Aug 26, 2017–Mar 16, 2018
VAMP AutoTransfer v2
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- Storage space monitoring is not triggering notifications.
- On some machines checking CPU load fails.
- Inherited ACLs on destination ignored.
- Transfer not working on Windows Server 2012
- Provide script to add service account to performance monitor group.
- Make log level configurable.
- Explain updater usage.
- Explain email templates in Readme
- Add version information to email footer.
- Make updater register the tray app for auto-start.
- Minimize set of mandatory configuration parameters.
- Validate new config files before updating them.
- Make updater shut down tray app if necessary.
- Report overall transfer progress.
- Add human readable timespan representation to outputs.
- Automatically convert bytes into reasonable human-readable units.
- Use FileSystemWatcher in tray app
- Create a command line validation tool for config and status files.
- Move XML wrapper classes into their own library.
- Use host-specific temporary transfer folders.
- Allow for common and host-specific config files.
- Periodically upload the log file to the destination.
- Integrate latest version of RoboSharp.
- Merge RoboSharp changes (cleanups) back upstream.
- Allow auto-update of the service binaries and config file.
- Make sure SourceDrive is a local drive.
- Auto-create user directories in incoming.
- Wait a little between finishing one transfer and starting the next one.
- Send an email when the service gets shut down during a transfer.
- Check if directories are valid.
- Move log and status files to a subdirectory.
- Collect Admin messages between two notification emails. [REJECTED]
- Use NLog for logging.
- Create systray transfer monitor.
- Check storage in local "done" folder on completed transfer