"""This function allows for changing the parameters after running the program"""
print("The program will run with the following parameters:\nFile name:\t\t",file_name,"\nSource pathway:\t",source_pathway_name,"\nDeposit pathway:\t",deposit_pathway_name,"\n")
parameter_conformation=input("To continue with these parameters input [continue or c] to change them input [edit]\n>")
"""This function searches for preexisting files of the same name as the results file of the current program. It allows the user to choose to move on with the pre-existing file """
"""This function validates that the source file exists at the source path. It turns the file name input in a standardized format that can be used in the next steps"""
"""This function extracts the transcript number ,transcript ID, the transcript support level, the transcrip length and the line index from a gtf file of a given name and saves tham as a new file name given_name_intermediat_file.txt.
Expected input:
file_name: str #the name of the gft file you want to look at without the .gtf part
source_pathway_name: str #path of the gtf file
deposit_pathway_name: str #path for saving the intermediat file"""