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# @ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Welcome to Myosoft - identify fibers! </b></html>") msg1
# @ File (label="Select folder with your images", description="select folder with your images", style="directory") src_dir
# @ String(label="Extension for the images to look for", value="czi") filename_filter
# @ File (label="Select directory for output", style="directory") output_dir
# @ File(label="Cellpose environment folder", style="directory", description="Folder with the cellpose env") cellpose_dir
# @ Boolean (label="close image after processing", description="tick this box when using batch mode", value=False) close_raw
# @ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Morphometric Gates </b></html>") msg2
# @ Integer (label="Min Area [um²]", value=10) minAr
# @ Integer (label="Max Area [um²]", value=6000) maxAr
# @ Double (label="Min Circularity", value=0.5) minCir
# @ Double (label="Max Circularity", value=1) maxCir
# @ Integer (label="Min perimeter [um]", value=5) minPer
# @ Integer (label="Max perimeter [um]", value=300) maxPer
# @ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> Expand ROIS to match fibers </b></html>") msg3
# @ Double (label="ROI expansion [microns]", value=1) enlarge_radius
# @ String (visibility=MESSAGE, value="<html><b> channel positions in the hyperstack </b></html>") msg5
# @ Integer (label="Membrane staining channel number", style="slider", min=1, max=5, value=1) membrane_channel
# @ Integer (label="Fiber staining (MHC) channel number (0=skip)", style="slider", min=0, max=5, value=3) fiber_channel
# @ Integer (label="minimum fiber intensity (0=auto)", description="0 = automatic threshold detection", value=0) min_fiber_intensity
# @ CommandService command

# @ RoiManager rm
# @ ResultsTable rt

# this is a python rewrite of the original ijm published at
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# ─── Requirements ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

# List of update sites needed for the code
# * TrackMate-Cellpose
# * IMCF

# ─── Imports ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

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# IJ imports
# TODO: are the imports RoiManager and ResultsTable needed when using the services?
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# Bio-formats imports
# from loci.plugins import BF
# from import ImporterOptions
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# python imports
import time

from ch.epfl.biop.ij2command import Labels2CompositeRois
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# TrackMate imports
from fiji.plugin.trackmate import Logger, Model, Settings, TrackMate
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from fiji.plugin.trackmate.action import LabelImgExporter
from fiji.plugin.trackmate.cellpose import CellposeDetectorFactory
from fiji.plugin.trackmate.cellpose.CellposeSettings import PretrainedModel
from fiji.plugin.trackmate.features import FeatureFilter
from fiji.plugin.trackmate.providers import (
from fiji.plugin.trackmate.tracking.jaqaman import SparseLAPTrackerFactory
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from ij import IJ
from ij import WindowManager as wm
from ij.measure import ResultsTable
from ij.plugin import Duplicator, ImageCalculator, RoiEnlarger
from imcflibs import pathtools
from imcflibs.imagej import bioformats as bf
from imcflibs.imagej import misc
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# ─── Functions ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
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def fix_ij_options():
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    """Put IJ into a defined state."""
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    # disable inverting LUT"Appearance...", " menu=0 16-bit=Automatic")
    # set foreground color to be white, background black"Colors...", "foreground=white background=black selection=red")
    # black BG for binary images and pad edges when eroding"Options...", "black pad")
    # set saving format to .txt files"Input/Output...", "file=.txt save_column save_row")
    # ============= DON’T MOVE UPWARDS =============
    # set "Black Background" in "Binary Options""Options...", "black")
    # scale when converting = checked"Conversions...", "scale")

def fix_ij_dirs(path):
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    """use forward slashes in directory paths.
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    path : string
        a directory path obtained from dialogue or script parameter

        a more robust path with forward slashes as separators

    fixed_path = str(path).replace("\\", "/")
    # fixed_path = fixed_path + "/"
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    return fixed_path

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def fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(imp):
    """Fix the title of an image read using the bio-formats importer.

