $($Me) terminating!"
Log-Error $msg
Send-MailReport -Subject "updated failed!" -Body $msg
if ($ServiceShouldBeUpdated) {
$ServiceUpdated = Update-ServiceBinaries
if (-Not $ServiceUpdated) {
$msg = "Updating the service binaries failed, $($Me) terminating!"
Log-Error $msg
Send-MailReport -Subject "updated failed!" -Body $msg
$UpdSummary = "Updated $($UpdItems -join " and ")."
if ($ServiceRunningBefore -Or $ForceServiceCleanup) {
Log-Debug "$($UpdSummary) Trying to start the service..."
} else {
Log-Debug "$($UpdSummary) Leaving the service stopped, as before."
$UpdDetails = $("An $($Me) run completed successfully. Updated items:"
"`n> - $($UpdItems -join "`n> - ")")
if ($ConfigUpdated) {
$UpdDetails += "`n`nConfig validation summary:`n$($ConfigSummary)"
catch {
$UpdDetails = $("Unexpected problem, check logs! $($Me) terminating."
$UpdSummary = "ERROR, unhandled problem occurered!"
Log-Error $UpdDetails
Send-MailReport -Subject "$UpdSummary" -Body "$UpdDetails"
Log-Debug "$($Me) finished."