    The title is modified to remove the ".czi" extension and replace
    spaces with underscores.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
        The image to be processed.
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        The modified title of the image.
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    image_title = os.path.basename(imp.getShortTitle())
    # remove the ".czi" extension
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    image_title = image_title.replace(".czi", "")
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    # replace spaces with underscores
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    image_title = image_title.replace(" ", "_")
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    # remove any double underscores
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    image_title = image_title.replace("_-_", "")
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    # remove any double underscores
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    image_title = image_title.replace("__", "_")
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    # remove any "#" characters
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    image_title = image_title.replace("#", "Series")

    return image_title

def do_background_correction(imp, gaussian_radius=20):
    """Perform background correction on an image.

    This is done by applying a Gaussian blur to the image and then dividing the
    original image by the blurred image.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
        The image to be corrected.
    gaussian_radius : int
        The radius of the Gaussian filter to be used. Default value is 20.

        The background-corrected image.
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    imp_bgd = imp.duplicate()
        "Gaussian Blur...",
        "sigma=" + str(gaussian_radius) + " scaled",
    return, imp_bgd, "Divide create 32-bit")
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def get_threshold_from_method(imp, channel, method):
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    """Get the value of automated threshold method.

    Returns the threshold value of chosen IJ AutoThreshold method in desired channel.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp from which to get the threshold value
    channel : integer
        the channel in which to get the treshold
    method : string
        the AutoThreshold method to use

        the upper and the lower threshold (integer values)
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    ip = imp.getProcessor()
    ip.setAutoThreshold(method + " dark")
    lower_thr = ip.getMinThreshold()
    upper_thr = ip.getMaxThreshold()

    return lower_thr, upper_thr

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def run_tm(
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    quality_thresh=[0, 0],
    intensity_thresh=[0, 0],
    circularity_thresh=[0, 0],
    perimeter_thresh=[0, 0],
    area_thresh=[0, 0],
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    Function to run TrackMate on open data, applying filters to spots.
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    implus : ij.ImagePlus
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        ImagePlus on which to run the function
    channel_seg : int
        Channel of interest
    cellpose_env : str
        Path to the cellpose environment
    seg_model : PretrainedModel
        Model to use for the segmentation
    diam_seg : float
        Diameter to use for segmentation
    channel_sec : int, optional
        Secondary channel to use for segmentation, by default 0
    quality_thresh : float, optional
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        Threshold for quality filtering, by default None
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    intensity_thresh : float, optional
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        Threshold for intensity filtering, by default None
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    circularity_thresh : float, optional
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        Threshold for circularity filtering, by default None
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    perimeter_thresh : float, optional
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        Threshold for perimeter filtering, by default None
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    area_thresh : float, optional
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        Threshold for area filtering, by default None
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    crop_roi : ROI, optional
        ROI to crop on the image, by default None
    use_gpu : bool, optional
        Boolean to use GPU or not, by default True
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        Label image with the segmented objects
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    # Get image dimensions and calibration
    dims = implus.getDimensions()
    cal = implus.getCalibration()

    # If the image has more than one slice, adjust the dimensions
    if implus.getNSlices() > 1:
        implus.setDimensions(dims[2], dims[4], dims[3])

    # Set ROI if provided
    if crop_roi is not None:

    # Initialize TrackMate model
    model = Model()

    # Prepare settings for TrackMate
    settings = Settings(implus)
    settings.detectorFactory = CellposeDetectorFactory()

    # Configure detector settings
    settings.detectorSettings["TARGET_CHANNEL"] = channel_seg
    settings.detectorSettings["OPTIONAL_CHANNEL_2"] = channel_sec
    settings.detectorSettings["CELLPOSE_PYTHON_FILEPATH"] = os.path.join(
        cellpose_env, "python.exe"
    settings.detectorSettings["CELLPOSE_MODEL_FILEPATH"] = os.path.join(
        os.environ["USERPROFILE"], ".cellpose", "models"
    settings.detectorSettings["CELLPOSE_MODEL"] = seg_model
    settings.detectorSettings["CELL_DIAMETER"] = diam_seg
    settings.detectorSettings["USE_GPU"] = use_gpu
    settings.detectorSettings["SIMPLIFY_CONTOURS"] = True

    settings.initialSpotFilterValue = -1.0

    # Add spot analyzers
    spotAnalyzerProvider = SpotAnalyzerProvider(1)
    spotMorphologyProvider = SpotMorphologyAnalyzerProvider(1)

    for key in spotAnalyzerProvider.getKeys():

    for key in spotMorphologyProvider.getKeys():

    # Apply spot filters based on thresholds
    if any(quality_thresh):
        settings = set_trackmate_filter(settings, "QUALITY", quality_thresh)
    if any(intensity_thresh):
        settings = set_trackmate_filter(
            settings, "MEAN_INTENSITY_CH" + str(channel_seg), intensity_thresh
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    if any(circularity_thresh):
        settings = set_trackmate_filter(settings, "CIRCULARITY", circularity_thresh)
    if any(area_thresh):
        settings = set_trackmate_filter(settings, "AREA", area_thresh)
    if any(perimeter_thresh):
        settings = set_trackmate_filter(settings, "PERIMETER", perimeter_thresh)

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    # Configure tracker
    settings.trackerFactory = SparseLAPTrackerFactory()
    settings.trackerSettings = settings.trackerFactory.getDefaultSettings()
    # settings.addTrackAnalyzer(TrackDurationAnalyzer())
    settings.trackerSettings["LINKING_MAX_DISTANCE"] = 3.0
    settings.trackerSettings["GAP_CLOSING_MAX_DISTANCE"] = 3.0
    settings.trackerSettings["MAX_FRAME_GAP"] = 2

    # Initialize TrackMate with model and settings
    trackmate = TrackMate(model, settings)

    # Check input validity
    if not trackmate.checkInput():

    # Process the data
    if not trackmate.process():
        if "[SparseLAPTracker] The spot collection is empty." in str(
            return IJ.createImage(
                "8-bit black",

    # Export the label image
    # sm = SelectionModel(model)
    exportSpotsAsDots = False
    exportTracksOnly = False
    label_imp = LabelImgExporter.createLabelImagePlus(
        trackmate, exportSpotsAsDots, exportTracksOnly, False
    label_imp.setDimensions(1, dims[3], dims[4])
    implus.setDimensions(dims[2], dims[3], dims[4])
    return label_imp

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def set_trackmate_filter(settings, filter_name, filter_value):
    """Sets a TrackMate spot filter with specified filter name and values.
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    settings : Settings
        TrackMate settings object to which the filter will be added.
    filter_name : str
        The name of the filter to be applied.
    filter_value : list
        A list containing two values for the filter. The first value is
        applied as an above-threshold filter, and the second as a below-threshold filter.
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    filter = FeatureFilter(filter_name, filter_value[0], True)
    filter = FeatureFilter(filter_name, filter_value[1], False)
    return settings
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def delete_channel(imp, channel_number):
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    """Delete a channel from target imp.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp from which to delete target channel
    channel_number : integer
        the channel number to be deleted. starts at 0.
    imp.setC(channel_number), "Delete Slice", "delete=channel")

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def measure_in_all_rois(imp, channel, rm):
    """Gives measurements for all ROIs in ROIManager.
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    Measures in all ROIS on a given channel of imp all parameters that are set in IJ "Set Measurements".
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp to measure on
    channel : integer
        the channel to measure in. starts at 1.
    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
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    rm.runCommand(imp, "Deselect")
    rm.runCommand(imp, "Measure")
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def change_all_roi_color(rm, color):
    """Cchange the color of all ROIs in the RoiManager.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    color : string
        the desired color. e.g. "green", "red", "yellow", "magenta" ...
    number_of_rois = rm.getCount()
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    for roi in range(number_of_rois):
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        rm.runCommand("Set Color", color)

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def change_subset_roi_color(rm, selected_rois, color):
    """Change the color of selected ROIs in the RoiManager.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    selected_rois : array
        ROIs in the RoiManager to change
    color : string
        the desired color. e.g. "green", "red", "yellow", "magenta" ...
    rm.runCommand("Set Color", color)

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def show_all_rois_on_image(rm, imp):
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    """Shows all ROIs in the ROiManager on imp.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp on which to show the ROIs
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    rm.runCommand(imp, "Show All")
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def save_all_rois(rm, target):
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    """Save all ROIs in the RoiManager as zip to target path.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    target : string
        the path in to store the ROIs. e.g. /my-images/
    rm.runCommand("Save", target)

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def save_selected_rois(rm, selected_rois, target):
    """Save selected ROIs in the RoiManager as zip to target path.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    selected_rois : array
        ROIs in the RoiManager to save
    target : string
        the path in to store the ROIs. e.g. /my-images/
    rm.runCommand("save selected", target)

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def enlarge_all_rois(amount_in_um, rm, pixel_size_in_um):
    """Enlarges all ROIs in the RoiManager by x scaled units.
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    amount_in_um : float
        the value by which to enlarge in scaled units, e.g 3.5
    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    pixel_size_in_um : float
        the pixel size, e.g. 0.65 px/um
    amount_px = amount_in_um / pixel_size_in_um
    all_rois = rm.getRoisAsArray()
    for roi in all_rois:
        enlarged_roi = RoiEnlarger.enlarge(roi, amount_px)

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def select_positive_fibers(imp, channel, rm, min_intensity):
    """Select ROIs in ROIManager based on intensity in specific channel.

    For all ROIs in the RoiManager, select ROIs based on intensity measurement in given channel of imp.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp on which to measure
    channel : integer
        the channel on which to measure. starts at 1
    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    min_intensity : integer
        the selection criterion (here: intensity threshold)
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        a selection of ROIs which passed the selection criterion (are above the threshold)
    all_rois = rm.getRoisAsArray()
    selected_rois = []
    for i, roi in enumerate(all_rois):
        stats = imp.getStatistics()
        if stats.mean > min_intensity:

    return selected_rois
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def preset_results_column(rt, column, value):
    """Pre-set values in selected column from the ResultsTable.

    Pre-set all rows in given column of the IJ-ResultsTable with desired value.
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    rt : ResultsTable
        a reference of the IJ-ResultsTable
    column : string
        the desired column. will be created if it does not yet exist
    value : string or float or integer
        the value to be set
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    for i in range(rt.size()):
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        rt.setValue(column, i, value)"Results")

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def add_results(rt, column, row, value):
    """Adds a value in desired rows of a given column.
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    rt : ResultsTable
        a reference of the IJ-ResultsTable
    column : string
        the column in which to add the values
    row : array
        the row numbers in which too add the values.
    value : string or float or integer
        the value to be set
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    for i in range(len(row)):
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        rt.setValue(column, row[i], value)"Results")

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def enhance_contrast(imp):
    """Use "Auto" Contrast & Brightness settings in each channel of imp.
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    imp : ij.ImagePlus
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        the imp on which to change C&B
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    for channel in range(imp.getDimensions()[2]):
        imp.setC(channel + 1)  # IJ channels start at 1
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def renumber_rois(rm):
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    """Rename all ROIs in the RoiManager according to their number.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    number_of_rois = rm.getCount()
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    for roi in range(number_of_rois):
        rm.rename(roi, str(roi + 1))
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def setup_defined_ij(rm, rt):
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    """Set up a clean and defined Fiji user environment.
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    rm : RoiManager
        a reference of the IJ-RoiManager
    rt : ResultsTable
        a reference of the IJ-ResultsTable
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# ─── Main Code ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
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if __name__ == "__main__":
    execution_start_time = time.time()
    misc.timed_log("Script starting")
    setup_defined_ij(rm, rt)
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    file_list = pathtools.listdir_matching(
        src_dir.getPath(), filename_filter, fullpath=True
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    out_dir_info = pathtools.parse_path(output_dir)
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    for index, file in enumerate(file_list):
        # open image using Bio-Formats
        file_info = pathtools.parse_path(file)
        misc.progressbar(index + 1, len(file_list), 1, "Opening : ")
        raw = bf.import_image(file_info["full"])[0]
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        # get image info
        raw_image_calibration = raw.getCalibration()
        raw_image_title = fix_BF_czi_imagetitle(raw)
        print("raw image title: ", str(raw_image_title))
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        # take care of paths and directories
        output_dir = os.path.join(
            out_dir_info["full"], str(raw_image_title), "1_identify_fibers"
        print("output_dir: ", str(output_dir))
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        if not os.path.exists(str(output_dir)):
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        # update the log for the user
        misc.timed_log("Now working on " + str(raw_image_title))
        if raw_image_calibration.scaled() is False:
                "Your image is not spatially calibrated! Size measurements are only possible in [px]."
        # Only print it once since we'll use the same settings everytime
        if index == 0:
            IJ.log(" -- settings used -- ")
            IJ.log("area = " + str(minAr) + "-" + str(maxAr))
            IJ.log("perimeter = " + str(minPer) + "-" + str(maxPer))
            IJ.log("circularity = " + str(minCir) + "-" + str(maxCir))
            IJ.log("ROI expansion [microns] = " + str(enlarge_radius))
            IJ.log("Membrane channel = " + str(membrane_channel))
            IJ.log("MHC positive fiber channel = " + str(fiber_channel))
            # IJ.log("sub-tiling = " + str(tiling_factor))
            IJ.log(" -- settings used -- ")
Laurent Guerard's avatar
Laurent Guerard committed

        # image (pre)processing and segmentation (-> ROIs)# imp, firstC, lastC, firstZ,
        # lastZ, firstT, lastT
        membrane = Duplicator().run(raw, membrane_channel, membrane_channel, 1, 1, 1, 1)
        imp_bgd_corrected = do_background_correction(membrane)"Conversions...", "scale"), "16-bit", "")

        imp_result = run_tm(
            area_thresh=[minAr, maxAr],
            circularity_thresh=[minCir, maxCir],
            perimeter_thresh=[minPer, maxPer],
            os.path.join(output_dir, raw_image_title + "_all_fibers_binary"),
        ), True, "rm", rm, "imp", imp_result).get()

        enlarge_all_rois(enlarge_radius, rm, raw_image_calibration.pixelWidth)
            rm, os.path.join(output_dir, raw_image_title + "")

        # check for positive fibers
        if fiber_channel > 0:
            if min_fiber_intensity == 0:
                min_fiber_intensity = get_threshold_from_method(
                    raw, fiber_channel, "Mean"
                IJ.log("automatic intensity threshold detection: True")

            IJ.log("fiber intensity threshold: " + str(min_fiber_intensity))
            change_all_roi_color(rm, "blue")
            positive_fibers = select_positive_fibers(
                raw, fiber_channel, rm, min_fiber_intensity
            change_subset_roi_color(rm, positive_fibers, "magenta")
                    output_dir, raw_image_title + ""

        # measure size & shape, save
            "Set Measurements...",
            "area perimeter shape feret's redirect=None decimal=4",
        )"Clear Results", "")
        measure_in_all_rois(raw, membrane_channel, rm)

        rt = ResultsTable.getResultsTable("Results")

        # print(rt.size())

        if fiber_channel > 0:
            # print(rt.size())
            preset_results_column(rt, "MHC Positive Fibers (magenta)", "NO")
            # print(rt.size())
            add_results(rt, "MHC Positive Fibers (magenta)", positive_fibers, "YES")
            # print(rt.size()), raw_image_title + "_all_fibers_results.csv"))
        # print("saved the all_fibers_results.csv")
        # dress up the original image, save a overlay-png, present original to the user
        show_all_rois_on_image(rm, raw)
            "From ROI Manager", ""
        )  # ROIs -> overlays so they show up in the saved png
        qc_duplicate = raw.duplicate()
            qc_duplicate, "PNG", output_dir + "/" + raw_image_title + "_all_fibers"
        wm.toFront(raw.getWindow())"Remove Overlay", "")
        show_all_rois_on_image(rm, raw)

        IJ.saveAs("Text", str(output_dir + "/" + raw_image_title + "_all_fibers_Log"))

        if close_raw == True:

    total_execution_time_min = (time.time() - execution_start_time) / 60.0
    IJ.log("total time in minutes: " + str(total_execution_time_min))
    IJ.log("~~ all done ~~")